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September 1845
7 26 18 27



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? X~st~tt 7 X E T E R, DORCHESTER b E AND WEYMOUTH JUNCTION thy COAST RAILWAY. me (Provisionauy Registered, pursuant to 7 and 8 Vict., Cap. 10.) Tr CAPITAL, £1,250,000, as In 62,500, SHARES, of £20 each; Deposit, £2 2s.perShare. me priovISIONAL COMITTrEE. I J. Hamilton Lloyd Anstruther, Esq., nuitlesham Hall, m Ipswipch. De Lieut.-Gceneral Sir Robert Barton, ?? Montague-Place, co Mlontague ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KnvoGn MootI salro At the HALL OF COxME.RCE, on Friday, the Third Ocobfr, and oubsequeng Dons. 12000 BALES AUSTRALIAN, VAN i12~ st~sv DIEMEN'd LAND, PORT PHILIP, & CAPE WOOLS. Thie A.A 613 BALES by Order of the Cowt of Directors of the IAustralian Agricultural Company and the IM-A 187 BALES, will be sold on the 11th October. Catalogues, &c., in due time, by J. T. SIMES & Co., Brokers, 58, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [rol 1010 SALLY REGISTERED.] At fD AfIND WEST'-RIDING JUNCTION i1 ,4yM? -T ho Bottlers of Scrip in this teriettltodeiner or transmit the same, with. ~se' ~ i t t e f othere of, en sir be/ore Friday, the Te,,t/i p1 ?? vititie foi in order that the -ame may fi -J~if P r -tri on- aci to be issued ?? W FST-itIInus0 t~tlis ?? the proportion of Sixteen Shares 'sliftitt 0iP fr 1lifteen of the Leeds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOPUJLAdB. WORKS NOW PUBELIlSHING ]BY W. DUGIDALE, 87, EO0LYWELISTREET, STRAND. rEW WORK l EUGEONESpUEDR DR RGHAN; O THE COURT CONSPIRATOR,m in PeanYt numbers, i r fogtrpenny parts. The N irst partand il ber seven are published this day. Translated erptesly for this edition, and nothing o.ted. THE WANDERING JEW, No. 33, and Part B, ~is out, end is expected to be completed in forty-two numbers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY. NOVEL ENTERTAiNMENT.. TMOSPHERIC Railway daily, with explanatory A lecture. 'he New Zealaud Chief, Pahe a Range, DII give * course of lectures on the Manners ad CuW - toms of New.Zealand, on the eveninga of Monday, Wed. inedaY, and Friday next. Mr. Russell continues to deliver his uniquled Ictures on Character, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdayevenings. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... $hte 3En~lulaue. NEWCASTLE-UPONJTYNE FIRE-OFFICE. (ESTABLISHED 1783). FOR INSURING HOUSES, BUILDINGS, ,Goods, Wares, Merchandize, Hay, Corn, Live Stock, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or while Building, Sfe., from Loss or damage by Fire, AND FOR GRANTING ANNUITIES ON LIVES. T HE friends of this Office, whose Premiums fall due at Michaelmas are respetfully informed, that Receipts for the renewal of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,a X be 3Vrtbatt eotract. . F oHR SALET BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, a very valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Oatiguo to th aviu Dock, ig a Ground Plot Commercial pur. es the Sitltion is among the best in the Port of HaIll.-Apply to Mir. C. S. CLARRE, 139, High-Street. 7OGROCERS, PROVISION DEALERS, DRAPERS, &e. LOWGATE, HULL, ?? BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, all that MESSUAGE or DWEL- LlNG-HOUSE, SHOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRECT LONDON and EXETER RAILWAY, D. with extension to Pislmoutli and Penzance.-The Com- mittee of management of thle above Company, in order to remove any possible mnisappreliension in the minds of the Pu~blic, beg to assure the Landowners and others interested in ofthis undertaking that the Engineer of the Company, John 1,Braithtel, Esq.~, and his Assistants, are now actively engaged ain c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I.£ OYS BOARDING HOUSE, IgREOORY9 CIIAPSIDE. Loxnos. ,L.. per Day, including Tea. [led, a~nd Breakf ast; reVISW, Seervants 9.1. per Day. C WELLINGTON GiRE-GORY, Proprietor. b CJSITEI{S TO LONDO.N.-1WR. GILBERT 1 V SFrsehll ?? and Gentlemen visiting Lots- 1 ~n 11istle5S orPlea~sU~, tolloprefer at Private House to P LOU' ,'eof lull that tdO~~ can be comfortablly accomtno. EOlI. n LODGING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'OPULAR WORKS 'JOW PUBLISHING By W. PUGDALE, 37, HOLY WSLL.STREET, STRAN~D. ByEGN.SE E OH ; -W WORlK II UEESE D OA N EOR, TslE COURT CONsPIRATOR,' in Penny numbers pdfourpesny parts The first part andy, nt- ber seven are Published this day. Translated expressly for this edition, and nothing emitted. THE wANDERING JEW , No. 33, and Part 8, is out, Sandis expeetrito be completed In fortytwo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUPERlIOR GOLD AND SILVER WATCH1ES. 8 TAMES WALES respectfully intimates to his e U Friends and the Public, that his Stock has, within the last i few Days, been augmented by a new and elegant Selection of GOLl) AND SILVERi LEVER VATl'CiHES, which, for their good s Quality, combined with moderate Price, are eminently worthy e of the attention of Purchasers. J. W. hag also at the same time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CNLIFFORD, near Tuoncp Artcr.-NOTICE.- Aj The Feehod INNand AND dvertis~d. for 'Sale by I Auctin, atthe Say Hose In, at liffodoil Tuesday, th r Thirtieh Day f Se tmber istantHAS lIEN DISPUSIBED if COTTAGES AND LAND IN AReDSLEY, NEAR BARiNSLEY. By efr.-DALE, enfi'riday. the 3rd of Octobecr, 1845, at the CROSS- Xav Ices, at STAtYFOOT, in Ardsley, at Four in the Afternoon- LOT 1. Occupied In ...