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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... 7 - . . ?? ' I I JARDINE'S NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. THE PEOPLE'S EDITION. In Parts once a Fortnight, Price RiglLteenpence. (EdiaburghV W. H. Lizars; Dublin: W. Curry, Jun., and Co.) The great achievement of Sir William Jardine- The Naturalist's Library.excitedon itsfirst appearance all the attention which a work so comprehensive in outline, yet so comp1ete in itl parts, might reasonably expect ...


... I Lit I FFASIONABLE INTELLIG.ENCE. I The Privy Council held by the Queen at Osborne House, 0n Saturday, was attended by his Royal Highness Prince Al. bert, Lord Wharncoliffe, Lord President; the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Wellington, Commander-in-Chief; Sir B. Peel, First 1ord of the Treasury; Sir James Graham, Secretary of State for the Home Department; Lord Stanley, Secretary of State for ...


... FASRIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. THE QUEEN.-A rumour is going the round of the papers that it is her Majesty's intention to visit the Earl of, Aberdeen, at Haddo House, next month. We learn that the report Is entirely without foundation.-ABERDEEN JOURNAL. RETURN OF THE COURT TO WINDsoRi-WNDSOR, , SATURnAY.-.he private apartments of Windsor Castle are now in a state of readiness for the reception of ...


... THlE EVILS OF INTEMPERANCE. I MY AN 1X-OFFPICR OF THE ARMY. The author, who is an ardent advocate of the tempe- rance system, and an earnest disciple of the Apostle of Temperance, gives in this work his experience of alife of considerable vicissitude, toil, labour, and riotous enjoy- ments. Habits of intemperance and the necessary -vant of self-control, of which in a roving life the author ...


... an ON THE ARTIFICIAL PREPARATION OF TURF. ve BE' ROBERT HALtET. C. E. t- (Dublin: Samuel B. Oldham, 8, Suffolk-street. London: of as: Whittaker and Co.) Id The author of this little pamphlet is well known among et both the commercial and the scientific men of Dublin as a ry member of en eminent ironfounding firm of this city, and to art engineer of great experience and deserved celebrity. of ...


... I - THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ra The number of this magazine for the present month is considerably diversified in the characters and quality of s its articles. Politics, polemics, poetry, tales, and reviews, f( all contribute to give variety to the contents. The politics p consist in a long letter, signed Ofellus, addressed to the P editor, and discussing Peel's Policy to Ireland. ...


... I WINDSOR, WEDNESDAY.-DUrJig the absence of the court from Windsor nearly the whole suite of rooms In the Castle occupied by her Majesty and the royal family have un- dergone extensive alterations and embellishments. The red and green drawing.rooms have been newly painted, and the carved work re.gilded. A new flooring of polished oak has been laid down in his BRoyal Highness Prince Albert's ...


... ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF I IRELAND. I This society held their September show in the Rotundo, I on Thursday, the 18th instant. The plants were numerous and evinced very superior management; among which we I noticed the following orchidacem, exhibited by J C Lyons, I Esq, of Ladiston, Stanhopea occulata, Rodriguezia seeunda, Maxillaria densi, Acropera Loddigesli (three varieteA), ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCETR. I HER MAJESTY'S RETURN FROSx GEnbsAcNy Aocord- ing to present arrangements her Majesty and Prince Albert will arrive at Antwerp on Saturday next, and embark on board the Royal Victoria and Albert steam yacht, Captain Lord Adolphus Fitzclarence, ?? and proceed the same evening to anchorage ground off Flushing, where the royal yacht will re- main during the nightt: ...


... I FA4SHIONABLB VNTELLcGNcR- The Earl of Charlemnont has left Leamington for hi, seat in this country. The countess 19 prolonging her 10 a at that favoured spa. Ur The Marquis of Lansdowne is expected to go on a tji to the Bishop of Norwich and Mrs. Stanley, at the pal,,, Norwich, during the musical festival in that city. The.MaTquis and Marcnioness of Ely and Lad'es Loft,, have arrived at Ely ...


... FASRIONABLE INTELLIGE-NC 1e J2Earl and Countess of Charlemont and suite have arrived at Leamington Spa, where they purpose remaining until the close of the season. The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry intend to pass the autumn at Wynyard Park. The noble marquis and marchioness will entertain company during the approaching Stoekton races. Viscount Castlereagh will pay a visit to his noble ...


... Lord Cloncurry and his eldest son arrived in Limerick on Saturday. His lordship has been visiting his estates in that county. The Marchioness of Waterfordi left Waterford on Tues. day, per the Osprey steamer, for Bristol. The Earl of Limerick and D S. Bocketi, Esq., have arrived at the Gresham Hotel, from Limerick. Viscouut Templentoro left London a few days ago for the Continent, The Earl of ...