Advertisements & Notices

... bl? suction. LONDONAPRANIG BY MIR. T RNH On Monday next, thq 4th, an Tusate5h Instant, at Elsv5n a elork moh da J, St ?? AL N extensive an~ ?? London ,M anoisctrtid PAPERI1 HANGINGS, of excellent Mali ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURTHER REDUCTION f iNM R ' 2veRy DE5SIiPTIOrIoNO UMEDRESSES AND FAN&CY GOODS JONAT d8,1BOLD.STREET. r O NLAN GDALE invites the Ladies of Liver, weal oland Cheshire to the ?? Goods. which bare been5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I N' TII xii3-,.C a~t JhrTaitlfirit . lih iu ut ,01 tlL' zo; reite c ,-i adxhxrt'' Xl '1 - il i lvictlll 16 -r 'If 1..ct t- ?? i I1 j tt'i' Ir S -. ' i-i' ?? II it A ?? 'Vi x A, ?? 0 L. 112 p .txvi-' i it I i Ii I' i ~ ~ ~ A~ !I o ?? ?? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 't At- * Ii'- O ¼'etiiti 0-'I ?? il ilI A IIrI lW lP 4 4 II I ~ ~ ~ ~ II' So iii - ?? ?? I, i;. ¼ lix - ?? i II ?? A tit. ;,Ill it .-II: ?? A I t, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSE'MENTS. Mons BOUTlGNY'S EXPERIMENTS on the FREEZING of WATER in RED-HOT CRtUCIBLES, &c., will be reirated by Dr. Ryan, in his Lecture on the C.AUSES of EXPLO- U -uIONn5 in SrEAM-BOILERS, daily at Half-past Three, and in the tiveniiegs ot Mondays, Wednesdays, nid Fridays at Nine, nt its ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITOTIOtN. Tthe Atrnospheric Baul- wasy, carrylrlg from six to vijlht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY SPECIAL. APP TMO1TT :T : E ' -DOW,~ J~ SCiENTIVIOALtY iDmP A- U fl j U ALEL4ZUX4JJAERO ?? . ?? OPFTCIAN TO HER Gk3 8TY1'&4 !oi pe. Author of a 2WIdb o id.o, 4' . 6, HIGH St T, G PPOWAZUST*Ut.i aI *1~ BE greatec a t *Ae ., Iof Spcotacil to AM D4e00 tlY9 's YlP~ nearly TWUNT? years needs no i r A. A.'i ?? ?? from the most eminent soon In th dom, and uo * tinguoihed fmiliei p .asbpvyI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a _I EXETER, TOPSHIAM, AND EXMQUTH RAILWAY. Capial-£l20,000 in 4,800 Shares of £25 each. XTOT iCE is hereby givon, that in consoquence of the t. nw: nber of Shares applied for in this Company alrye ily greatly k xeeding tho amount roquired, no firther apjldicetitio0a. for Sharyv Nvill be receivod aoter WEDNESDAYT, the '3rd (i SEPTEMBER noxt. By order of the Provisional Comminittee, THOMAS MAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF THE HIGH UNREDEEMED PLEDGES BY AUCTION, 0OF TriO QU1TABLE LOAN COMPANY of SCOTLAND, E 4, MsILNE SQuARV,/ (GEORIIE8rDGE, Manag-er, alid sole oating Plsreoer), deposited psior to May 1844, takes pinee at WALKER'S AGENCY OFFICE, Soerot BRtDGE, on Tuas day aitd Wrdntesary, 12th ned t3ail Augost 1845, incrltding Eighty Gold and Sitrar lYatciaes, of Chronometer, Patent Lc- ver, and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Publihed, Sixteenth Editiii, ilustratedC7 fsll-ength engravigsp, jrice 23. M., in 8cale 50'c05 rte and sent free to any pots of the kit , on , en* t of a post-ofice orderfor 3s, Ct 'on lie ?? - 'THE SECRET COMPANION MEDICAL WORK on nervous debilit a F A cealed cavsQ of the decline Of Physical andc ther5 loss of mental capacity, with remarks on the solitary indulgente, negglected gonotric t, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI~TYENLIATJGFLEIBE VELVET pER~lING'S FIn entilltitil_ Flexible Hants maiy be1 oba iidi Ieci' ik xii Valvet, front 8s. Gd, to I ofsi i;i~ii0 ojie hu~ndred dfftiereat sliopies, to suit contur. 1'e~n,,'beetLivery Hlats, at ifs. ; Youths' indl o Getltiel'O los en1d CaIps ofevery descriptioii.-CECIL ft'Slt, ClStraiid, nlad 251, Btcgeiit-sirt't ~'-Copy tile addtres,, anod buy iwhere you can be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE DIRECT LONDOON and MANfhESTE: ,, RA)ILWAY (Provisionlrly R-ginered).-Offices, 48, Mour- pttr.eeteet, Londot. tB; ±a.5,0tS000, in 100,000 shares of 500 Daeei Dpqstt fl 159.ptrrb#o. 1` A6V1hLQiA1, C'MMIrTrrrZ. Park, Yorkshire The Lord lotsltidres ah Dall, Windsor olonel the Righit 3on. George Lionel Damwso Darner, M.P., 6, TlneyIstreet, Park-lane jieeuteS55t.Cllone tie Honourable Johnb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVTERPOOL AND IMENAI B3RIDGE, ;'Lc Powefucrq1l anld ?? NeTCAv Iroll steam11er, C j& 11K MD at YLA CAP41TI'N JOHN IIUN'JCER, . 5aM3fMD teayLf( a93e N-eYunni M'DIclgSe Every TUESDAY, THR1JIISDAY, and SATUIR- ,DAY Morningls, at Nile o'clock; and ; Ge-S'e's. l1-er4 eLireir-jcooI, E]Very MON\Tl)DY, WEIDNESDAY, and FRIl- 1AY Mornings, at ;E even precisely. PRICE & CASE. I ,;verpool, 26th July, 1S4 ...