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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... j1k Q2UEN'NS ROYAL THEATRE, GREAT BRUNSWICK STREET. Third appearance of Mr. BkRKER, of the Theatre Royal, D, ury.lane. and Miss LOUISA LYONS, of the Theatre R Covent Garden. XA S THIS EVENING (Thursday), Sept. 1 25th, will he presented the favourite Burletta of THE KING'S GARDENER. Frdinand Benserade, Mr. Paget; Galochard, Mr. R& F. ith Madame Galochard, Miss Ellen Daly. (verture, Prometheus. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y'HE QUEENPS ROYAL THEATRE, GREAT BRUNSW[CK.STuEET, T HE Patrons of the Drama are respectfully in- J formed that the above Theatre WILL OPEN FOR THlE SEASON, on MONVAY, September 8, 1845. Tbe Theatre has been entirely *e-painted and decorated. ArraflOeente have been made with London Performers f the highest crllebrity. The following eminent Artistes wjill shortly appenr for a limited veriod : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. IHE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. T CIATION OF IRELAND wiil meet on MON- DAY, the 8:h September instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. :7 The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, and also the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION, HE LOYAL NATIONAL RE=PA SO. T CrATION OF IRELAND will m131z 5nis DAY, the 29th September instant, at ONE of t the CONCILIATION H1X e CORN-EXCHANGE ROOM{ 1 THE LIBERATOR WILL AT D. a'dW The principal door in front to the ground floor is free for AsSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches under the end gallery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =i'E QE' R AL THEA TRE, GREAT BRUN# [ICl STREET. Fifth appearallce CNIr. BARiKER, of the Theatre Royal, F)rt,,lane, andnlies LOUISA LYONS, of the Theatre soyai, Covent Garden. R TillS EVENING (Saturday), September 0 2, th, zwill be presented the Operetta of - ~~ROSINA. B.IIV;IIe Mr. Barker; Captain Bellville, Mr. Branson; * fdiss Louisa Lyons. ,n the course of the piece a variety of Songs will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH. AGRAND PONTIFICA HIGH, MASS A will be celebrated by his Grae the MD109R-v. Dr MIURRAY, in the METROPOLITAN @e URC MARLBOROUGH-STREET, at ELEVEN o lockjn THURSDAY NEXT, 18th instant, the ?? sary of the establishment, in this countr, of tb Aocia. tion for the Proragation of the Faith. k . The Sermon on the occasion will be preached after the Gospel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =[/QUL.T'hIOYAL 11BA T'RE, IR ijirUNSWICK-STREET. \ >, ! , ?? ,Ineavement of Mr. CI-IARLES f (,f t'I.I C ! c.s RnKyai Covent Gaiden, Edin r ,'nihe ter Iw . L i' oerpool. I iulS EVENING (Monday), September (3o~ ..,ial Ie presented the admired Drama of ?? 'TIlE RAKE'S PROGRESS. n ltlkewell, Mr. Charless Pitt; Harry Markham, rlsan; Fanny Moreland, Miss Julia Nicol; Bevy -. i-s El en Daly. / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYA THEATRE, GwAT BR'UNSWICK-STREET. F ppearance of Mr. BA RKER, of the Theatre Royal, Frtrplane, and Miss LO JIS. LYONS, of the Theatre 1,,al, Covent Garden, n THJIS EVENING (Wednesday), Sept. 24 will be performed the Operatic Draam, cafled ROB ROY. Francia Oibaldistonf, Mr. Barker; Diana Vernon, Miss L ynthecourse of tihe piece a variety of Songs will be '1edu end of the drama Mr. Barker ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GALWAY AND ENNIS GRAND JUNCTION RAILWAY. WITH EXTENSION TO EtNNISTY5ION AND LAHINCH. DISTANCE, SEVENTEEN MILES. OQfices of the CompaniyMoorgate.street Chambers, Cole- van-street Buildings, London. Capital, 175,0001., in 7,000 Shares of 251. each. Deposit, 21. Mts. per Share. (As required by the late Standing Orders.) No Shareholder to be liable beyond the amount of his Shares. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TgE Q UEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, GREAT BRUNSWICK. STREET. ,ast Night of the engagement of Mr. CHARLES PIT1' of the Theatres Royal Covent Garden, Edin. burth, Mranche'ter. and Liverpool. N THIS EVENING (Wednesday), September 0 17th, will he presented the admired Drama of THE RAKE'S PROGRESS. Toer Rakewell, Mr. Cbarless Pitt; Harry Markham, Ir. Branson; Fanny Moreland, Miss Jalia Nicol; Betty j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1, ,j;j QUshXEN'S R-fOYAL T'IfMATRJE, GREAT BRtUNrSWICK STREET, , HARKER.oftbe TheatreRoyal, -Otren dane, a-d diss LoUISA LYONS, of the Theatre ;, ' 'ovetlt Gwa-cn. ( N 'I'L-IIS EVENING (Tursday), September MOi will hi presented the Romantiot Drama of LORD) DA12NIEY; Or, tise Keeep of Castle Hill. q7e Daprle', Mr. F. Phillips; Sandy M'Screw, Mr. :i ?? The Lady Margaret ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ?? RS OF QUjRRIES. 7 l¶HE Commissioners for Paving will? on or befkra -tcthe 17th instant inclusive, receive Tenders for e 8uVply of Rubble Building Stones at a given price peF 0, and delivered where required. By order of the Commissioners, JH. RIEiLY, Secretary. !aSviug House, l2th September, 1845. DUBLIN LIBRARY SOCIETY, DWOLIE`RSTREET. NEW YMEMB RS - FOR 1846; - / ' ENTLEMEN may become ...