Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. Mfessrs. E. EArILY and WV. J. CLINCH, Sharebrokers, BLA-NKPT l-ALL, WITNEY. Mrs. TIhZBERL;tMAE, 33, NEW INN HAL4,L STREET, EGS to inform the Ladies of Oxfordl and its vicinity B her SllOW ROOAM of WINTERt FASIIONS will bo realy for inspection on Wednesday next the 29th of October. M1R. SHARP AS the Honour to announce that his ANhNUAL O CONCERT will take place (by permission of the Rev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o: 9ALE.. n a few eek,4THREE STEAM IN 0i~siE E~ u tndetr:-.n f Ior tP e hihpesue with1l-orie Tc. hotlrw ; .~n o 28 ~s t .hg ?? = 440-hnors boiler, BUall on of 50boyc peronnlgwihtwo boiiler 3it-horse ?orrar ~)WV pailh; witlh f'ssw SacimRr pL PuMpt, and ?? cruniIte. I ]~gi 01ci 'ch btore. and one titacic Of 9 Inch boire. The Enginee nary Rlive, .beowen at the Ltvefp'ool Town NWultet-works, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMI~N liR' AND) bRIES ROOIIS, 1 9!3 Port oioetq/e corncr of 4C/jhrec Lane. I , S AlAL U1l, begs to ?? t the Ladies of Al p~t'lifl'teil tindL its ncigleheuriored, sbe is. 1ose cI 'ct leg hjer Paris Fashions. , I if t popsi s te the ottau. log week ivill anlnoo ljne wilen they j will b ryf tinspeeneen. C il erayt' 4 1MILIdNLR~Y lN DfRESX RO-Oll, EATs' STriEL'r, (.j~C:IcC'ixaaEi. jj , ih AIl E R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENT IRON SKIM. TO NOBLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, AND AGRICULTURALISTS. EDWARD HILL, OF BRIERLEY HILL IRON WORKS, NEAR DUDLEY, ECS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Agriculturalists, that in consequence of the LATE REDUCTIONS in tle PnUCE of IRON, he is enabled to offer his FENCES at 50 per Cent. lower, and particularly calls their W-i to his IMPROVED FENCES, which obtained the first-prizes at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThrEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ?? of MR. AND MRS. ALBAN CROFT, Filtd IR J S REEVES, of the Theatre Royal, Drury- ln ho ore engaged for a few Nights only. tN THIS EVENING (Thursday), Oct. 23d, O The performance will commence with (last time), the New English Version of the Grand Opera in Three CLf U C I A D I L A M MDE R MO O R. The Music by Donizetti. Lcia di Lammermloor, Mrs. Alban Croft; Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1)9ARIS arid LYONS RAILWAY ~Coinpagnie fleconl). -Entire capital 200,000,0001 franc ?? tr Ilint ,to be crbed by the bosut of 400,000 sharce c ofrl006francstearh i) ; of which suin l1000,000,o frances (£6,000,000) 1s already aulb'crlbeti is, France, and b0,U00vU00 franca (12,000,000) is to be sal-oribet& in Rnglacd. Depect £3 each share, to providn the ls9u..l caution money required by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TlEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. nil A pprlance of MR. AND MRS. ALBAN CROFT, Sev etjA S REEVES, of the Theatre Royal, Drury- `h.oh ire r'1 ga'-ed for a few Nights only. N THIS EVENING (Saturday), October 2ath, 0 Will be performed Balfe's Opera of the ?? BOHEMIAN GIRL. The l usic entirely composed by Mr. Balfe. ,ount Arlheitf, Governor of Presburg, Mr. Alban . It; Tlbaddeus, a Proscribed Pole, tMr. J. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCRED HARMONIC SOCIETY, EXETER 3 HALL.-On FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1815, will be performed Handel's Oratorio, ISRAEL IN EGYPT. This beinF the P nesoesomett of a new Season, presents a favourable opportueoety to ?? of becoming Subscribers, who are requested to apply at 'E ?? onl Tuesday Evening oeit, from Eight till Ten o'clock. The 5scrigtrid is One Guinea, or for Reserved Seats, Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' B LARVYAL N4TI&NAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. liT CIATION OF IRELAND will meet. on THIS DAY, the 27th October instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HAL CORN-EXCIHANGE ROOMS1 THE LIBERATOR. AVILL. AlNN@ JW The principal door ii front to the groud lr is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve j ths they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the berlhe 1nder the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To MR. PROUT, 229, STRAND, LONDON, ,Donueaster, September 26th, 1844. SIR -_ihe following particulars have been handed to its with a re- qoest that they might he forworded to you, with permission for tbeir publication, it you should deem them worthy of such, J. BIOOKE & Co.. Doncaster. E9LzAnrul EnBoARtay, residing in )auke street, Doncaster, aged bet eel iO and IS0, wos eriodly afflicted ; i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - PROVIIONALLY RVIiSTERED MANCHESTER AND MILFORD HAVEN RAILW . Capital, £2,600,000, in Shares of £25 each, Deposit £2 12s. 6d. per Share. PROVISIONAL DIRECT ORS. Chairman-Sir John Owen, bart. Lieutenant of Pembrokeshire, Vice-Admiral he Cost, Governor of Milford Haven, and M.P Pembroke ;Deputy-Chairman-lRicha rley, esq, Manchester LAN SlRE. Robert Ashton, esq. c on spinner and manufacturer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Julia. (her fourth appearance enl any stage)-.M.ldl htwict. To conclude with, for the first time. THE. CROWN PRINCE,; OR, THE BUVCILE OF BRILLIANT& Frederick utoie ?? Cowy Prime of Adanthelft-Dr~'s Bolles, 39. ; Upper fzexes Is. * Pit CONCERT HALL, LORD NIELSON-STREET. HI$ DA Y. (FtIDBA Y.) OCTOBER 24th, 1845. MlEDICAL -MAGNLTISM. Mir. REYNOLDSON will introduce, Ini the ocu,,. of an Elite. ...