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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... COLOSSEUM. PATRONISED and visited by her Most Gracious MAJESTY and his toyal Highness Prince LBERT. OPEN DAILY from Ten till Six. Pro- oanced by the Press, and confirmed by every visitor 4be the most perfect triumph of Art in its various tranches, both by Day and N'ight, halt has ever been achieved. Equal to six exhibitions. The Glyptotheca, 4ontainiag works of the first artists; Mont Bliatc d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARDSON, MANUFACTURING CUTLER, ESTABILISHIED 1805, Near the ClMarch, Kenshirgion. ARDENERS' Pruning, Grafting, and BuddingKirives G in Shcati', Is. Gd. ceacil; shut ditto, as. tach. These kivres tire titde of the beast materials; I Al- v'ays uise them.- Pie tile late W\n. Cobbett in his ELg- isla Gar-bssi'. iliees, Iloes, and Gardening Tools of e-ery dcscrlp. tio. Best made Razors, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANUFACTURING CUTLER, roTABIJ5isElD Wlt'a, AREElb' Pruniilg. 6100 ii till3~lail, ?? G AiD ShebIs. lid. eiwh; shut ditto, Os. each. -1T1Iwse ?? tie1110mda of tli, Dtmisaterials; I a]- ways .1se ?? the lists Win. -Cobbett in his Bvg- ugs). Gssrdenve. liak~s, Iloes, andt Gardeniiog oll of evtry descrip- ST Bdest madte Razeo's, Illacli Tlaondles, Cs. tlhe esse, or Is. Pau( each ; innalted in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i Contributions per calendar month for Sis.knese and 0 1 4 to 0 2 7 Management. I LevSes according to the demands on each division per quarter. Entrance according to age, from two shillings and eightpence to nite shillings ,,nd tewopenee. Weekly Meetitegs at the Londoit Society House, Brown Bear Tavern, Broad-.treet, Bloomsbury, every Tuesday evening, at eight o'clock. Persons can estroll at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LiST- 01 BOOKIS, NO\1W PUBLISHJING BY I.% ?? COUSINS, is, DU KE STREET, LIN- COLN'S4NNtFItLDS. LOINDON. A' 11FIIErtD, Its the Rev. Ji. B. Smith, Id. A., T I Sr ,A im 65 6s1 Vel Xl, price 3s-Vol I1l, price, g. i, Cclods beards ;, or thle threet volumes inl cue, u i stndi, calfr anti lettered, price 16s. o irotr ?? Pf wettisilt, It ?? w~itt alietily, by rthe R1ev. J. E. Srmitih, M.A., is. i;f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOPUJLAdB. WORKS NOW PUBELIlSHING ]BY W. DUGIDALE, 87, EO0LYWELISTREET, STRAND. rEW WORK l EUGEONESpUEDR DR RGHAN; O THE COURT CONSPIRATOR,m in PeanYt numbers, i r fogtrpenny parts. The N irst partand il ber seven are published this day. Translated erptesly for this edition, and nothing o.ted. THE WANDERING JEW, No. 33, and Part B, ~is out, end is expected to be completed in forty-two numbers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - :s: ar A LIST OF BOOKS, NOW PUBLISHING .y .D-aQUSIoNS, 15, DUiE STREET, LI.N- '.C0I'N -141 Lrj I bONDON.. A; \ . Tl1111 D bY Eib 3. E. Smith, M. A., 1 rOI1, piee 'Gd~iewl J, p ice s-\'ol III, price fib Cd, clot'boards ; or the three v olumes in one, lhalf bosnin in calf anld letter ed, pr ice Its. ?? vessisn, icyC0. ltedford,of Worcester; *tisic a Reply, by thte Err. J. E:. Smith, I.A., Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aLiS ,I uP bulKS . JWIt LISII1ING ByV Ii.t IS, DUKE STRtEET, tIN- ?? N'~lN-FEL S.LONDON. 7f l 'Btliili, y he11V, 3. 1,S ith f. A., 5Sid- Vol It, prc'sVlII, rice fr- Cl, clott, boards or01 rite three ?? in one,' Ioi~af besti in calf anid lettered, PI100 163. Reftaliition of Owenismf, byv 60. cItlfori, of 'Worcester; withi a Ilaply, by thle tRer. 3. 13. $ailt, M.A, Is. Ni e~tc sliri,titity; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY. NOVEL ENTERTAiNMENT.. TMOSPHERIC Railway daily, with explanatory A lecture. 'he New Zealaud Chief, Pahe a Range, DII give * course of lectures on the Manners ad CuW - toms of New.Zealand, on the eveninga of Monday, Wed. inedaY, and Friday next. Mr. Russell continues to deliver his uniquled Ictures on Character, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdayevenings. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLOSSEUM. PsTROTISEi and yisitcd by ler Most Gracious P MAJESTY aid his Royal Highness Prince LBERiT. OPEN DAILY froin Ten till Six. Pro- ouliced by the P'ress, and confirmed by every visitor %be the most perfect triumph of Art in its various oraelch's, both by Day and Night, tlhit hns ever been achieved. Equnl to six exhibitioas. The Glyptotheca, contaililng vorks of the first artists; Mont ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WE NOXWERT N STAR, AND NrIONAL TERADES' JOURNAL, .10,TADL1SHED in 'Leeds in 1887, and since then the leading otrovcial journal in the Kingdom, is now published at No, 340, Strand, London. Th ,betf ths Proprietor in estleblisbiing the Xortkmrs TEtrw dettiernieb a fearless and faithful organ for the Varepwas t*O ofi ?? Classes. whoss interests oromtine immemnorial have been shamelessly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LIST O1 1 I. ?? NON', I'UBLIS111ING BY B. D. C0LSINq, I-S, D'UKE STREET, LIN- o COLN INIINS-lILLDS. LONDOIN. ?? tile R1ev, J. E. Smriti, M.A., It -~ Vol 1, p'ike is 4id- Uo Ii poio es- l Iin , n0 price Gs Cad clo~t boards or the titree vouein0, half bound is, calfaond lettered, price Ito.A Rlefutntion t, of Oniveei, by G. licdford, of Worcester; with) a iteply, be th, Itev. J. 11. Smith, M.A ...