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Advertisements & Notices

... Emlyn R. D. Jenkins. REq.. (Mayorj Cardigan .f Oliver Lloyd, REsq., Cardigan John Evans, EoN.., (Mayer,) Aberystwyth Joseph Downte, Req., Aberyotwyth Thomas Jones, REsq., Aberystwyth George Fossett, Req., Aberystwyth John Taylor, jsn., Req,,Coed-dhu, FlIntehire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LILBURN, Esq. , Dungannon.J JOHN KINLEY TENER, Esq., M lores, Cookstown. , DAVID WHITE, Esq, Lisonally, Omagh. F JAMES IRWIN. Esq., Omagh. JOHN B. BUCHANAN, Esq., Omagh. NVILLI AM SCOTT, Esq., Omuagh. WILLIAM ELLIOT, Esq, Omagh. JOHN MACADAM, Esq., Omagh. JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'Clock. / ' Admiseion Free. No collection. SOLEMN DEDICATION OF THE NEW CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, BLACKROCK. N SUNDAY NEXT, the 14th instant, the , CHURCFH of ST. JOHN the BAPTIST, B ; ROCK, will be Solemnly Dedicated by the Most ?? the Archbishop MURRAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tam- worth Railway Sir John Macphcerson Druckenbary Sir Archer Denman Croft, ldart., director of ?? Thames Embenk- acent Railway Junction Cocmpany Major John T. Crort, deputy-chairman of tice Chester and Manches. i tsr RailwayI John Chevaler Cobbold, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TitorY John Mooere, Esq.. Buraley spip Robert Midgley. ?? Calne b. our- John Midgv ReB. Ione tudr. Edward Paneier, Eso. Akinecata ruing Thomas Goulbur taharer, Ho. rowaholme Iiml Man- Rev. John Fleming Parker. a-iddington, ClItherce obsi sueing John Phillips ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFMR H. P. GRATTAN. XHIS EVEN-ING, (Frid ayjthe 2th. and TO MORROW, ?? I the 27th instant, Will be presented the Opera of CLARL Afterbtwhb. POLKAMANIA. A PA SBRUL BY MR. A. WEBSTER. To conclude with OTHELLIO TRAVESTIE. Desdemonst Mr IL. P. GRATTAN I igo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... are hereby required to do so. An amendment was proposed by John Keown, Esq., which. not being seconded, fell to the ground, and the ori. ginal motion was carried with one dissentient. JOHN HARRISON, Chairman. Mr. Harrison being voted out of the Chair1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trrcidyntrlir Cardiganifllre EA~deyuc C. Lloyd Htall, Esq. Newcastle Eucimlv a. ]5. Jenklins, REs. (Mayer) Cardigan ilcivter Lloyd, Req. Cardigan 401ccr REviiq, Esll. (Myoer) Aberrsstillth Josepli Downel, FEo'. Aheryscstwile Bzionics ,leleg REsq. Albe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clharles Farebrother, Esq.. alderman, Laecaster-alaee. Strand c John Astrbusrar, Esq., M.D., Wimpole-street, Usiendish-square William Tulloh Frscer, Esq., Idanchnster-square, and Crocby-square I John Gardiner, Esq., Avenue-road, Regent's-park C Alexander Ogilvie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAKE, Introducing, by partleular riqulest, the splendid and colasesal eroblettatical devits, 40 feet high, of the FORRESTERS' ARMS, 8urreunrdle witil a magnificent TEMPLE OF FIRE. MiRE CENTRIPUGAL RAILWAY, On which s poraon will lescend surrounded by FIREWORKS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Netlaa Gileg, BEst., 4, Verulam-hnildingo, London, e Local Acents-E. T. Clarkson, REsq., CaIne; John Halcemb, REq., e Itangerford endt Marlboroughi; John Edwvards Otayward, Esq,, Dte;JonSecretary-Fratrk W. Sylkes, Esq. a llaukcrq-Ncsst's. Itankay an-I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London: John Murrag, Albemarle Street; Edinburgh: Oliver c S& Boyd, Now Ready at all the Libraries, in 2 vols., with a Fine Portrait of the Autlhor, Qjn It E A .S T E R P At S S I O IN- T ald other Tales and Sketches, By TTHOhMAS COLLEY GRATTAN, ESQ., ...