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Hull, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... N~~~2otitet. % - itslSlONALLY iREGlSTRU.V. . . IOSPECTUS bf -the KENT , ,h AND ESSEX UNION '.,tAIL. W^,0- A Y, Gunicti,-` the SOUTH:ERN VAM 1~- Ess1gX, .ith and tbe CON;TINENT, trio StI1~E~1RNE;S`. FAVERS A, M ej CANTlhIBUA, witih a J(JNCTIO'N LIN13 yO 5EBNE BAY, MABGATE, 4A&MSGAT std C SMt,%IOO, In 27S00' IWARESof e eaeh. DEPOSIT £2 2e. ,I. ..s A-Wm. Tlerney Clark, -Esq., M.lC. and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 40Si-Uetantou0, LIFFE WALLS END COLLIERY C OFFICE, 5, HUMBER.PLACE. Best House Coals delivered in any part of Hull, at 17s. 6d. per Chaldron, for CASH, when Ordered or on Delivery. Mr. R. RAINSBURY, Agent, Residence, 16, BAT-e.PLACE. PLASTER MILL, WALrHAM.STREET, HULL. HT AND J. WVAUDBY beg most respect- oe fully to inform Plasterers, Builders, Masons, and others, that they have erected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAat~b~aX Notite%. - PROVISIONALLY REGISTERED. nROSPECTUS of the EKENT PE A ND ESSEX UNION RAIL- WAY, connecting the SOUTHERN CAIOF ESSEX, -with DOVER and the CONTINENT, i,SHEERNESS. FAVER~SHAM, and CANTEBURY, with a JUNCTION LINE TO HERNE BAY, MARGATE, RAMSGATE, and DEAL. CAPITAL £550,000, in 27,500 SHARES of £20 each. DEPOSIT £2 28. ENsxNz-Wrm. Tierney Clark, Esq., MxllC-E.. and F.R.S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TNCOLNAhIRPIAND-EAST- Ii ERN -COUNTIES JUNCTION-1 HLLWAY. PROSPECTUS. PROVIBIONALLY REGISTERED. Capital, £2,400,000, in 96,000 Shares, of £25 each. Deposit, £2 12s. 8d. per Share. No Shareholder to be liable beyond the amount of his Subscription. Offices of the Company, No. 8, Cornhill. 3 PROVISIONALCOMMITT.E. Bosewel Middleton Jali4nd, Esq., Helderne -ihouse, near Hull, a Deputy Lieutenant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WX rANTED, in a SHARE-BROKER'Srl 5 OFFiCE, a Person thoroughly acquatuted 'with Book Keeping, as a LEDGER CLERK. Apply so No. 172, Post.Ofice, Hull. ANTED, a YOUT H, as JUNIOR Um Wi CLERK, by JOSEPH JaNms & Co., Drapers, Market.Place, Hull. Personal application required. IW.ANTED, a respectable YOUNGMAN'LA WV asASSISTANT to the GROCERY BUSINESS. Apply to Mr. FRUD. ASHTON, 76, Lowgate, Hull. ha ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . HE DTRECT LINCOLN AND I HULL, AND HULL AND YORK, ti ItAILWAY COMPANY. C P405S5IOXALLY UHsGcBBReD. CAPITAL, £1C0,0000,-ia 60,0Q0 SHARES of A20 eacob g DEPOSIT, £2 2s. per .Sbare. V PRCObIIOQNAL COMMIrTrE. ., The Right Honoprable the Earl of Morsington I The Right Honourable .the Barl ofAboyne, Orton Hail, Hun- tingdon The Right Honqurable Viscount Wellesley, Draycot House, al Chippeehasn re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. SISSONS, TAILOR, DRAPER, AND READY-MADE CLOTHES DEALER, 49, MARKET.PLACB, HULL, GOUT1H CbRNER OF1- 1IGH CHURCH, AKES the present opportunity of informing his Friends and the Public, that his Stock Tof GOODS suited for the approaehillg Season is nouw ready for Inspection, and have been bought on such terms, and are offered at so small a remuneraiing profit that he fearlessly and confidently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uatlwan poticro. 11 ULL, SHEFFIELD, AND W H MIDLAND DIRECT RAILWAY, , via Goole, Thoine, Doncaster, Rotherharn, and Masbro'. REGISTERED PROVISIONALLY. CAPITAL,£750,000.in37,500SHARESof £20each. DEPOSIT, £2 2s. Od. per Share. PROVISIONAL COMMiTTEE. Alder, John, Esq., Hull. Atkinson, Joseph, Esq., Lake Lodge, near Wakefield. Aamstrong, John Esq., Doncaster, Member of the Corporation of Doncaster ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s .MOXON'S . DISSoLuTi7N. O; T.I H'ERIBY GIVEN, that the- NJ co-partnerabiP heretofore subsisting between us ndtrsigne aad carried on by' us at the Borough the YntO all, as Woollef Drapers, Glovers, ° G tentl l's atfitters, under the style or firm of . Booth ld MOo, IWas DISSOLVED by nxrltusl t on- ?? day of October instant, and that thre Business will be in future carried on by the Under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,d # UXTON, MACCLUSFIELF), %Bi LlSTOCKPORT, AND WARRilNG- TON UIILWAY. IProviaionally Registered. 4'OAPiTAL £750,000,in 37,600 SHARES of ASO each. DEPOSIT £2 Is. per share. PRQVISIONAL COMMITTEE. 1he Worshipful the Mayor of Liverpool. The Worshipful the Mayor of Stockport. The Worshipful the Mayor of Nottingham. The Worshipful the Mayor of Grantham. The %k or6hipful the Mayor of Hull. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hbtpptng. ~ EOR LIVERPOOL, the fine new Ship BERHAMPOREB,s' ?? B, SMITH, Comnmander; has most of ?? Cargo engaged, and will meet with despatch.*D. LOFTHOUSE & CO., Agents. Huill, Oct. 30th, 1845. OR STETTIN, the ?? F 'Brig WILHELMINE, Capt. J. A. PAROW, to succeed the MENTON, 4 will Sail in a few Days. For Particulars e rit, &c., apply to GEO. MALCOLM & SON, Hll,, Oct. 30th, 1845. 22, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ULL, MALTON, & NORTFIf _i1 ERN UN IODN RAILWAY. (Pwoiai,*a11, egitered.) PTIAi L £8S-o, O0, in 42,lOO SffARES of £20 esac DEPOSIT £P 2a.per Sshare. RSOVISIOIAL COsKMTTEE. `-Jsaph Jones, Esq., Mayor of Hull. John Alder, ESsq., Hull. Williamn Andersoa, jun., Esq., Byker House, Newcastle- on-Tyne. Joseph Ayre, M.D., Alderman, Hull. Ch£alea Basferd, jun., Esq., Cottingham, near Hnlk., vJshn'Bazneo ...