Advertisements & Notices

... LIVTERPOOL AND IMENAI B3RIDGE, ;'Lc Powefucrq1l anld ?? NeTCAv Iroll steam11er, C j& 11K MD at YLA CAP41TI'N JOHN IIUN'JCER, . 5aM3fMD teayLf( a93e N-eYunni M'DIclgSe Every TUESDAY, THR1JIISDAY, and SATUIR- ,DAY Morningls, at Nile o'clock; and ; Ge-S'e's. l1-er4 eLireir-jcooI, E]Very MON\Tl)DY, WEIDNESDAY, and FRIl- 1AY Mornings, at ;E even precisely. PRICE & CASE. I ,;verpool, 26th July, 1S4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --Tj1iAYRE R O YAL, DUBLIN. d appearance of the unrivalled artiste, Mdlle. g([ who iS engaged to perform in this city for I Niclht only. it being her farewell visit, as she re- , frof' tie rstage after this 8seaon, and will never again ?? the jjritish IFland%. No other opportunity can be f14A of seeing the First Danseuse the world has ever °iai~e' TAGLON1 will be supported by Madame rl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ji'4)YAL, DUBLIN. n CAuCRAFT begs respectfully to announce 4 la. beika I aoxious ig gratify the Publac with everN s trlction, he has. at an enormous xeeeu ILOOe o, ,aee,,lt *-ith the unrivalled Artiste AtJ wto MADAME TAGLIONI gl in this city. ft'r Four Nights only, it being her if ,1 Vijio, as sbo retires from the stage after this sea- iee ,il toeser again visit the British Islands. No cp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOUTFIVARK ELECTION.-The COMMIT- is TEE for conducting the ELECTION of Mr. MPLCHER SIT DAILY at the London-bridge Hotel, and earnestly request the co-operation of their brother electors. J. ELDEN MOULDEN, Secretary. PUBLIC AMUSEMENT& ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- The experiment of iREEZING WATER in a RED HOT CRU- CHILE is shown by Dr. Ryan in his lecture on the Causes of Explo- sions in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ERLIN and FANCY REPOSITORY to be BI DISPOSED OF, situate in a highly respectable and popu- laos, noightsairhlood about 2Y5 niles frain the Exchange. The bust- steis has beon long established, and may bo entered upon on very ad' a'rtager'ss terms, thle delicate elate of health of the present pro- prietor rendering a total retirement from businees ?? ?? partrealars apply to Mr. Fritter, 13, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KNIGHT'S WEEKLY VOLUME. PRICE ONE SHILLING. This day, VJOL I. SPENSER and his POETRY. In Three Volumes. By GEORGE L. CRAst, M.A. The object of the present publication isto present not merely an account of Spenser and his works, but such an edition of his poetry as shall con- tain all of it that is of universal and indestructible interest. London: Charles Knight tnd Co, 22 Ludgate street. On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --7-ATAiE ITOYAL, DUBLIN. rarnc' and FAREWELL BENEFIT of Made. Lllta ' j- iGLIONI, who retires from the stage nfter ttpieIa,, and wili never attain visit the British Islands. ?? ?? ooport-ii y can hi' afforded of speoing the First p^ the world has ever produced. D i' ~anre of INMTlile. PETI'T STEPIIAN and M. ta'3 SITLrA T N. ,pOMORR0W (Th1rrWday), '21st of August, tb ,rfotnaces will cT r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUT'1IWVAR1K ELECTION--A PUBLICI j MbiSTlNG of bhe ELCTIMOS will take nlece at the Ilridgc- llutise Hotel, THIS EVENINIG (Plind,.), the 18thi instant), at StVeeu o'clock prpwidely, at which Sir WILLIAM 6OL E VORT'I' Bart., will attend. The Meeting has beise called by a rul ittilion signed by neeerly 200 of the leading Libihrals af thd Borough. The Conimittce for conducting the Election of Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE DREADFUL -CONFLAGRATION in ?? JOHN CAMPBELL. Blarors Lionel do Rltbittahild Jamnes Cunliffe, REsq. JT. Masterman, REsq., M.P. J. P. Heywood, Esq. A. W. Robarts, Esq. J. P. Kannard, Esq. r Richard Percival, Esq. H. J. Enthoven, Esq. W. Kraeutler, Esq. f irectore t' H. Zora`, Esq., Ottoman Con- D. M. Wlcx s.oeiP su-Gneral, &oc. F. CarlenEq O.Stearonl. Sarnuel Phillips, REq. ~Company George ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '4TUCTURE; ,STONE, ORAV L,, and all, Dige,~ bjof the KIDNEyS & BLADDERI, Speedily andaeffectun ,cured bylDR. OUNG's URETHRIC MIXTURE. Theevficae 7 of this Me~diclue in the above complaints baa been long~preie by~itsunparalleled success in aprac~tice of many yearxs' tancivag and hsinduced the present Prisprietor to makeit It rl generally known. Its object Is to smulpersede the necess~ityof:,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTHERN STAR, AND NATrIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL, 'jBSTABLISHED in Leeds in 1837, and mineu then the 1. leading Provincial Jounrfl in the Kingdom, is now published at No. 340), Strand, London. IThe object of-the Proprietor in estabihingthe Northern Etar was to furnish a fearless and faithful organ for the I representation of the Laboun ig Classes, whose interests I from time Immemorial have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RISTOLS AND EXETERt RAILWAY. B NOTIE IS EREBYGIVENthatthe next HALF- YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of this Company Will be held, in pursuance of the Act of Parlia- iniett, at the WHITE LION HOTEL, in the city of BRISTOL, on THURSDAY, the 28th of August, at 12 o'clock. The Ckair will be taken sit One 'clok- precisely. F REDERICK RICKETTS, Chairman. The TrassebrerBooks will be closed ...