Advertisements & Notices

... PLATE GLASS. T AVERT & CO. beg to call the attention of their Friends and the Pablic to their extensive Li STOCK OF BRILLIANT PLATE CHIMNEY, CHEVAL, AND DRESSING GLASSES, wehich have all been finished since the repeal of the duty, consequently they are enabled to offer them full Twenty-five per cent. uwder the old prices. Dressing-Glasses, in mahogany frames, very best plate, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,. 1. _IT P' liN(; I lE NT INST .IT-T I N. . AND ' ; NUir' I t' N- iNliITilTS. ?? , ?? ?? ?? EiE3.' s MIE t(;It. a.w )z Biw;tZ! d~f' Dnrec-tllrs , , , ,j u [ 5' . U I 5 1 1 A 1 ( f r . i r , I 'iI. - 5~ ?? ?? 1^5.1 .L Ir A. S IT L Bi E, iL 5q .r. .. ; .T i ;. .. E - : -1 r131-J{-lN.' tiC ?? t' ?? it; ?? K.: Il'S rt i I.I~s I: t'2 ?? Mut- L FAS. :XSUI'.I- A V ?? .;!o1 L .5' i'll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS AR E confidently recommended as a simple bE t reinedy to all who suffer from Indigestion; Sa ?? unid Liver Complaints; they act asp a soanit, safe. and ef entao e aperient, imparting strength to the dtymac a con~mptosre teros taenervous System. Sold in bottles atsm is. lid.. 2Pd, andlio, neaho. in every Town in the Kingdom. I affections ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tr ANCHOR SMIH N TES BY MR. WALKR This Dlly, Friday.Y) the 12th instant, atEeeocokpeiely, at tE. Leeds Union Company'sWaf lmesre, - BOUT Eight Tons of ANCHOR PALMS, ?? o sle ad Ctaogeshad at OP. BY MR. W LKER.R Y This Day. (Friday.) te12th Instant, at One o'lc Troleya on the P'rei ses No. 1, Great Georee-place. VHE HOUSEHOED FURNITURE on the r U sad Pemi~s, ompt~in Maogan-frmedChairs, Sofa, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rV HE GEN ERAL STEAM NAVIGATIGN COW- JL PANY'S powerful and first-rate STEAM SHIPS are a ppointed to leave the CUSTOM-HOUSE or TOWER OF LONDON, for- HAMBURGH, (carrying her Majesty's Mails,) every Wednesday and Saturday nornings early. The Johnot Dtull, Capt. J. P. Corbin. The Nep~tune, H. Wh~ittingliar. The Coutess of Lonsdate, R. S. StranaCk. The Caledonia, W. Phillips. The Princess Royal, H ...

Published: Sunday 14 September 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7436 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... HIIGH WATER AT PORTSMOUTH DOCK-YARD Morn. Afterbua te Sunnay. ?? lo S o 12 Wednesday 12 'n 1Att2 38uon~daBy ?? 10 4o8 tt 10 Frhursday. 12 14i2 l Tuesday ?? 11 30 11 521 Friday . 1 12 Saturday 1 49 Meorraig; 2 8 Afte.. ,1o I 31 Add toor Subtracttrommthe above, and theigatrl be ?? at the following places - n Righ Wter ChristchurchatLoolesub. 2 CtlI Southampton INeedlesPoint ?? sub. IS 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS Line of Railwny will commence at a point on the Grand Junction Railway, at Stafford, and passing from thence by Stone, Lane End, Fenton, Stokesupon-Trent Shelton, -Hanley, Burslem, and Tunstall, to Congleton,)it will proeeed by Knuteford to Altrincham, where it will join the South Junction Railway to Manchester, an act for which has been obtained ; and from Congleton by Northwich to Pres. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALON DES NOUVEAUTES. 192,-zrwh Ste,-l92 BRAUND , BROTHERS,. B EG to notice that the Disposal of their last year's 'Winter Stock, (then quite new) will shortly be discontinued. B. B. hope it is needless for them te'stte that the pro- fessed sacrifices are perfectly genuine. SALON - DES NOUVBEUTES. 192,-oHIG SraaaT,-192. BRAUN.D, BROTHERS, Er-AVIN marked theirlast year' WINTER STOCK tl at such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~RfAAPTON, BEDFD ND CAM-N LI BRTMGE R AILWAY.-Th0 HARslniComtEe fave determined to REDUCE the DEPOSIrder HAE fo £e2 l1s. to £62 2s. B3y Orderretr 12, Bedford-row, London. WM. .1. IRWISceay ORTH-AM-PTO-N, BEDFORD, AND CAAf- N RnERIWy.TeSAELS of this Corn- Willi after which no Applications for Shares will be attended to. il By Order, ~ ~ W. 5. IltWIN, Secretary. Sir S 12, Bedford-Stowv, London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PILANO-ORTES FOR SALE AND HIRE, 14, CASTLE-STREET. I R. DALTON is just now receiving a New and Elegant Assortmnent of PIANO-FOIRTES from London, from Collard 4- Collard, Droadwvood, Wornranm Dettner, Toln- hisgol, and Allison j' Allison, consisting of Horizontal, Grand, y,eli-.Grand, Grand Square, Picol(is, and Plain Squares, 1 kneehar all been carefslly selvcted by hhsselJ, at the di)~e ',,nt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN APPOINTMENT, yielding not less thin £400 per annum, is REQI,1IED by a Gentleman qualidfed to undertake any ditties in which a thorough knowledge of general business is ?? John Townsend, Esq., 'ure of W Dawson and Soils, Cannon-street, City. GENTLEMAN of long standing in the City, A and great mercantile experience, is desiros9 of suitable EMPLOYMENT in or out of London, either in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10O3NIVALL modl DEVON CENTRAL RAIL- C AY front EXETER to FALMOU~TH and PEEZANCE, Othi hr~atcio' to Plyrnottith, T1anistloel, Mildfoid, Ilarnsolaple, andit S. Atistli, furininz, in contittnuation of the Lonlton anti South Wcsterrtt Londontl, Salibutupe, and Yenvil, ?? Exeter, lioceltiter anit Yeovil ltiillttvtys, a dirvet line froin London to Esctor, Itainiouli, ri P' ttlcs ?? X3,O0i0,000, in ? ...