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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ThrEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ?? of MR. AND MRS. ALBAN CROFT, Filtd IR J S REEVES, of the Theatre Royal, Drury- ln ho ore engaged for a few Nights only. tN THIS EVENING (Thursday), Oct. 23d, O The performance will commence with (last time), the New English Version of the Grand Opera in Three CLf U C I A D I L A M MDE R MO O R. The Music by Donizetti. Lcia di Lammermloor, Mrs. Alban Croft; Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TlEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. nil A pprlance of MR. AND MRS. ALBAN CROFT, Sev etjA S REEVES, of the Theatre Royal, Drury- `h.oh ire r'1 ga'-ed for a few Nights only. N THIS EVENING (Saturday), October 2ath, 0 Will be performed Balfe's Opera of the ?? BOHEMIAN GIRL. The l usic entirely composed by Mr. Balfe. ,ount Arlheitf, Governor of Presburg, Mr. Alban . It; Tlbaddeus, a Proscribed Pole, tMr. J. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTS. W ANTED an Assistant to the Gro ry and v Spirit business. Address Z. at the Office of this paper, stat'g reference and where last employed.o d / W ANTED, a young Man, who understan e T T Grocery and Spirit Business, whose oharact . I bear the strictest inquiry. Application to D. L., atthe Office of this Paper at g where last did business. TO GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS. W ANTED, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADVERTISEMENT.] TO TIHE EDITOR OF THE FItIEMAN'SJOURNAX. SIt-OR reading over a notice published a few days since by order of the managing committee of the Dublin and San- dymount Atmospheric Railway-the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor in the chair-it was proposed that the first plan of the company, to have their terminus at Weptland-row, should be abandoned, and that their terminus should be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th-EA TRE R O YAL, D UBLIN. F,,,uth esporarance of M R. AND YIRS. ALBAN1CROFT, .lnr Mut 1J S REEVES 9 f the rheittre Royal, Drury- l ho ire 'nfo-ed for a few Wi' hts oily O N 'T'lilS EVENING (Wednisday), Oct. 22d, Will he plerformned the Comic Opera of LOlVE IN A VILLAGE. Yo,,nv Meadlo-, Mr. J. So Re'veps; Hawthorn, Mr. Alis ('irolt, Ronr-tra. ?? Alban Croft; Justice Wood- ,. k, Mr. Biker Sir- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' B LARVYAL N4TI&NAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. HE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. liT CIATION OF IRELAND will meet. on THIS DAY, the 27th October instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HAL CORN-EXCIHANGE ROOMS1 THE LIBERATOR. AVILL. AlNN@ JW The principal door ii front to the groud lr is free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve j ths they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the berlhe 1nder the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEALTRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. La\t Appisrance hut five of MR. AND MRS. ALBAN I'IOICT, MAR. J. S REEVES, of the Theatre 1N TMIS EVENING (Monday), October 27th, t vill be performed th,' Grand Opera of the SONNAMBULA. Tile whole of the t5lusi by tie celebrated Composer Bellirli, pleitO, MIr. J. S. Reeves; Count Rodolpho, Mr. Crof t. Amine, Mrs Alhan Croft; Alesso, 1i. J. -,N'otary, Ntr. F. Cooke; Liza, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCKS DUJYING THEWEEK MA. SON. per Ct Cons.. . 97 ?? _ _ 3jperCt8toek 99if 99,ts 3t Debentures. _ _ L. ?? - Bank Stock ?? 2071 R. Ca ?? _ - G. Ca tok - llo D~e ci _. - PODebs = DoDebs4pt . - Do Deb 4prbr new ?? ?? City do 4 pr et - - Do do 4 pr ct new., .. _- 4 pr ct Bal O1 Debs ?? is Security . -i _ - 4 per cent Pipe Wat Deb. _, - 9y5 per cent Plpe - Dub & Kings. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MUMMATANEOUS COLLECTION FOB T.E O'CONNELL TRIBUTE 1845L WILL IBE MADE IN ALL THE PARISHES OF IRELAND, ON SUNDAY, NOV. THE 16TH. A GAIN the Irish People are called up 4-% tify their gratitude to their great Benefactor teir pride in his wonderful ability, and their appreciatio his unexampled services. They remember what they were, they know wl they are. A province of trodden slaves, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SIMULTANEOUS COLLECTION Feol THE O'CONNELL TRIBUT 01. 8459 WILL BE MADE IN ALL THE PARISHES IRELAND, ON SUNDAY, NOV. THE 16TH. A GAIN the Irish People are called upon to tes. Atify their gratitude to their great Benefactor-their pride in his wonderful ability, and their appreciation of his unexampled services. They remember what they were, they know what they Ore. A province of trodden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;=jA TRE R O YAL, D UBLIN. rnce but four of MR. AND MRS. ALBAN ?? and MIR. J- S. REEVES, of the Theatre l l)rurylane. ItY HIS EVENING (Tuesday), October 28th, w lV lie performed Aluber's Grand Opera of t I IAVOLO. TIlE BANDIT CHIEF; oRt, TrIE INN 00 TERRSACINA. DiavolO, M~r. J. S. Reeves; Lord Allcasb, Mr. F lroft 1 Zerlina, Mrs. Alban Croft; Lorenzo, GltĀ°P ; Giacomo. Mr. Barrett; Lady Alleash ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF IRISH STOCRS D THE WEEK. TUURS. FRI. SAT. MON. TUBR. WED. 3 per Ct Cons.. 97 - - 97 965f1 96i Reduced ?? 97u - 3 per Ct Stoek 1001A = __ 99, 98i 98; 99 9811 | 35 Debentures, - 15 9,955 ,9985 L. Anniuitles .. - - - _ Bank Stock 208 208 - 207w - _ R. Canal Stocla. -- - G. Canal Stock - - - - - Do l)ebs 6 pr et 622 - - - - Do DebS 6 pr et - Do Debs 4 pr ct 42 Do Debs 4 pr ct new ?? ...