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Advertisements & Notices

... J')A''ITONIZEI BY l-li I lA.JESTVS'S S'TATll) NElII 11s1(OFI : li M II1RIIdl,'S Rl{EtOIS'T'RA'Ti'ION INK, i 1.1 on o maiiacturetl tir tire iic of Igiatralrsoft B irt j, ti Dcatls, ndl Al arringes, mnd warrantedl imde with gaills. II 'his ?? k has received its present reputation ftroin tbc results of chemical tests, made uinder authority. 1I SolIl wholesale ait the IlanuIcatory, No. 14!), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. FLETCHIER'S ANNUAL AUCTION o 40 LONG-WVOOLLEt SIHEARLIN(I RAMS will be held at Slipton Sollars, near Andoversford, (iioucestearslire, on Mon- day next the 21st of July, when Mr. F. will be pleased to see ilis friends as usual 'The Sheep may be seen at any reasonable tihe before the ?? to commence at ?? o'clock. LYNE and. COTEIR, Auctioneers. OXFOIDSIRI'RE-A CO PACT ESTATF. j0 t S A B1 1 Y A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHSEA BEACH. jj j l; 1`10 l,1N(GSWOR'T'I) has the Itonuor to e lS. iounice, th-SOIiRIEFS4 tadhlplaee every Id t ottdcly lEvenling, from nille [ill twelve o'cluck. Non-Subscriberns' Ticket , 3s. tl. ene hl. T 'flith ccext GIRAID) RALI, vill be held about the I lith of Augast. s AULT''A INS NEW NAVI ?? Ni. 23, rwv-illbe reaiiy filr delivery tin the Ist of Auguac. I This WIork contains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUANO. ClUANO0, hinect from the Importers, BONTE DUST, G best hord. WOOLLEN RAGS, aridother MAN'URES, rasy be ha its any (11-aitily, on5 applications to Jonis EAiG Canal Wh/arf; Oxlbrd. Cirencester Agricultural Society, 1845. Ple Annual 1,0l'/ossls~lyiitc/se-opoui to Public Comeisptition. HVlE PRIZES given for the encouragement of good TPloug-hing w~ill be, competed for in a field belonging, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD)SHIRELT LAW SOCIETY. P' M liE iu-yet-ly M~eetilng or thle MellnberdZ of this I .ocot.YwMH be field at ?? Inn, Oxfor'd, orr Arloirday JAMES LOVELOCK?, late of the Hime and Houinds. Inn, Writlingtoii, begs most cordi~ajll to trader ?? SIreerei thankhs to thle Nobility, Genitry, and his Priiends, for the liheral l'atronage lie litis received at their hands during his stay at thle above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAX1'CY REPOSITORY, 29, CORN MARKET STREET. R>[S. RosE, respectfully acquailnts her numerous ilV frriruds and the public generally that, in Co Iseqou0iree of the many app1lications made to hre: by Ladies for Sevants, slhe line openedl a ItFUISTERil OFFICIE, anid ihupes tu receivc a share of their kiind patronage. N. 3. Servants speedily provided with Situatioels on appliication to Mrs. IRose, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,A1) I HES SE L ECT S EIMI NA RY, 7, Bheretrers RSIteet, St. Alsatef's. 17 RRS. WLLAIAM EAT1ON r'epectfully infornis ?? 1 lie), friends fil idiinrdl and. its vicinit that thle duties of hor 8MO~~iOL wviil be resoimedI onl 'Lrtesday te211th instant, and that she has a f~, v'acancies for I,M sliers or Day Pupils, in addi- tionl to her present, limited rirtuiber' also an Articlod Pupil re- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF tr HE ISLE OI WIGHT RACES tahe place A IC onl ?? and Thlursday, July 23rd. and tc d 2ith, on the Cuourse at Al ilh)pingham. 5. biTE WARDs: 'e Lord Alexlander RussellI, e0 ~Charles Wykcltam Martin, Esq., uI I.P 1 RA:ES: f It Firsl Day-The Miaiden Pliate, the Garrison Sitakcs, IA 'e the Ladies Prize, and the Hack Staken. atl A Second Day-The Isle of' Wight Cnp, the Seili;g at e Stakes, tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTH STREET, CHICHESTER, TUTI1 l R.LLJEN be'g to annotince that er extensive M . suite of d11 illincry and Fancy Dress Roomis are now supplied with every novelty adapted to the present season; -DRESS BONNETS of efery description. An ele~gant variety of FASHIONABLE NANTI.ES, ion o Silk, Lacc, Musxlin, &c.: plain antn, faney dtaivs, L~eghorti, Chips, Rice, Stratws, &c &c. The tiewest pri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HtIE 611,kMMAR SCHOO1,, Chipping-Norton, Vf vill re-open on Wednesdny the 13thl instant. Mr. ITAlRlIEY takes this opportunity to thlank bis fi-ends for the liberal patronage he has enkjoyed, and to assure them of his zealous endeavours to cherish and promote the moral and in- tellectual imprnovelment of his pupils, and also of lis own anl Mrs. Il.'s study to ?? for the comfort and happiness of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRTHS. At Porisnmout, on the Ist inst. the lady ot the Rev. T. P. Prescott, o; a daughter. On the 290h ultimo. at Gloucester Place, Seuthsea, the wife ot Staff Surgeon Armsirong, of a son. At Emsivorlb, on the.24th June, the wire of George Miller, Esq, Surgeon, of a'daughter. MARRIED. At St. George's, Hanover.Square, London, Captain Hill, it.N. to Amelia, daughter of H. P. Boyce, Esq. I and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be LET, at Ensham,-Tivo new genteel COT- T AGES eacel consisting of two sitting rooms and three bed r-ooms, with litchen, out-lhouses, garden, punmp, &c. Rent very moderate. For particulars inquire of MI. Jonathan Arnatt. Ensliin,. £.350,000, A ' 3J-- per Cenit to be LENT upon Mortgage of AI. eligible Landed Securities, for termls of years, in sums from X20,000 and upwards; and from £2,000 ...