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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... pB5I5ON~nz~sssaD.PURSUAN TO AIM 11 STE CHAP. I10 ROSPECrUS Ot~ BELFAST aned ENNIS. P KILLS?' RAILWAY, bY DUNGANNION, with a BRANCH ToLOUGH ERNE. CAPITAL £ 20.00 Shares of £25 each. Be DEPOSI £2 109, per Share. BRC NoShareholder liable bcerftid the aouent of his Susi'cription. IN PioITNLCOMMIeTnRr. it I The inight flonourable Lord Viscount Northland Ins Sir James Emereon Trennant, Tempo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROseloNst~ALO-y RXGI.T~9 be eat WEST MID1LAN, MANqCHESTERoter T E AND BOUTHAMPTOIRAILWAY. COMps AND SWINDON AND BIRMItiNGHM UCTON1t t ANSTtSONO'TI SOUTH AND MID- Cbrist ION NRAXILWAY OFIn tI LANDS' .1 NCTIO ALA.f.e CAN'TAL fl,M200, in 60 000 Shares of £20 each. Ap PSIRBIT ~g & pe 61 ,a.Forml paovtstoN5AL COMACItTTZ1. JAZIa UxdGorePge lbridge Ilsuse GnI Lsord reford P Mbe Ea.M. halnostn of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVI1,ON&LLY Ititotrsirco. ?? ffESTAFFORDSHIiRE POTTERIES, Taised T 1EANDS plltioc LIYIBR[POOL AND AMANC1.IvbTSiR DIRECT RAILWAY. The greatel CAPITAL £2,4011 NO1, ?? Moves of;£25 eaih- landov LISPn aiX2 12-. Ii. per Share.reJe PROVISIONAL COMIITTY.R. uided William Aekerty. ?? Wigan, Director of the Liverpool and hnel:~ Leeds Diroot Railwit y ari Wililim= Avoelt, E~q. lBury, Director of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON AND CRoYDON RAlLWAY. The Proprietors are respectfully informei, that they, will ive a Circular from tbis Oflice. In reference to the Sharce - &55srved for them in the Great Kent AtmSo.pherO Railway, in ghe course of a few days. ILt. Y OUNG. Secretary. London Term inus. Sept. 24.18415. IJOOPORATED BY ACr OF PA5LiA55ENT. DiiBLIN TO GALWAY DIRECT. M[IDLAND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY JVJ OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... He 517 IADVBRTIOMENNT.] 4 2d, Tos the EDITORS of thle LIVERPOOL MERCURY. &i 1111 GNNTameasz,-Aftcr takting ton days to consider of it. Mr. 61 be Aebtirst has at length ventured to publish a rejoinder tomy re. her ply of the 18th Instant, I can well conceive tuat he hallben ate writhing In painful Indeelsion during this interval, for In the- first instance he favoured toe with bome ten or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UaituECT D VIIi.5N0TlESHRTSTi.Si.A UCNiICil~tATWTN BETWEEN NOT, VORIN E THE AMO TIES ItAo:a'Cu'~ , T tSP c L'L A N , tim of T i ; 4'i/eissae st witAhout'~`. lwal;4, Weinkit. In this 1441out a~teit ad wihouTEN B CAPITAL, £E4 0 ~OV. ?? la 0152 Sluires of £295 eath. next, 1 DpsoOSIT. £C3 p, r Sae 0,poined pVIOALCUOMBT[1T53 of theI The Earl of EIIeloo'in-, Winton Cent. p Th, Lord jtleiisvefl and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H E A T R'-E - R; O:Y: A L T WlLLIAM60N EQiJARP.. 5Xhe YerfoflflSP topened at nalf-past Ski. Doosx to be ?? 'IIS EVENING. (FRIDAY,) tA. l2l instant, For tbe MENErIT of Mr. MACREADY Will be prentled for the first timH in Llrerpoe;, with new Scenery. Dreofe, a A ointas he Tragedy Or -yrom ?? f akere reuebyM.MCEDY, at thez th etbDTheaektre- at, Covent-bayrden. C^&ya Koni Ltll ?? ?? MACREADy. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAY iv Ai. GREAT SOUTHERN AND WESTERN EXTENSIONS To LIMffRICKAND C1ROILK I FIRST CALL-_ ERBAXE xtensiong tohapre vsfs of ?? Acholeopreby onil to PAYt at Ch aLL of £5 Per haeont oer before pheayable 30th dawy, ofl tl beptemerd one, toe aont of dhepoit nderm allsne pali nkers whoe after atherded tboreeve tamed ennprest ttentateo of thper Lentter IfCf ~crlgto the propritsrofonyshr uofnh Ahct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tr ANCHOR SMIH N TES BY MR. WALKR This Dlly, Friday.Y) the 12th instant, atEeeocokpeiely, at tE. Leeds Union Company'sWaf lmesre, - BOUT Eight Tons of ANCHOR PALMS, ?? o sle ad Ctaogeshad at OP. BY MR. W LKER.R Y This Day. (Friday.) te12th Instant, at One o'lc Troleya on the P'rei ses No. 1, Great Georee-place. VHE HOUSEHOED FURNITURE on the r U sad Pemi~s, ompt~in Maogan-frmedChairs, Sofa, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5tgb3K Esmpmti*. ftS-OTJNALY 33.1mm HE STAFFORDH~IRE POTTERIES5 UjVWROOL AND MOAJCIMRr DECT RAILWAY. CsPITAL 46.4O0 i6,000 Sbai isa. Sd.6 per ?? PROVtt61r2t cosisrrit. T] V e =& WI111. Dlreot of the Iverpool and W Bury, Director Of the Liverpool a John As kt - Lotnon Staffore ire PotIres8 eph lat, 1UD- ENCOOl, ofthet Fi m of Miess r Thomasojinaford Brooks Esq, Mere laU, Cheahire Ja J-Jzpb ...

= Tat beoese Nu.aoce

... . -Our piomleed article on this tubject* h for the Information of the manufacturers of Manchester and ho other towns, is In type, but is unavoidably excluded till next ut Week. ed A FRINsN) OF FsaIBIOt.-If our correspondent will read Dr. n, Channing's pamphlet onl The Annexation of Texay,-pro- DY curable, at a cheap rate, through any bookseller,-he will see4 rd on unimpeachable American ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PBOYO5IONsALLv, REGISTERRD PURSUANT TO TiHE 7TA ANDZ8Tr VICTORIA. CHAP 110. LIBURNTLEY BUILDING COMPANY. CAPITAL £50,000, in 510 Shares of £10 each. INTERIM COMMIrTTEE. Mr. Joseph William Anningson. Chemiet and Druggist, Burnley Mr. George Barnes, Cotton Spinner. Burnley Mr. John Barnes, Cotton Spinner, South-parade, Habergharn- Eaves id Mr. Thomna lBland, Grocer. Burnley Mr. John Blrlev, ...