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Advertisements & Notices

... GNRAL RALAY-ob 1,,ooW~~ oot! stblshed by an Act of the Colonial Le- - car~ 200 000 shares oX5eacho. Deposit Ili. LcdrL1 B leOatlck, 0. Citashal-fiiaoce, leIgOae- V or J ,Rliditng, No altmheriani ~rr liofo Hall, Brcandon, Sufifolk, proprietor, ' ii t~ ~Maicn, Bart., late conmmonder-in-ohlef at TY Se OFizCe~ipae ii HatMPchairman of the Norwich Union Re- Pt s. iif' ~1dc Folcy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ~ l A~PTON, LINCOLN, and HULL R AILWAY, ~ t tamnpte, antd proceeding, by way of Kettering, I crunthuam, anid Lincoln, direet to Halt.-(Po- ?? £2,000,000, in 100,000 sharos of £20 elosl £2 2s. per share. PROVISIONAL ?? Smilth, the RItght lon. PX,VI Melesbere of Parltament for North- Currie, Reflkeso, lEsq. I ?? Itoernorv, the Lord, thre Dell, Windeor Diliesr, Hon. W. Dawecet, Parkeonee Lodge, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adLEICESTER, MELTON-MOWI3RAY. DdSILIGJUNCTION RAILWAY. glving, with (ithor tond I ',jtcti d lines, tho nearo't riute from B3irmingliam, annd 1,ceshtc to the eastern coast, qnd a communlealtiui ~ u~d~ riftNaneatoi, Leicester, and Melton-Mowbray, N.ttlitnitfprovcisionally roglsterod.)-OffiCes, 4,Trat'elgar-square, ;o*nlItI;;n- Caital fo0,00o, in 20,000 Raraes of £20 each. pulOVISlONAL COMMITITEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT IRON SKIM. TO NOBLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, AND AGRICULTURALISTS. EDWARD HILL, OF BRIERLEY HILL IRON WORKS, NEAR DUDLEY, ECS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Agriculturalists, that in consequence of the LATE REDUCTIONS in tle PnUCE of IRON, he is enabled to offer his FENCES at 50 per Cent. lower, and particularly calls their W-i to his IMPROVED FENCES, which obtained the first-prizes at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SII ROPSUIIIEUNION RAILWVA\ ard CANA], COMIPANY.--(lRegivtered Provisinallniy, 1anilufot to tlha Act ot the ?? sail tIl, Vi tora, cap. I Il.) Capixlal £.,400,000, ito tllares of £2_0 cacti. Dlaposit £0 29. per share. PROVISIONiAL DtRECT'OtlS. 'fle Earl of Powis, 1(G., chairman rT e Bait Iof 'ill'liuoE, K(0., Lord Lieilut nant of the mainty of Stafford Earl Bradford '[he EarL of Lichitieid flue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANCASTER AND NEWCASTLEXUPON.TYNE DIRECT RAILWAY. (Provisionally Registered.) Capital, £2,000,000., in 100,000 Shares of £20 each. Deposit, £2 2s. per Share. DROSPECTUS and FORMS of APPLICATION r may be had in due time of ERYRE and SHAW, SHARE BROKERS, No, 5, Queen-strert. Derby. DUDLEY, WOLVERIIAMPTON, WALSALL, AND TAMWORTH JUNCTION RAILWAY. Registered Personally. rOTICE is hereby GIVEN, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MUMMATANEOUS COLLECTION FOB T.E O'CONNELL TRIBUTE 1845L WILL IBE MADE IN ALL THE PARISHES OF IRELAND, ON SUNDAY, NOV. THE 16TH. A GAIN the Irish People are called up 4-% tify their gratitude to their great Benefactor teir pride in his wonderful ability, and their appreciatio his unexampled services. They remember what they were, they know wl they are. A province of trodden slaves, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2W OUI1TSN1 OiTH audi LAN GSTION RAILWAY aild DOLE co.IPAN y. - Pt ovislonanv relristered porsuanii to 7o 0- tcVie., v. I110).- Capitite Sri,tO,O00l, in shtares of £25 t~c i. D).'iost X2 123. 02l. per bhare. NO sharehltoder to be liable for nit, Irian the ainount ofrhis shares. Officias, 48, lloorgate-5ircet. t'ROVaION1Ar, Ctammi'ruie. Tbt lt,RI .,I H o n. Li)rd ,Suff,ld, Gunton l'ark, Norfolk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, Wanstead, for JL the reception of bereaved children from all parts of the empire, pecially such Ba are respectably desoended. Instituted 1827. Incorporated 1843.-On Sunday next, October 28, THREE SERMONS will be preached on behalf of the above Charity, at the church of St. George theo Martyr, Queen-square, Bloorrsburr that in the morning by the Rlt. William Short, M.A., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jOxFORD an( SLISBURY D)IRECT 1' y iiAbnjngdon, Iaite. ree~erford, and Lud- Cedil. DcI.enit,f XI 2d. ic1 pr Siare. I w ed YiLsOLat DIton, Diechi'y Paerke, Oxen 1inu. 1.r ?? P'ark, North .A atxdhuer ii ~ d Suofioeodr; tlie WNt. Xl lll'erd'r ilci'13 i tOY e, BetI limin) Hocuse, Il'lety i Ii 1e ?? IN. lt'21~, wilttn-iie-,r, slet I'ark'tone Lodre, Poole, director 01 o I ptoaieutffrd ,,rnijiigieaw, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I aWTG. CAIGWR=GE, AND NM ARHEW P!AflWAX' COMPhAY. CAPITAL, 600,000, in 24,000 Shares of £25 each. DEPOSIT, £2 12s. 6d. per Share. Directors. The Right Hon. Viscount Mandeville, M.P., Rimboltou Park. John Anderson, Esq,, Lothbury, Director of the Leeds, Fleet- wood, and Liver pool Railway Company. Alexander Bricknell, Esq., Bristol. W. Downing Bruce, Esq., Charles Street, St. James's, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANSFIELD AND PINXTON RAILWAY CO^MPANY. W E, the undersigned, belng F Oive of heLOProprietor VT of the MANSIFIELD and PINXTNRAL WAY, and each entitled unto Three Shares or Subscrip- tions of One Hundred Pounds each, or upwards, Do hereby (in conformity with the Act of Parliament relating to the said railway), require you to convene a SPECIAL GENERAL AssEMBLY of the PROPRIETOBS, to be held at ...