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October 1845
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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... MEMOIR OF TIHE EARL SPENCER. The largest gifts of nature and the most esteemed results of education seem occasionally to be combined in the same individual, for the purpose of enabling him efficiently to discharge the duties of a situation to which by mero accident lie muay have been raised ; hence it is by no means uncommon to find great law- yers on the bench, real statesmeu in the Cabinet, ...

Chartist Intelligence

... elpra-4t I I MR. I)OYLE'S TOUR.i TO THtE CHARTIST BODY, AND MflMMMIS OF TVIE CO-OPRAnTVE LAaND SOclmTY.-The Chartist Co-ope- rative Land Society has behn in existence betveen four and five months, and during that period every opposition has been offered to its onward progress by our opponents, and yet, thanks to your exertions- thanks to the late Convention, who made the plan simple, easy to ...


... The stage, as a great national amusement, has been always considered a standard of the progressive advance. ment of civilization ; and, impressed with this belief, all n influenced by a refined and correct taste, mutt have s %witnessed with regret the decline of the-legitimate drama. I For years past a vitiated and vulgar feeling has had the c ascendancy; our two great national, theatres have ...


... - On Thurrsdray evening week most tremnndously heavy rain began to faill in the two northern counties of Cumberland and Westmurcland, and from mid- night it poured down in perfect torrents, and con- thiued all that night, all day on Friday, and the greater part of Saturday, and the consequence was that all the rivers arnd streams were swollen and overflowed. More terrific floods have not been ...


... I (FROM1 01e OWN LAND COMIMISSIONYER.) LETTER iV. TO TIHE WORKING CLASSES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. I write this letter from the capital of Sardinia; and in my passage here I have been a very strict ob- server of persons and manners, and of the Land above all things. I believe it has been the fashion for travellers to compile the history of countries either frens the works of other writers ...


... TIHE DOOMED SHIIP. We understand that a report, of which the follow- inlg is an outline, was made to the Lords of her Ma jesty's Privy Council, on Friday week, by Sir William P'ym, superintendent-general of quarantine, and Mr. Arnott, of the Middlesex Hospital. These gentle- nen proceeded to Portsmouth on Tuesday weck. The Eclair, it will be remembered, reached the Mother- bank on Sunday ...

Tit Bits

... sit IWO+ DROPSOFCOSMOflTGENEHALLY ADMISUERED BY FRIENDS. Having your health proposed at the age of forty, as a ' promising young man. Reading a newspaper on a railway, containing an account of fivo.and-tweuty lives Iost only the day before. Losing a heavy sunm at cards, and a]I your friends WOnderinig how You could ?? been uch a fool. Petting on :; wvhite nokloth, which you fancy becomes ...


... The extraordinary attempt to palm off upon the rate- I payers of Andover a discarded officer, as it is believed, of E another union, is, I am informed by letter, the subject of c animated conversation in the town. The circumstances of tije case at Oxford, where Price is said to have been, very mudh resemble those of that at Andover. The surgeon of the house brought under the I iotice of the ...


... On Thursday night, shortly after seven o'clock, a fire, which, fromi it. melancholy and distressing cir- cumstauncis, produced a most painful sensation in the neighbourhood, broke out in the Westminster-road, on the promises known as ?? firewo: l; manu- factory, situate on tho South side, fronting the Free. masons' School. The premises, which comprised a dwelling house, three stories high, and ...

Foreign Intelligence

... ,foreigit *utteldgniem 'I INSURRECTION IN ITALY. The Jousrnal des Debats gives the following account of an attempt at insurrection which broke out at Rimini, on the 24th ult.:- W We learn by a letter from Milan, dated the 29th ult., that on the 24th an attempt at insurrection was made at Itimini. This attempt had been combined, it is said, by some inhabitants of the town and some Spanish and ...

Tit Bits

... tit TWO DaoPSOFPCOUForBTGNXBEAYADMINISTERBD BVY RZENDS. Having your health proposed at the age of forty, as a promising young man. Reading a newspaper on a railway, containing an account of fiYe-and-twenty lives lest only the day before. Losing a heavy sum at cards, and all your friends w ondering how you could have been uch a fool. Putting on a white neckcloth, which you fancy becomes ...

Chartist Intelligence

... (rujartiot *11ttl1ip irr . ?? I ? - ?? ?? ?? 1-1-11 I MR1. DOYLE'S TOUR. To TILE CiiARTIST BODY, AND MEMBERS OF T1lE Co-opEnATIvE LAND SOCieTY.-Tlle Chartist Co-ope- rative Land Society has been in existence between four and five months, and during that period every opposition has been offered to its onward progress by our opplunents, and yet, thanks to your exertions- thanks to the late ...