Advertisements & Notices

... WOOLLEN CLOTHS. LINEN DRAPERY, &o. BY MR. T. BRANCH, On Tuesday next, the 22nd instantt at Eleven o'clock, at the Hanover Roome, . A OUT 40 Ends and Half-Ends of BROAD and PLAIN CLOTHS, of fashionable colours, FANCY TROU. SElISNGS of various kinds, and a quantity of LINEN DRA- PERY. CLOA1S, MANTLES, dm. The DrnperY ltriD~lP~llY onusists of Sundries left uncleared at formaer Saea, and will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL. SL IEATRFOR OYAL NIGUTONLY. A 31.1 T E U R P E R F O AlfN4 N C E! On AXON IeAY Asslmst 4, tl, otn hielsich occasion sereral dis- thig-uilshed Brsistol tall? Clifton Amnateill5 IN-ill hav~e til hone1( of appearing. The psrforiiasscc will CDmmllence With Colman's stcrling Comedy of THF, EHFIIt-AT- LAW. Daniel Dowlas, by thle Geltlenanf who was so sucoessful in Slhyloek. -a lb odn Piek ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. SIGNOR PUZZI respectfully informs the Nobi- Aplietyen fo BoeSalstnhjie ob ae ?? that r ope, Subscribers to the Opera, his Friends, and h ?? li, toat n NEFIT will take place n hTHRSDA NEXT, Jl e which occasio. will be presented Donizetri's celebrated opera, ANNA fOLENA. Characters by Signor Lablache, Signr Meriar. Siggerc Brambilla. Madame Grist. and dldtle Rosetti. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LJDI l llEWPlN.] TO THE DEpTl'I'Y CIIAIRMAN OtF TIIF DERBY AND Cl;VEW LINE O1F RAILWAY. Sir-l beg to aelinowclgedg tile receipt at ?? frotlI vellr Conilllittee, couttifil jog a moet insolent 'inolillioll ptirporlhtng to have been diranlil np Oll tile I Iti instant. With respect, however, to the ecsoliutionf, l ito not intend to eonformil to our wisiles te when I airst lent my alone to tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIDER BY ARTCTION. C EO. C. HYNDMAN will SELL by AUCTION G at the MART, No. 7, CASTLE-PLACE on THURSDAYnext, the 17thJuly instant, atOINEo'cil: 27 Hlids Rich Sweet CIDEl?. f Belfast, I Ith July, 184.. (49 ILADKE 'WH ADINIG'& ilY 1C Uq6L, 3, CLARENCE-PLACE, BELFAST, Conductedl by Line ir sses Viewt. USINESS will be RESUMED in this Establis Bment, after Midsummer Vacation, on TUESDA gy the 5th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kl, .,irEi M -Mb l~v o 5rD UJLSTER~ 91AIIVAVY. MAZE RlCES-IR IDUCED FARES lr public nre informed that, for the accommod, tion T of Parties attendling tho MAZE RACES, a) the regular Trains will stop at tie Station near the Course, deriaig the Week coimmilencinig on MONDAY, the 21st TIME TABLE. zTIp. D111041 1. FROM F11. j FMRO BrFrAST. MAZE STATION. PORTADOWN 'MAZE STATION .~ C I. IH. Di. 11. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIME WORKS WONDERS, In Music aS in other things. Just published, a new work, entitled Uil ISIC WITHOUT A MASTER! Writtenbyllum-1 MW phrey Scott: in Parts, One Shilling each, being a complete instruction for the Pianoforte, S iging, Viuln1, Plute, and Music in general. W This work forms a new era in the science of music in England, and Is the best book that lias ever appearea for the practical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT, Lie lM nchester, and Newcas5 tle-uP flq'ne Junction Railway. (sPROVISONALLY 1LPGISTEtED) CAPITAL, £2,000,000. InjSD,000 Shares of £25 Each.-Deposit £l 7s. 6d. per Share. Under the Sanction of the following Noblemen and Gentle- qnen, Proprietors of Estates in, or otherwise connected with, lanonehire, Yorkshire, Durhamn &c. juis Grace the Duke of Devonshire, li.Gl., &c. Xis Grace the Duke of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIES by STEAM.-I I i'-potaropcket Clittpafly's hhip5 leave South- , t~oofads rawith, takitig a limited qurn~ litm Ir i-,JtsiiSt. lThommtas. and Bornrtula.- am th onpamty'6 otfice, ! am 0 l~i~ 0~oftit~itup~imt 1 antr, Mir. G.I o~midot, mit wil cart and forwttrd flmaatr-i to t~ 5 by ~ 1e atcaint at their . ondptshtc~tttflt f r ol lacsretcceiveo otloot~0 ?? imstime terams asl I: HIPLL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - EXTCAN BONDS--Tbe COtltnlttee rrf Spanisl American Bontlholders reqest a MEETINQii oi the HOLDERS of Mexican Bonds, at tho London Tavnern, onednesday nest, the 2d July, at Ono fur Two o'clock precisely, for tho purpo of cotisidering the CORRESPONDENCE which ?? recently pas If eotween the Committee and Mestrs. John Schneider and Co. van Messrs. P. de Lizardi and Co., respecting the Iinidends. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUSSEX MEMORIAL.-A PUBLIC MEET- i INGof the SUBSCRIBERS to the Sussex Memorial will be held on Monday, the 140h day of July instant, at Two o'clock 1i the afternoon, at W'illis's Boomsu, King-street, St. James's, for the pur- pose of determining on the appropriation of the subscriptions in aid of the Memorial to the Memory of his late Royal Hilghleb s the Duke of Sussex. Subscriptions already ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. FLETCHIER'S ANNUAL AUCTION o 40 LONG-WVOOLLEt SIHEARLIN(I RAMS will be held at Slipton Sollars, near Andoversford, (iioucestearslire, on Mon- day next the 21st of July, when Mr. F. will be pleased to see ilis friends as usual 'The Sheep may be seen at any reasonable tihe before the ?? to commence at ?? o'clock. LYNE and. COTEIR, Auctioneers. OXFOIDSIRI'RE-A CO PACT ESTATF. j0 t S A B1 1 Y A ...