... DOUGLAS CATTLE SROMW, . Under the Patronage of tine Right onu. Lord DouigIas.) a The atnuel show of cattle amongst his Lordship's tenaitrrv in the Upper Ward of Lanarlkshire, took ?? on FridaY the 22d s August, 1:45, in a field in tbe neighbouirhood of Douglas, w hell Alex. Aird, Esq. of Crosstlat, luirloirlk, George Lerorine, Esq., Kertland, Rirkconnel, and - Crai g, Esq., Poll gues, New Cuim ...


... FIASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. Buckingham Palace. during the absence of the oousrt, is undergoing various alterations and embellishments. Her Majesty Is expected to return from Germany on or about the aoth of the present month. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge will leave for Germany in the course of the present week, and It is un- derstood purposes to go to Berlin, on a visit to the King ...


... &iw Songqs, nwitr Ger,'mon anen Fnjis1' iords. The music composed by P. B. CZAVElne; the English version by ThOMAS OLIPr'HANT, Esq. [Addison and Hodson. Mr. Oliphant, the accomplished honorary secretary of the Madrigal Society, who has done so much in diffusing among us a knowledge, not only of the old vocal harmony of England, but of the melody and song' of modern Ger- many, has added, by the ...


... POtET 'ItY. TO MNY WIFEi ONT TiHI- ANIN IViASMiY W1 OUlt WLIJIDING D)AY. ZhOW twenity-four so sliers hater govne, to this lay, AtiL well I reitettber 0w da tutu shice, 1i.i> for bet ter, fior ?? or pity- in, richer, lot poirrer-mty bane ot trysty- Or fire, the rottght titoror, 1t1td tee ~Illetr Waly Tlu tee viil todethter riiy lv Atr Iill 1i0it11 of toagitI ?? stovie( ?? have, ie seers) ...


... voetrv. SE 1. E CT E)D. THli MOTHEP'S GRAVIE. And that saie dew' which sonmetime on tile bade Was wont to sw ell like round and orient pearls, Stood now wvithin the pretty infant's e)yes In tears. SHAMEARICn Look, sister sweet, upon that hallow'd stone I WVe stand upon a spot of ibve and fear; For there is laid a heart, the fondest one, That ever left its children weeping here! Thero sleeps ...


... (romnin the 'London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Feshion.) Cotil is much used for dresses intended for country wear; those with green or blue stripes on an ecru ground nrs enibroi- dered with very narrow braid, and are often made with corsages a 6asquee, with pockets. Robes peigo sirs, in tribes de C/hine, qrns do Naples striped lengthwsays, or fonlards ih horizontal stlipes, are also ...


... I - THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ra The number of this magazine for the present month is considerably diversified in the characters and quality of s its articles. Politics, polemics, poetry, tales, and reviews, f( all contribute to give variety to the contents. The politics p consist in a long letter, signed Ofellus, addressed to the P editor, and discussing Peel's Policy to Ireland. ...


... FASRIONABLE INTELLIGE-NC 1e J2Earl and Countess of Charlemont and suite have arrived at Leamington Spa, where they purpose remaining until the close of the season. The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry intend to pass the autumn at Wynyard Park. The noble marquis and marchioness will entertain company during the approaching Stoekton races. Viscount Castlereagh will pay a visit to his noble ...


... GREAT AGRWL6t7RAL SHOW. In our last page, we havegivn ample and accurate details of the whole of the proceedings connected with this interesting occasion, which, as weanticipated, were crowned with complete suecess, affording-to all concerned matter of unqualified gratu- 1ation. rtis-ineex extremely gratifyigto find thatthe affairs of the Aberdeen;, Banff, Kincardine, and Fdrfafshire AgrICU1: ...


... L!TBRATURR. Memsoir3s of the Pretenldes wnd theer Adherents. By JOHN HPNEAaE JEssv. 2vols. [Bentley. MfeMoirs of Prince Charles Stvart, connmonly called tiw Youu, Prctender; with Yotice,, Elf the Rebellion in 174.5. By Ci.ijityS Lov ts KLOSe, Esq. volis. (Colburn. In the world of books, memoirs and 1 reminiscences have of late become proverbial for plenitude and platitude; the plenitudeis ...


... I GKAND CONCERT AT DERBY. l A. .. . -. s _ _ - _l- e ^_.l _ : . -_ _ _ At two o'clock on Thursday, a fashionable audience assem- bled in the Athenecum Room, to listen to a vocal corps of great eminence in the professioll, conlsisting of Mladame I Castellan, (Prima Donnai of her Mlajesty's Treatre), Aliss ( Dolby, (principal Contralto ofthe Philharmonic and Ancient C Concerts), Signor Bri2zi, ...


... ON THE WATERFALL AT SCALBY MILL, NEAR I SCARBOROUGH- 'Twas the leap of the torrent, and dark was its gleam, As it rush'd in its power down the bed of tile stream, And 'mid foam and 'mid uproar 'twns fearful in might Where the fell of its waters in grandeur was bright. 'Twas swollen by the ramis-and it hurried along, Where the force of the current was dizzy and strong, And the deep mountain ...