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September 1845
11 5



Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ,n I-i-AUkBY UIVE No 11CE, tbat the STEAM to IL ELiGINI4 Ifoilersi. Punipa. Ptip~e, rievies aind oilher ,d Wheel-s, r'baiting Pullikrs. ?slti-livarivig. Pirdesals I Ptixige,,atud ve ~hcr Fitr*,u Moobinery attached 'tlnto and-coenne-oted jilereit f.r te Driving eind Wiorksing of Cotton, ;and other Machffe, Aparausand linpleientat to rand conatoted wltb Ck ibe Mlill in Albimnstreet,. GayibOCIL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UaituECT D VIIi.5N0TlESHRTSTi.Si.A UCNiICil~tATWTN BETWEEN NOT, VORIN E THE AMO TIES ItAo:a'Cu'~ , T tSP c L'L A N , tim of T i ; 4'i/eissae st witAhout'~`. lwal;4, Weinkit. In this 1441out a~teit ad wihouTEN B CAPITAL, £E4 0 ~OV. ?? la 0152 Sluires of £295 eath. next, 1 DpsoOSIT. £C3 p, r Sae 0,poined pVIOALCUOMBT[1T53 of theI The Earl of EIIeloo'in-, Winton Cent. p Th, Lord jtleiisvefl and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... He 517 IADVBRTIOMENNT.] 4 2d, Tos the EDITORS of thle LIVERPOOL MERCURY. &i 1111 GNNTameasz,-Aftcr takting ton days to consider of it. Mr. 61 be Aebtirst has at length ventured to publish a rejoinder tomy re. her ply of the 18th Instant, I can well conceive tuat he hallben ate writhing In painful Indeelsion during this interval, for In the- first instance he favoured toe with bome ten or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINE OF pACKMICTS FOR NEW YORK. sailing on fthe Itiff of gvfvy month. Rwt lit. ?? I1th Sept. SIDflO ANS, EDWAIReD ?? C ?? tons, ltb October. B WAnA . A. Cptai n ?? ?? - ton, -- th Nov. FOR NE RLAScS GARRICK, B. J.a H. -ms ?? tns, 11th Dee. $a In nr~oerdance with an agreement on the part of the Pro- ,T he of e of lbs several utnes of Parhets for New York. thigi Line weill in future take GOODS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SZUPLIP9~O~6WuL rbaO have bees L plesalld add ?? 4td66fd 15 Il ?? plpetg 'e o the nw la 8t V~b., af.il9un~r *hIOh transierste t lviprodlrylikeer suppoef~ b~so. I can Gew an timpe aotdi, e. intead1 of hk(gostbebsd of Lordts B aall mayst bes jfound iso ay cttreglyondee tat. ib s rdptal wcoillfbeomhe, ondy thio rhoagh ot tehwreson pin t of * thje law.h aet. mays,nwepsay-tanoe ~ wbic we sT hus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSISEC U FTHE EAWN OF FIFE( RAIL WAY. C,*s&MA X2W',OO. In 10,0 Shrs f5 each. p VINFUSlT £2 L6s. per S1hacab~ ns SVADVISiONAL COMMI.tTTEEt.i Sir Windhamn Carnait'hael Anatruther, of Antisruther and Car- du micoheal, Bart.I o. Tyadal Ersace, Esq., of Falklandl and Nuthill, Conentrals of Hi eonorei Alexander Graham Stirling. of Duokray Rod Auobyle, Se ho.. aeshaladHog, Esq., of Kellie and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTABLISHBD FOR THn LAM FIFTEEN 'I HARW P orNBSOR SWBDO UR'9 YXA P RiRB FLL$.&c-Tbe celebrated CORDIAL M OF MECCA. ) tkwwduN enmr ns - k.g&,and s. d.Per box. Is Sime extracts from the BcSt ?? naad hints Of itaporian te Of oe abiiihmteijudkicisi osf Merury &O, ano. . pi ~ass CODIALBAL OPMECCA Is ages tiaatadrnvtrof the imaie fucin PI ~ calculatedftordUOY decided snele oteewoby ,~e~en Us ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIAD, LANCASHIRE AND D ECBENHIRS JUNCTION RAILWAY. WEl- VER BRANCH.. The necessity for Railway a8eommodation being suppled tls Salt DistriotS ef ohehIre, has induoed the Directors of tois 01 to )order a Survey to be made of the betprantinableI e-7f'ythe ?? Ind September. p tol MiAaLfoY Tr t ASLND, and NEWALL. I EAT SOUTHERN AND WESTE EN Wr RAILWAY, IIRELAND) N071CR TO SAILVWAY IAGGONRBUILDERB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iubtit %?mudrtingl. T H E A ¶ R E ItO Y A L TWI Xl1AMSON-Sq'JARiE T~mISVEA'ING. (FR IDAYF.) the sm imostang TiF~or tshe ~Xof ?? MttI5s ltO4.iEI, And Latt Night of the Enkgement of Mr. W.H& ARISON, Mr. SORtRANI, and Miss ROMER, The Opera of LA SONNAMBULA In whiob thema celebratedl Vocalists Wili7perform. To conclude with the B E Z 9 E Z V 0 I S. Mir. MACRRADY, Who is engaged for Five Nights. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN WHITE, :ESTATE AND, HOUSE AGENT, . 27, GREAT HoMER.STREEFT, I ~OPPOI'tTE tRosCostioNO.5TREET, r~ ESPECTFULLY returns his sincere thanks hitohis numerous Frietlde, and the Publi of Liverpeni and T 1itsviolnity, for the kind and liberal enouragemenet be has re. heas s clved since his commenicement In the above bueiness, and Kit hopes, by stiloi attention, to receive a5 conintfuancfe of tbat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6TOAX-ENINOLN, LAT IlS, DRIiLLING MACIIINE, CUPOLA. &, C ?? oj . Pr ?? O'clock pre* T 1FNo1INer.TOLSan MTRIALS, on -the suiud volt ftmss which wiL esl nclsqcn ?? e i'arinerohip. COtMPrili cpta v ofrs Sans ?? e. t ~ s~ p~eShftn, c. rnplele; an WIhatM 8loe. ?? SitMilr 117WthCag ulta! Sot cot prt; an I-iebLahes Dilin Mchine. Cupola. Fat) ben hev~e roda ?? atand Catalogues 10 v ~a n te oeeos8,an ...