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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Sales by Auction. TO

... SILK MERCERS AND OTHERS, BY MR. WALKER, This Day, (Friday,) the 26th instant, at Eleven o?clock precisely, at his Rooms, 55, Church-street, THE remaining STOCK of a SILK MERCER and DRAPER, comprising a quantity of Gentlemen's Black and Fancy Silk and Satin Handkerchiefs, Vestings, Black Satin and Satinett, an Assortment of De Laine and other Dresses, &c. May be viewed prior to the Sale, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i&H. G. TRELAND to 92. BOLD STRlET. a EGS most respectfully to inform the Nobility B n d Ladies of Liverpool and its vicinity, that lis Norel. ?? ties are 5.1 iNOW: ZtADY FORl THE SEASON to ?? ilasectiat I jON E ZAGEST RETAI STOCK OF FDRS IV THE in KINGDON ! leg, Amongst It will be found evry thini that has Yet ap iredn1 &p- the Faishionable World. not fretn~h rft B. .1,wises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIBLE INIBER OF THE MICURYd On Friday next it is intended to issue, with the I MERCURY, aI Double Supplement, the whole publication being equal to TWO COM_ PLETE PAPERS. This is rendered necessary, not only by the great pressure of advertisements, I but by a mass of interesting matter which will arise during the ensueing week, Including a not ice of the important CONVoCATION of MsxIsTrEs, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FI)IBURG, 1ITH, AND GRANTON CALL OF N2 10. PER SHARE. NOTICE 1S HERLEBY GI~v-N, that, inP puine, eof areati BE lution of the Hoard if 1)ireCtors. thoa Proprieltos of Shares of tho ADDITIOAL PREEICECA STOCK in thit Company ate herbyretare t py ssteiameltofTW POUNDS TEN SHILIN~S Serilg o cob ofther rspetive Shares, on o~r befoe Fetn~, te itth ay Co th ndermrentioned Bankers. vie:- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ca RMjISTtERED PROVtSIO0N.&~L~y.'h rV'HE HJUD.DC ItSFIELD AND .EAST AND inform A. WEST C.OA. b U)litliCT It %ILIVAYreen Von~ltowL rpi.1lavl-,ito, Hi ludex-i,ld, B3 arnaley. toneta niale( ,, ,iahy. [Lnd IIull; avith a .oommttnicttionl to t a tho Al 'T', Ii-. f,.4 or near tile cuadworih buailtio of thre 1.T W~orth3la hn RaivY. 2. T its roll CAPITAL, 00 pilfl. 0 . lo 5&i.(tOO Shares. eoif00eaob. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iubtit %?mudrtingl. T H E A ¶ R E ItO Y A L TWI Xl1AMSON-Sq'JARiE T~mISVEA'ING. (FR IDAYF.) the sm imostang TiF~or tshe ~Xof ?? MttI5s ltO4.iEI, And Latt Night of the Enkgement of Mr. W.H& ARISON, Mr. SORtRANI, and Miss ROMER, The Opera of LA SONNAMBULA In whiob thema celebratedl Vocalists Wili7perform. To conclude with the B E Z 9 E Z V 0 I S. Mir. MACRRADY, Who is engaged for Five Nights. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6TOAX-ENINOLN, LAT IlS, DRIiLLING MACIIINE, CUPOLA. &, C ?? oj . Pr ?? O'clock pre* T 1FNo1INer.TOLSan MTRIALS, on -the suiud volt ftmss which wiL esl nclsqcn ?? e i'arinerohip. COtMPrili cpta v ofrs Sans ?? e. t ~ s~ p~eShftn, c. rnplele; an WIhatM 8loe. ?? SitMilr 117WthCag ulta! Sot cot prt; an I-iebLahes Dilin Mchine. Cupola. Fat) ben hev~e roda ?? atand Catalogues 10 v ~a n te oeeos8,an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELGBEINVESTMENT. IN TE ICINITY OF THE NLG~dE IEW MARKET. GILL RlOT. By MiR. WALKER This DaY, lFrid51 Lsee theeainowlokntel. Wila io.V at the Houcsei rLHte.`I= T square. suhiect to Suh eodtos fsl as shalt be then fro and there produced, and in On6 Ill More lost5 as may be agreed HIi on ait the tinats and placeof sale; Isq a IL that Piece oif LAND, situate on the east in 1LX- side of G~ilistreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANCHESTERI, LIVERPOL & GREAT B M NORTH OF YNGLANV) UNIN AILWAY. BRA The AppticausntCfor Sharrs in this undertaking arc informed LIA that the ALLOTMENT has been pOirltON ED for a short time ME] in ca: sequence of negotiationse pendiri ?? other Companies Uuiot matrferaliy affecting thoeintereste ofthe 1it. Su0h The survey ia rapidly progressing. and 1,1te ees st e Xec for ?? an applicai It tu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pbi -amwnerd [ B A T IR B- I ° Y L, T LIVEREPOOL.- r the BENBFIT of Mada5M e EIL G MXr. D. W. KING, and M~r.STRETTOM,. And lost night of their engagement. rHIS EVENING. (FRIDA Y.) ?? 26th instant, The Oerra of THE LOVE SPELL. A CONCERT, Inwhieh Madame B. GARCIA Mr. W W. KING, ani Mr. STRErTON will appear. WITH OTHER ENTERTAINMEWNTI Au ENGAoSMlONT h1ebeen tmade with thecelebrated DAN. %BUBES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,arit ar litited. The CABIN PASSAGE MONEY per Steamer CALEIDONIA, on 19th ootober. vvil1lbe THIRTY GUINEAS, aid One Guinea Steward's Fee. BRITISH AND NORATH AMERICAN ROYAL M AIL STEAM SHIPS, . of 1200 tons, and 440-horses' power each. Al Appointed by tbe Admiraltyto sail between 6 I POOL and BOSTON, Calling at HALIFAX to land and receive Tho Passengers and hbr Majesty 's Mail. S1 HIBERN ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It 1s respectfnull intited te tho ejartles requesting to see MNr ^Act5n4Mf In t ttt>cl Q~t~il Wold ii Fg - that, ancord na to pr~niarrra4Uuei4toaP~v' p~ bev repre- seated, Mr. ^cib .¶em~ta ,hs Playpsr ?? next in inhrida0 wO MA;RAbY,; Aud poitively hL las apperanOc. 2715r VsrZiLJG. (PAID*Y,J. ?? ?? -WUIL be performed Sh1akaegare ' Tragedy of HA XLET. Samlet ?? ?? MACR.ADY. To conclude ith ...