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Advertisements & Notices

... . PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. SCHOOL of- CHEMISTRY and NATURAL PlIlLOSOPHY.-ROYAL POLYTECHNIC IXSTITUTION, Letu- don, uinder tbe direction of John Ryan. LL.D., M.D., and Proegsor Ilachhoffner, Ph. D., M.A.-The COURSE of OilEiCL LEC. TURES nnd Practical Demonstrations for Medtcal and general Sit'- dents, Agriculturists, &c., under the direction of Dr. Ryan, will -commence on the flti of. Oetober.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.ALBANS IIATFIELMD, andi HERTFORDI S JUINCTION EcILIAkY. (iPovisiOal~Ty rkgntered.) Capital £100~,Q000, il 7,500t lires of £00 0each. Deoi e£ 5 er s1arev, being 10 PercentI.. an pursuanceo ofithe onisting standing orders. PittovtsosAL Co50315iv'Eitt' o Dtitlot~tioN. 3VILLIA,7-' BIAIDLEY, Ecl., 'Manor Oaks Sheffield, Chairman Colonel W. C. Iitnwi4 Bird, Howlarld-street, Fitzirny square Colonel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UGBY DERBY, aind MANCHESTER ..I HA lLA -1~~5ionflay regisererd, pursuant to 7th and Bilh Viet., C. I110), Capital £l,500,000, io 009,000 shares of £d5 each. Deposit £2 1,. I 3d.i ter slinic (in order to Insuer compliance with thc stlandinir orders both of' the Le.,dq and Commons). PnoisVI.iOAi. COIMiTTtER. Lord Georgv PO,.it, UaiuriogC lHou~, London Sir CA. Yiouna, ltnrt Weotbeueo-ticlO0c', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (A CARD,) F. W. MARSHALL, ?? WUR4C1UEON, &c., N\o. 19, FISHIERGATE 11ILL, PRESTON. MR. WATSON, ~J hIOSE K&LOGENIC MINIATURES have been so gener ally admired in the numerous towns which lie h~as visited, since his discovery of this important improve- ?? up1on tho process of ])aguerro, begs respectfully to ,qn0untw that he purposes, in the -early par of the coming ,,onth, visiting Preston, when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - I R EPPARA'l'ORY SC(-IOOL for young Gentlemell, Forbulry CGron, Reading, conducted by Mrs S. BRA 1LEY, with the aid of experienced Assiotants-A few vacancies will occur at the end of the present quarter. As the numbor of pupils is strictly limited, eariv application is requested. Itefor- ?? of the highest otlder. with prospeetus of terms, &c. may be bad at the School. The ?? and Latin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KNIGHT'S WEEKLY VOLUME, PRICE ONE SHILLING. This day, S P E N C E R, and his PO ET R Y. BYGEORGE L. CRAIK. M.A. In i3 Vols. Vol. I1. London; Charles Knight and Co. 22 Ludgate street. MURRAY'S HOME AND COLONIAL LIBRARY. On September 30th willbe published, No. XXV, post Sr., 2s. 6d. TH E A L L of the J E S U I T S. . Nosw ready, in I rnl. post 8vo, 8s. 6d. DARWIN' NATURALISTS' VOYAGE. John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTTINGHAM, EREWASH VALLEY, AMBER GATE, AND MANCHES'T'ER RAILWAY. Company's Offices, Nottingham, Sept. 18th, 1845. QHE COMMITTEE of MANAGEMIENT of the i. Nottingham, Ereowash Valley, Amber Gate, and Manchester Railway Company have to apprise their Shareholders, that an arrangement has been conclnded for the amalgamation of this Company with the Notting- ham, Vale of Belvior, and Grantham and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ETWENTYFIFTH THOUSAND. pubbs ,Ins eed Envelopc, prIC 3F., nd esent free, on receiving a Post-offics Order for S9. ed,, M A N H 0 0 D F1HE CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE, with plain Direetdons for its PERFECT RESTORATION; addressed to those suffering from Nervous Debility. Iilustrated with Cases, &c, By J.L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons, London. TWENiVFrIFTH EDITIONt Published by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iiXE & CRE DITON RAILWAY. iii CN li \CVFORl ION RAILS. Notice is hereby given that the Directors of this Company are ready to receive '1'r ND)RIIS for the supply of 1000 'rorns of, iRON RAILS, oftoibs. to the yard, tilewhole of which is to be' delivered by the Ist, of'April, 1840. Tenders, stathi thle prticenat which parties fire willing to supply thle samne, specifying the difflrvnce of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? SOUTHERN, and IJE'1II\TI1 or IP'SWICHl and S1OUTEIAMPTON' jlr. . ,l'3033.lil Itgitce. -Cpia £,ooloiot, fi WV 1313 COAl. COI~iMOITRE. ,11 ouglas Kijonaird l'ulletley, Whitehall, director of Ba. tano riut., 'clairiirtm of Itte London and Dir- dHr. nEstyn, Wrexhiam r . anlel Walden, Essex L'nhi II,~ London, diroctor of tke Nottingham ?? i.uPlt, and Alga House, Scarhoroogh, ?? and Df iruley, ...