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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... =0 aIba? top fl . RETSOUTHERN AND WESTERN 0( GRE T RAILWAY (IBELANID.) EXTENSIONS TO LIMERICK AND CORK. Tw, FIRST1 CALL-£& FEB SHARE. conne GIVNtha i preulae f ?? NOTIE ISJ~lIEBYWe,t areaulsriot t rcevesae 0 reenatonof the Ltier of alsoI Acco~rding to the provisions5 of the Act of Inoorporation, interest Sbih. at the rate of '.per cant. per annum, payable haif-yearly, will the 0 be allowed on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,n I-i-AUkBY UIVE No 11CE, tbat the STEAM to IL ELiGINI4 Ifoilersi. Punipa. Ptip~e, rievies aind oilher ,d Wheel-s, r'baiting Pullikrs. ?slti-livarivig. Pirdesals I Ptixige,,atud ve ~hcr Fitr*,u Moobinery attached 'tlnto and-coenne-oted jilereit f.r te Driving eind Wiorksing of Cotton, ;and other Machffe, Aparausand linpleientat to rand conatoted wltb Ck ibe Mlill in Albimnstreet,. GayibOCIL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UaituECT D VIIi.5N0TlESHRTSTi.Si.A UCNiICil~tATWTN BETWEEN NOT, VORIN E THE AMO TIES ItAo:a'Cu'~ , T tSP c L'L A N , tim of T i ; 4'i/eissae st witAhout'~`. lwal;4, Weinkit. In this 1441out a~teit ad wihouTEN B CAPITAL, £E4 0 ~OV. ?? la 0152 Sluires of £295 eath. next, 1 DpsoOSIT. £C3 p, r Sae 0,poined pVIOALCUOMBT[1T53 of theI The Earl of EIIeloo'in-, Winton Cent. p Th, Lord jtleiisvefl and ...

= Tat beoese Nu.aoce

... . -Our piomleed article on this tubject* h for the Information of the manufacturers of Manchester and ho other towns, is In type, but is unavoidably excluded till next ut Week. ed A FRINsN) OF FsaIBIOt.-If our correspondent will read Dr. n, Channing's pamphlet onl The Annexation of Texay,-pro- DY curable, at a cheap rate, through any bookseller,-he will see4 rd on unimpeachable American ...

Advertisements & Notices

... He 517 IADVBRTIOMENNT.] 4 2d, Tos the EDITORS of thle LIVERPOOL MERCURY. &i 1111 GNNTameasz,-Aftcr takting ton days to consider of it. Mr. 61 be Aebtirst has at length ventured to publish a rejoinder tomy re. her ply of the 18th Instant, I can well conceive tuat he hallben ate writhing In painful Indeelsion during this interval, for In the- first instance he favoured toe with bome ten or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANCHESTERI, LIVERPOL & GREAT B M NORTH OF YNGLANV) UNIN AILWAY. BRA The AppticausntCfor Sharrs in this undertaking arc informed LIA that the ALLOTMENT has been pOirltON ED for a short time ME] in ca: sequence of negotiationse pendiri ?? other Companies Uuiot matrferaliy affecting thoeintereste ofthe 1it. Su0h The survey ia rapidly progressing. and 1,1te ees st e Xec for ?? an applicai It tu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pbi -amwnerd [ B A T IR B- I ° Y L, T LIVEREPOOL.- r the BENBFIT of Mada5M e EIL G MXr. D. W. KING, and M~r.STRETTOM,. And lost night of their engagement. rHIS EVENING. (FRIDA Y.) ?? 26th instant, The Oerra of THE LOVE SPELL. A CONCERT, Inwhieh Madame B. GARCIA Mr. W W. KING, ani Mr. STRErTON will appear. WITH OTHER ENTERTAINMEWNTI Au ENGAoSMlONT h1ebeen tmade with thecelebrated DAN. %BUBES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,arit ar litited. The CABIN PASSAGE MONEY per Steamer CALEIDONIA, on 19th ootober. vvil1lbe THIRTY GUINEAS, aid One Guinea Steward's Fee. BRITISH AND NORATH AMERICAN ROYAL M AIL STEAM SHIPS, . of 1200 tons, and 440-horses' power each. Al Appointed by tbe Admiraltyto sail between 6 I POOL and BOSTON, Calling at HALIFAX to land and receive Tho Passengers and hbr Majesty 's Mail. S1 HIBERN ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINE OF pACKMICTS FOR NEW YORK. sailing on fthe Itiff of gvfvy month. Rwt lit. ?? I1th Sept. SIDflO ANS, EDWAIReD ?? C ?? tons, ltb October. B WAnA . A. Cptai n ?? ?? - ton, -- th Nov. FOR NE RLAScS GARRICK, B. J.a H. -ms ?? tns, 11th Dee. $a In nr~oerdance with an agreement on the part of the Pro- ,T he of e of lbs several utnes of Parhets for New York. thigi Line weill in future take GOODS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The CABIN PASSAGE MONEY per steamer CALEDONIA. on 19th October. will beTHIIOTY GUINEAS, ?? Guinlea :r B a ward's Fee. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL m MAIL STEAM SHIPS, &, o Of11200 tons. and 440-horses' power eaoh. built,sa Appointed by the Adsni of froil ftee / LIVEI POOL and OTN Booms C alling at HALIFAXtoldanreee P .seg .sAn her Majesty's Mailp. ?? ?? ?? CHAO. H. H. JUORINS. ACADIA ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCED RATE Oj-F FREIGHTS. ThO 0 NEW YORK PACKET SHIPS. stew NEW ARRA-NGEMENT. BRII Eailon the ?? 55ireve Mllonth. JOHN K1. rSKIDDY. (now ship.) FRIDD. M1thlet STEPHEN WHITNEY. W. C. TssomvsoN.031 tons, 251tb 659RtonIANthNov. WATSRLOO, (ew sip, ?? ?? 1100 tons, 211th Dcc. GOODS bytibeaboIeFOPekgi-, HII'IERTO PAYING A t4e., will in future ~pay only 3s. per Ton. H] ?? ditto ditto tile, ditto. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H E A T R'-E - R; O:Y: A L T WlLLIAM60N EQiJARP.. 5Xhe YerfoflflSP topened at nalf-past Ski. Doosx to be ?? 'IIS EVENING. (FRIDAY,) tA. l2l instant, For tbe MENErIT of Mr. MACREADY Will be prentled for the first timH in Llrerpoe;, with new Scenery. Dreofe, a A ointas he Tragedy Or -yrom ?? f akere reuebyM.MCEDY, at thez th etbDTheaektre- at, Covent-bayrden. C^&ya Koni Ltll ?? ?? MACREADy. ...