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September 1845
4 19 17 20



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Public Tags

Advertisements & Notices

... COLOSSEUM. PATRONISED and visited by her Most Gracious MAJESTY and his toyal Highness Prince LBERT. OPEN DAILY from Ten till Six. Pro- oanced by the Press, and confirmed by every visitor 4be the most perfect triumph of Art in its various tranches, both by Day and N'ight, halt has ever been achieved. Equal to six exhibitions. The Glyptotheca, 4ontainiag works of the first artists; Mont Bliatc d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (If2 rt ft.- Ii Ii 'I jlhC, YORKSHIRE and tWX ant to, aware of the rt:r t-ii o ith neighbhoering 4i et.will be worth £ iti XV'`KS JFLANDERSI Fll Prince .t iv aic, whereby the * a,.tn n~ T-ni~ lI it~l * ?? ~ill'ttctL.' C ?? i -.c ?? e-ct £caait ti :I ic:'t LmcC l~tut tid 71--it Ii tG totA- 4tIUt ldr 'ti -Alh -t ~~11 cut it /btit-t lt * :I'a . ro rriti be maind or.o * AY-' ferr, I. iN ' Lant:' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti~3pftg Notict%. TO SHIPOWNERS, MERCHANTS, &c. M ESSRS. EDWARD GIBSON & SON having made very considerable alteration and provement in their GRAVING DOCK, onthe GAR- BISON-SIDE, rendering it capable of receiving the l3rgest Steam-Ships and Vessels which can enter the Fort of Klingston-upon-Hull, beg respectfully to inform their Friends and the Public generally, that they are nov quite ready to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aLiS ,I uP bulKS . JWIt LISII1ING ByV Ii.t IS, DUKE STRtEET, tIN- ?? N'~lN-FEL S.LONDON. 7f l 'Btliili, y he11V, 3. 1,S ith f. A., 5Sid- Vol It, prc'sVlII, rice fr- Cl, clott, boards or01 rite three ?? in one,' Ioi~af besti in calf anid lettered, PI100 163. Reftaliition of Owenismf, byv 60. cItlfori, of 'Worcester; withi a Ilaply, by thle tRer. 3. 13. $ailt, M.A, Is. Ni e~tc sliri,titity; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stamp. Price Is. lad. per box. Sold also by Ross ant Burton Hannmonds Bell Weir Ryder Stephen- son lleinhardtX Hull; llattcrsley, Ingoldby, Barton, Ramsden, J olmson, lieningham, Brigham, Pipes Beverley, Crcasser, Driffleld; Stnith, Furby, Bridling l ton- Headley BridLmgton Quay- Adams, Colton Pullen Selby;Rhodes Bnaith;andbymostresvuectab chemists and booksellers J ffi - ellato % OR STOPPING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLOSSEUM. PsTROTISEi and yisitcd by ler Most Gracious P MAJESTY aid his Royal Highness Prince LBERiT. OPEN DAILY froin Ten till Six. Pro- ouliced by the P'ress, and confirmed by every visitor %be the most perfect triumph of Art in its various oraelch's, both by Day and Night, tlhit hns ever been achieved. Equnl to six exhibitioas. The Glyptotheca, contaililng vorks of the first artists; Mont ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LIST O1 1 I. ?? NON', I'UBLIS111ING BY B. D. C0LSINq, I-S, D'UKE STREET, LIN- o COLN INIINS-lILLDS. LONDOIN. ?? tile R1ev, J. E. Smriti, M.A., It -~ Vol 1, p'ike is 4id- Uo Ii poio es- l Iin , n0 price Gs Cad clo~t boards or the titree vouein0, half bound is, calfaond lettered, price Ito.A Rlefutntion t, of Oniveei, by G. licdford, of Worcester; with) a iteply, be th, Itev. J. 11. Smith, M.A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLOSSEUM. ID S.TRONISED) and visited by ?? IL tMAJESTY Daend his Royal Highness Prince .LBERT. OPEN DAILY from Ten till Sir- Pro- Oanced by the Pres,g and confirmed by every visitor ,he the meat Perfect triumlph of Art in its various branches, both by Day and Night, that has ever been acbieved. Equal to six exhibitions. The Glyptotheca, Gontaining syorks of the first artists; Mont Blanc and ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... 1AIRECTT LON ON, GLASGOW, AND. .1y EiI.Nnr 1RORAILWAY.K Vll TF,7CE MIR Sf iSFlD 'ICT, rllrovicfk~iiallIiittti, povc 10i /o 7i/nil 8 Ficforiu, Capn. 110.j CapitlC /Sv/tt/ in htic Shares of £C2/i cacti. Iltt/i/ sit, fSL t.1~ Pi/c ararm. Tbe S-r-ec-t a, ilis CotaP;itiV is tO ebtllitic it(ho ncsia cliirai 0l,:- shit-- ;,t b--e /twen Londern and sitin ?? fl n-C its in') hi/A t ?? tn I 5be ' irii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTOPRT & SO.UTH JUNCTION RAILWVAY' FROM hIALIFAX. TO KIGUi~ILEY. PPOVItIt:YNAIr,Y RtEoGtoicioiiI Tie Guarantee Fond being now closed- and the Survey by 30r Crrtr ?? ctnl~t3.a deta~iled Vrospectus, with tire Itltie orcalltiure, A Iml'cociorr for further information may Uoi%.1,2thSept. ro tliioe TireT -& SOUTH JUNC-VION,, RAILWA.Y r4ORTI DJO lUiVIPANE TO) KEICHiLEY tittrtr Th orrdiltririge to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * B 1.BE SOLD, TEN OLD STIAR.ES in the T LEDS %A GAS COMPAflY. For Pa ticatars apply to . WA ,JON,, Co., Shilreb eto era, 'trinuity (Court, Leels~. if~AEHOUSE, F~~nlln.-OBE DL'50. by v P n I ATL (tO',fillA CT, ll I hoest MFEiSSYA or 'l'nomr~tS, Called Itit.Iooo ith the leur Field ClAses of Land adljoilniog, Contauinin. withl the Sites of 1 iilsildiliks, Eijlht Acres, be tho tamne mrine tr lees ...