Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT SUBSTITUTE FOIR SODA. Royal Lees Patent. Granted March 4, 1844. Wea C ARD'S PAI ENT Gus b WA,,HiNG AND C'.EIAN8- W ING pOWDER, Manufactured at THEOLDBURRYALKALI WORK, -. near BIRMINOHAM The great advantages which this Powder posses'es over S. da. ?? Wawhi g Powder yet of ered to tise public, consistd in its not injuring the anads of the pertons usng it. A great saving in Soap, A gret ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IiCHAELMAS SALES, ja V AVCTIOPfN, Bs GIRLING & SON. tcoe rfythie, ?? Wren tliana. f t C° NOTED FLOCK OF SHEEp, MI' MARES, GELDINGS, AND COLTS, ?? Co , Yoxng Stock, Swine, ial Cnrrisges Implements and Harness. > GIIIlIG & SON ,pcctfujll inform ?? Friends and the r iat they are instructed by Mr. PORTER, LcaseC cpires at Michanelmnas next), SELL BYT AUCTION. ad ail Tuesday next, the 29th and 30th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUTEJENS ROYAL THEATRE, GREAT BRUNSWICK-STREET. Second appearance of the Misses SMITH, who are engaged for three nights only. ON THIS EVENING (Saturday), September i 20th, will be performed the admired Operatic Co- medy of *aed of OPEN HOUSE. Heniy Villars, Mr. Branson; Frank Foster, Mr. Paget; Fanny, Aliis Smith; Jane, Miss Julia Smith. 1n the course of the piece a variety of Songs will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIAT 0 THE LOYAL NATIONAL REPE L A9). CIATION OF IRELAND will meet n IiS DAY, the lst September instant, at ONE ?? k a th CONCILIATION L, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. 1 The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the benches of the end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WEEK. a per Ct Cons.. Reduced ?? 31perCt Stock 3i Debentures. L. Annuities.. Bank Stock a; Canal Stock 0. Canal Stock Do DebB 6 pr ct Do Debs s pr ct Do Debs4 pr ct Do Debs 4pr ct new ?? City do 4 pr ct. Do do 4 pr ct ?? 4 pr et Bal Off Debs ?? Security. 4 per cent Pipe VWat ?? -s per cent Pipe Wat Deb, new Dub & Kings. town Railway Debs, 4 Pr. ct. TUES. 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VpHE DIRECT LONDON and MANCHESTER r *TRAILWAY. OMi es. 4, ji MIioo rga te-Sret, London. ?? Reistered.) COasMITiEF 01' WhAANAOKitliNT. Dy CasaoATI.1 , pro ternl--ohn Dillon, E sr. El DerUr Cislslk r pro ?? GalIdecott, Esq. si tttr. AILdeirnan Htooper. IWilliam Cash, Esq. o Thsonas Shepperoon, Esq. J1. W. Deacon, Esql. II William White, Esq. ,lohn Gladtosso. Es. -William Lavrece, Esq. Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sermon. A S ER M 0 N will be Preached (D.V.) SAB- BATH, September 7, in IlOLYWOOD P$S- BYTERIAN CHURCH, by the llEV. DOCTORt COOIEE. A Collection will be taken up for the liquidation of the Building Debt on the Church. Service to commence at HRaf-past ELEVEN o'clock. (676 ]REGISTRMATIOiN OF ARMflS. County of Antri N O T I C E s ereby Division of C'arrickfergus _1 given, that t ful. To Tvit. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J1Visellaneou0. NEWTON AND PECK, M ANUFACTURERS OF ROMAN CEMENT, apt PLASTER PARIS, &C., Wilmington Works, near Hull. TOWN OFFICE and STORE, WELLINGTON- STREET, near the Railway Creek. GYPSUM FOR MANURE, prepared by the only method which will ensure its success for Agricultural Puxposee. A Pamphlet, containing Instructions for its application and full Particulars as to its uses as a fertilizer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCED RATE Oj-F FREIGHTS. ThO 0 NEW YORK PACKET SHIPS. stew NEW ARRA-NGEMENT. BRII Eailon the ?? 55ireve Mllonth. JOHN K1. rSKIDDY. (now ship.) FRIDD. M1thlet STEPHEN WHITNEY. W. C. TssomvsoN.031 tons, 251tb 659RtonIANthNov. WATSRLOO, (ew sip, ?? ?? 1100 tons, 211th Dcc. GOODS bytibeaboIeFOPekgi-, HII'IERTO PAYING A t4e., will in future ~pay only 3s. per Ton. H] ?? ditto ditto tile, ditto. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \ hUN AILWA , forming acon-. ANill I, ..rr'1'oo ?? Midlavndi airid Orard Junction fl ?? ntfr(Il, ii trby to Ashby-de-Ila Zouch.-(Pro- Corital elI 000,000, it50,0000sares of XdlO 'rrshare. it1 'l5to_,AL C. triM TER orratCorinauitt-terrace, H-yle. Pathk l..r ttertpiarce, Regent's-Parl, dfireclor i- rr an itsliitt ciRiia'' C,,,u I.,us1 roe-tvrrace, chal' Laor .I tO Staffordshire, and Blrandon ieb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (j~ Ni, oSJBiDELAZOD EIand A. e.iast routW betaween Mancliestr and LO~o ~ bl~ tile, j ulej ~ici-Iit railway wilt bte henceforth II ?? ~til lnionnodtlut-UORu4iiren, Ashity-do-la- C ni Leii~ setti adiverging Line to the Treajt 0 Si ~ efill ?? Ul be increassed to 1 ~ a~ tisIc. toS 'nOlie advantages crl- I S. S. DAXThR. I] *~l~lwllucbrdg, oi.,'thv Iall, AllieritO11, 011tirianon Of J Ofar aradD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVEitTISEVENT.1 ihi .RUGJ3Y, DERBY, AND XJANCHESTER RAILWAY. NC - sai OBSERVATIONS ON THE REPORT OF MR. CHA.S. ch BLOUNT, ENGINEER TO THE COMPANY. till Tire provisional committee find, by reference to the engr. as~ nee's prolimi nary repor-t,that the tunnels vpton the line, as laid down lbr the Rugby, Derby, and Manehester Railway, go are by no mreans of thle ordinary length or occurrence in ...