Advertisements & Notices

... THIS Line of Railwny will commence at a point on the Grand Junction Railway, at Stafford, and passing from thence by Stone, Lane End, Fenton, Stokesupon-Trent Shelton, -Hanley, Burslem, and Tunstall, to Congleton,)it will proeeed by Knuteford to Altrincham, where it will join the South Junction Railway to Manchester, an act for which has been obtained ; and from Congleton by Northwich to Pres. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALON DES NOUVEAUTES. 192,-zrwh Ste,-l92 BRAUND , BROTHERS,. B EG to notice that the Disposal of their last year's 'Winter Stock, (then quite new) will shortly be discontinued. B. B. hope it is needless for them te'stte that the pro- fessed sacrifices are perfectly genuine. SALON - DES NOUVBEUTES. 192,-oHIG SraaaT,-192. BRAUN.D, BROTHERS, Er-AVIN marked theirlast year' WINTER STOCK tl at such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~RfAAPTON, BEDFD ND CAM-N LI BRTMGE R AILWAY.-Th0 HARslniComtEe fave determined to REDUCE the DEPOSIrder HAE fo £e2 l1s. to £62 2s. B3y Orderretr 12, Bedford-row, London. WM. .1. IRWISceay ORTH-AM-PTO-N, BEDFORD, AND CAAf- N RnERIWy.TeSAELS of this Corn- Willi after which no Applications for Shares will be attended to. il By Order, ~ ~ W. 5. IltWIN, Secretary. Sir S 12, Bedford-Stowv, London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANCHESTERI, LIVERPOL & GREAT B M NORTH OF YNGLANV) UNIN AILWAY. BRA The AppticausntCfor Sharrs in this undertaking arc informed LIA that the ALLOTMENT has been pOirltON ED for a short time ME] in ca: sequence of negotiationse pendiri ?? other Companies Uuiot matrferaliy affecting thoeintereste ofthe 1it. Su0h The survey ia rapidly progressing. and 1,1te ees st e Xec for ?? an applicai It tu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAUGIHAM'S PATENTED CARRARA - 'WATER, sole Wholesatle Agent, lir. AECHIB&sLD DUN- LOP, 7r5, U~pi Tiianes-street, London-It1r. Dunlop begs leave resprecttlly ti acquaint thle noability, gentry, aind the public In go- nerrn, tlbnt hiebran obtained the appointment of solc wholesale agent for the sale of thle shove patent aerated swater. ,Mr. .Issughnim, during a long Course of chemical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAY OTICES. QHEFFIELD, ASHITON-UNDER-LYNE S AND MANCHESTER AIWLWAY.--The Dinrec- tors of this Company beg to intimate to the -Shareholders, that, after careful rinvestigation, they have conicltded to, recommend the formation by the, Company of the following EXTENSIONS or BRAN CHES from the main line :of% Failway, niamely - First-An EXTNSONRAILWAY, commenoing at or near Penistone, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The CABIN PASSAGE MONEY per steamer CALEDONIA. on 19th October. will beTHIIOTY GUINEAS, ?? Guinlea :r B a ward's Fee. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL m MAIL STEAM SHIPS, &, o Of11200 tons. and 440-horses' power eaoh. built,sa Appointed by the Adsni of froil ftee / LIVEI POOL and OTN Booms C alling at HALIFAXtoldanreee P .seg .sAn her Majesty's Mailp. ?? ?? ?? CHAO. H. H. JUORINS. ACADIA ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J1Visellaneou0. NEWTON AND PECK, M ANUFACTURERS OF ROMAN CEMENT, apt PLASTER PARIS, &C., Wilmington Works, near Hull. TOWN OFFICE and STORE, WELLINGTON- STREET, near the Railway Creek. GYPSUM FOR MANURE, prepared by the only method which will ensure its success for Agricultural Puxposee. A Pamphlet, containing Instructions for its application and full Particulars as to its uses as a fertilizer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIUIT AND FLOWER S110W. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN. CORRECT LISTS OF PLANTS, &c., intended C for EXHIBITION, on THURSDAY next, the I Ith September, are'requested to be forwarded iminedi- ately. The splendid MILITARY BAND nd 111Gf- LAND PIPERS will be in attendance. Tickets for Subscribers, Is.; for non.Sul ebers, Is. 6d.; Children, Half Price. To be had at J DONE. GALL-SQUARE EAST; from Messrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H E A T R'-E - R; O:Y: A L T WlLLIAM60N EQiJARP.. 5Xhe YerfoflflSP topened at nalf-past Ski. Doosx to be ?? 'IIS EVENING. (FRIDAY,) tA. l2l instant, For tbe MENErIT of Mr. MACREADY Will be prentled for the first timH in Llrerpoe;, with new Scenery. Dreofe, a A ointas he Tragedy Or -yrom ?? f akere reuebyM.MCEDY, at thez th etbDTheaektre- at, Covent-bayrden. C^&ya Koni Ltll ?? ?? MACREADy. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITHE COmMMSSION., JVIHPPINPA M°, ISLE.OF WFIGHT. *xl, rJNHE Tithe Coinmissioners for England and Wales, vil r hreby give Notice,--That a Copy of the Draft of her APPORTIONAENTof theRENT CiLRGEagreed NItS to 'be paid in lieu Of T.1ITUE inl thle PARISH of ;her .WHIPPlNGIIA11, ij the Isle of Wight, in the county of to ?? has been deposited at the House called Iles The Medina Hotel,in the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OS wOll oe Pfeached in JOH^N KNOX'S CHURCH, .DAY 1sth current, at 6 o'clock,, bY the Rev. w; D uwhen a COLLECTION wTll be made O ofthat Church. ~~ qCODDY WESY, Gleor3EN who are fastidious in the choice of this article, V~ 2re cs ectfulh informed that, at all times, they may have { ure ted orappicaltio to the SubscriberSwho hold, in 00et t otp0 soudcastock of very SUPERIOR SPIRITS ...