Advertisements & Notices

... TrlfPLE OF MUSIC, MOUND, N] OV y FVENING, at Eight Q'Clock. Pro ?? S ,1r' 1V.OURTLAY. Inte of the Theatres 0 rI~i olwyork Hul, Leeds, &e. nhdiqb9 ?? & yOVEL ENTERTAINTMENTS. , B fues, ls. Fit, 6d. t am .. a annoanced billS. SP CLyDESDALE BANKL 1YEABLY IMYIDEND, at the rate of Six ?? sn aua, will he paid to the Shareoslders al-ptgceot~~ ~ ~ prnce lrivtost August. ¶J0nshof'fSuck rwill be paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOUTII-EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. -NOTICE of CALL.-The Directors baving this day resolved to make a CALL of FOUR POUNDS per SHARE on every (£32) share in this aardertaking created onl thle 19th day of March, 1844, thle proprietors are hereby required to pay the name on or before Tauesady, the 5tir day of 4vugust next, to any oft tire untiar-rnea. fioned bankers,- Loardon-Meesrs. Olyn. Hialliflla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AAUGIIAM'S PA TENTED CARRHARA .L J.W -li.nt aoesale agent, mr. ARCHIBALD DJN- 1.01', 73, Uipper Thatnoa-street, Loildon.- Mr. Dunlopoj bogs loeavc :0-l cti ully 1o acqitlatit the nubilitv, gietry, and tile Public io ce- thilt Ile lies obt~itoed thle appoitntment of sold sebolosete agent for ?? ?? thle anoose Poatetnt at-ralttd meter. tir. )iauguait 'lurilig t ?? c.3arse Of chem~ical iuveotatit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HEEAST INDIATEACOMPANY.-Thesys. tern ofbuoinesspursoed by ?? long series of years has defied the competition of a host of ephemeral opponents, and at tile same time given universal satisfaction to the public. Teas were never known to be so excellent at their prices as at the present moment. Bags of Cibs eacsr may now be obtained, through the East India Tea Company, for 2'is., 21s., and even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON CENTRAL JUNCTION.-Regis- tered according to act of Parliament.-For connecting ail the 7aelways, farming an outlet far goods and nmerchandise at the pact of london, and likewise a mean, at relieving the overwhelming etreet traffic af thle metrapaolis by means of R tunnel similar to Liverpool. 7urther infarmation, with the name, of the directors, and prospectuts, may be obtained at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J')A''ITONIZEI BY l-li I lA.JESTVS'S S'TATll) NElII 11s1(OFI : li M II1RIIdl,'S Rl{EtOIS'T'RA'Ti'ION INK, i 1.1 on o maiiacturetl tir tire iic of Igiatralrsoft B irt j, ti Dcatls, ndl Al arringes, mnd warrantedl imde with gaills. II 'his ?? k has received its present reputation ftroin tbc results of chemical tests, made uinder authority. 1I SolIl wholesale ait the IlanuIcatory, No. 14!), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .kt the ALLa (ir C1 v.;orncceI. LonlCT11;.11 on Breereitfi r o' 3590 BALES of A1JSTRA~L[AN, SOUTH,4I 35 0 A tttiTrtAU.lXN. oVtlt:' yhg ItI LAND. adCAPEI'V/ibiif'. Calooeeins nt I iroke 'iI S~aiva~dcriteoir. I'hiitv, ianc Court. I 21ii, BIvi-origitte Stree~t, Londonri WOOL SAEat EDIty1tiRCi.11 'Within then S.f,:le r,:, .f th1, Srtiocltncre. Ian 7&eerz' u, A jbcftele,-l/ Ju.-j. at ?? ?? at Noon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,TU3., NORITHERN STAR, AND {INA TR~2;: JOURNAL. tqS'~B1ASIED inLeedSin1831., and since then the J.leaditsg rrovinct'.l journal in tuse lijsgdotm, i o published at NO. 345, Struits4, London. Tite object of~ the proprietor in establishittg the gsrtusero Sta wa t lunisi fcrlcs nd faithful organ for she representatiott of the Labeuring Classes, wrhose interests from time immrsneoria have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... }E TYNESIDE AGRICULTURAL SO-' T1. CIETY will holdtheir Annual Show at Hexham, O tbe 19th of August next, when the Premiums and 5~~estaee i~lbe warded as 11sual. as of theirerniums and the Rules of Competition ~es beobaind fomthe Secretary, or Mr Edward trie s ?? will be received until the 12th of Aiguet. WM. HUNT, Hon. Secretary. Didstcf, July 8th, 1845. 2000, 4000, or 6000, plesly to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., aled as. each B #*oPest-fr 00 Ss..l and 12s, W RAY'S BALSAMIC PILS.-Th-a Su- / periorityof WRAY'SBALSAMICPrLLS overrCoptia, CabebS, and every other medicine, in the cure of gonorrhesa, gleets, strictures, seminal weakness, whites, pains In the lobes, affections of the kidneys, gravel, lumbago, local. debility, io-itation of the bladder or urethra, and ether diseases of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGRIflJLTUR18T-, CA t, -12 COMPAN, :: ?? To FARfEu), i 7O ?? . . rWANTED,:imi-edihtlitZW erxo 1lbi g, . s INSPECTOR FOR THIS .DISTRICT. I, - rau -possess: the- confidence of ?? oi ihat lh*i )DUrhOod both as regards his Competency and b ty Appli to CHARLES RICARDS 8,-BefiCtrus Exeter. - - r ts NORTH TAWTX, -DEVO m C be SOLD at Audtion, by Mr. J. LUrnvr at . the GOstBYIa Awxit i Nortll'Tato ,ri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR QU BECwith Goods F.CALVT and CD'asseLondonthe FastDsaililig Ship LOR MU GRIAVE, JOHN Lcaiss, Master, 417rTons. To Sa i a otail the Midd le , ofthis M onth. Apply to JOHN BRODRICK & SON, Hull, July, 1845. 21, High-Street. F OR COPENHAGEN, the fine . vessel ADOLPH, Capt.LYXnonRP, is now loading, and will positively Sail A k next Week, to be succeeded by the Chris- tine Marie, Capt.. Lorentzen ...