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Hull Packet



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Hull Packet

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... ti~3pftg Notict%. TO SHIPOWNERS, MERCHANTS, &c. M ESSRS. EDWARD GIBSON & SON having made very considerable alteration and provement in their GRAVING DOCK, onthe GAR- BISON-SIDE, rendering it capable of receiving the l3rgest Steam-Ships and Vessels which can enter the Fort of Klingston-upon-Hull, beg respectfully to inform their Friends and the Public generally, that they are nov quite ready to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH, however large the ?? by Her ,stytbO Queen Dowager, Her Royal Highacassthe 1l11JetY f Gloucester, His Grace the Duke of Welling- Dptahcsthe principal Nobility.-MR. CLALRKE'S SUaCEDA-NBUM, for stopping decayed teeth, is far erierto anything ever before used, asit isplacedin the St wsithont any pressure or pain, becomes as hard as eo enamel immediately after application ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and urtn, ammnd Bel Wi, Rye, Stphn ?? i. ?? y Inul tortn A CARD. R. MAN-NE, SURGICAL AND ME- 1 M CHANICAL DENTIST,* HULL,'begs'to remind his Friends and the jobility Ad Gentry, that he may be consulted as ?? higRs^sidenDe, '22, Whitefriargate, from Ten until Four, Daily. Artificial MinerallTeeth supplied on the most ap-H proved scientific principles, totally undistinguishbeble R from nature, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *lallo, 0! AUCtion.. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. TOTHO MAS DotsIs, at tbe George Inn, ini*ingston- upon-Hull, on TESDAY, the. 23rd day of, Septezmber instant, at Twelve ?? at Noon', In the-followilg Lots, and subject tosuch Conditions as will be then -produced, LOT I.-All that Capital MESSUAGE or DWEL- LING-HOUSE, with the GardeniOatbuildings, and Conveniences, being No. 28, on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public Notice. THE GRAND POLYTECHNIC' EXHIBITION, AT THE HULL MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. , HE Committee of Management have the T pleasure to announce to the Public that the GRAND EXHIBITION is NOW OPEN. The Saloon contains the Finest and most Valuable Collection of painting and Sculpture ever Exhibited in Hull, the remaining Rooms being appropriated to the choicest Collection of Engravings, Water ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flitellntflutO. Oa STOPPING DECAYED TEETH, hbowever large the ?? by Her ho the Queen Dowager, Her Royal Highness the 4aJestYof Gloucester, His Grace the Duke of Welling- ?? ad the principal Nobility.-MR. CLARKE'S SiJCCBDANEUTIi. for stopping decayed teeth is far S{eior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the ,Dtbvithout any pressure or pain, becomes as hard as te enamel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE YORK, HULL, AND EAST AND WEST YORKSHIRE JUNCTION RAILWAY with i S~n~s to GREAT DRIFFIELD, SELBY, and 11lORNSEA. PRoV1S1OSALLTY RSZOTERED: CAPITAL in Shares of £20 each. Deposit £2 5s. per Share. PROVISIONAL COMNITTEE. marked ^ are Disectors of the Manchester and Leeds ThCompany Those marked t are Directors of the Leeds Bad york Rtailway. Those marked t are Directors of the North gstern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~~a 'Noticto. AND ELY RAILWAY COMPANY. FIRST CALL OF £2 105. PER SHARE. NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, N that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Directors, the Proprietors. of Shares in this Company are hereby, tO pay a Call of £2 108. per Share on teir respective Shares, on or before the First day f nctober next, to either of the under-mentioned ° nkers, viz, Messrs. Gurneys and CG, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I ?? JjOttc*%. TONDON AND WINDSOR R RAILWAY, through Knights. bridge, Kensington, Hanmmersmith, Turn- ,,,-Green, Brentford, Hounslow, Bedfont, Staines, and Old Windsor, to Windsor, with an alternative Line frem Staines to pass by Datchet to Windsor. prAL-~f550~00 IN 20,000 SHARES OF 02a EACH. DEPOSIT, £1 PER SHARE. provisionally Registered pursuant to 7 and 8 Victoria, Cap. ex. CosMnIrTpE OP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J1Visellaneou0. NEWTON AND PECK, M ANUFACTURERS OF ROMAN CEMENT, apt PLASTER PARIS, &C., Wilmington Works, near Hull. TOWN OFFICE and STORE, WELLINGTON- STREET, near the Railway Creek. GYPSUM FOR MANURE, prepared by the only method which will ensure its success for Agricultural Puxposee. A Pamphlet, containing Instructions for its application and full Particulars as to its uses as a fertilizer ...