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London, England


London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON, 1hASTINGS, aind ST. LEONARD'S LDIREOT RAILWVAY.--NOTICE-Thal Committee dloeem it necessary to draw the attention of Itre putelic to the distinction he- tween this line aned (,ns or more adver~ised schemees, strder scine- what Of tire swine title,. They beg to ~tatc that thin i; then only line propasing to connect tee'- an uibohcrih communiicatiorr Hitstings and Ledon. The other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GNRAL RALAY-ob 1,,ooW~~ oot! stblshed by an Act of the Colonial Le- - car~ 200 000 shares oX5eacho. Deposit Ili. LcdrL1 B leOatlck, 0. Citashal-fiiaoce, leIgOae- V or J ,Rliditng, No altmheriani ~rr liofo Hall, Brcandon, Sufifolk, proprietor, ' ii t~ ~Maicn, Bart., late conmmonder-in-ohlef at TY Se OFizCe~ipae ii HatMPchairman of the Norwich Union Re- Pt s. iif' ~1dc Folcy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ~ l A~PTON, LINCOLN, and HULL R AILWAY, ~ t tamnpte, antd proceeding, by way of Kettering, I crunthuam, anid Lincoln, direet to Halt.-(Po- ?? £2,000,000, in 100,000 sharos of £20 elosl £2 2s. per share. PROVISIONAL ?? Smilth, the RItght lon. PX,VI Melesbere of Parltament for North- Currie, Reflkeso, lEsq. I ?? Itoernorv, the Lord, thre Dell, Windeor Diliesr, Hon. W. Dawecet, Parkeonee Lodge, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -EG~rSCANAL RAILWAY COMPANY. ?? t so of t undertaking are anxious to cetifhr andi ?? teparties wbo arc locally interested along the line. For this purpose it PUBLIC MEETING will be hold as soon as the parliamentary surveys are comp~etedi, and the Conmisttlee of Management In a position to detail the exact coirsre which it is their intcotion to pursue. Due notica of the time anid place will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eh.Depesit -£1 per sharor.-ti,000 shares wilt beo rebcised for thle COlony -(Provisionlally Registered.) Till line lasa tle approval or tire following gl(flhleinen coninectedi and ncquainted with the Colony, and who will act as a Provoisioal ComrniiWee to carry out the views of thle Company- Viscount Mandeville' Mount-street Lord Edward Clricheater, Chresham-plae,l lielgrsve-sq~aae Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~hET LNCON ad HULL, and ~ YOK It.ILAY C MPAY.-(Praa'8lsonally to0,00 are of £e2o uanb. Tlw n tile Earl of Slorniegtou l'i ' h Ls f Aboyne, Orton Hall, Huntlngdon ttitb VilIt~ Wtetlesley, Draycot House, Chippeulom, In Lord Step hen Chicbnstar C 'htO*~bas liidirector of the East India Company ~. e, IJetn~fRu, ?? *t ~tltal irRoertBaiotK.C.H., Mroniago-piace, Moo- Ctdeot iq.Uiper Clisplte, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMOJTH _ IEAT WESTERN DOCK ?? _(provjioi0alty registered.) Capital L250,000, RIg,, i ros act. Drpsmeit £2 per shiare. Liability in lN'00 wshroest Of subscriptionl. liooised to the a 5uiiust rwLCMIThS Caries gRissell, Esq.' M.P*. chairman or the Great Western Balal- IT$ c~soII. a Esii.r a director of the Great Western Rell- ldsli i~qebarranof the Bristol and Exeter Ralw~at y ?? of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adLEICESTER, MELTON-MOWI3RAY. DdSILIGJUNCTION RAILWAY. glving, with (ithor tond I ',jtcti d lines, tho nearo't riute from B3irmingliam, annd 1,ceshtc to the eastern coast, qnd a communlealtiui ~ u~d~ riftNaneatoi, Leicester, and Melton-Mowbray, N.ttlitnitfprovcisionally roglsterod.)-OffiCes, 4,Trat'elgar-square, ;o*nlItI;;n- Caital fo0,00o, in 20,000 Raraes of £20 each. pulOVISlONAL COMMITITEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WetIndia Royal ?? sta P ce ~ Coin ~hoti fo adeira and thle West IndIts, earr ig pts~tivi tietouItI tle mnails, palseslgers. &c., are conveyed Li tl '1vtd~gIavaulsat, Hoaduras, had Mexico; and on OttMartbin, Carithageonri Citagres, and St. Juan di'\iii ?? is also talkei on mtoderate freight ii t-'i ~ W D'nerilra Greinada, Trisilda'l, Jamaica, (nue~r) ur lunsoa;and (ho-o'trward) from Jamaica. St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B RISTOL aud ENGLISH CHANNELS Bay, to Bridport and Lymne RegIs, using the lines of the Brldgeseater and Taunton, and thle Chard Clanals.-.(ProvIslonally reglstered.)-- Capital £1,600,000, In sharen of £020 each. Iseposlt £2 per share. No further call will be mude until the acst Is obtained. PutovtnOP(4. COMMesurrraa. The Rilght Rion. Lord Brielport, Crlcket St. Thonnae, near Chard Tie Hon Capt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1)9ARIS arid LYONS RAILWAY ~Coinpagnie fleconl). -Entire capital 200,000,0001 franc ?? tr Ilint ,to be crbed by the bosut of 400,000 sharce c ofrl006francstearh i) ; of which suin l1000,000,o frances (£6,000,000) 1s already aulb'crlbeti is, France, and b0,U00vU00 franca (12,000,000) is to be sal-oribet& in Rnglacd. Depect £3 each share, to providn the ls9u..l caution money required by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCRED HARMONIC SOCIETY, EXETER 3 HALL.-On FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1815, will be performed Handel's Oratorio, ISRAEL IN EGYPT. This beinF the P nesoesomett of a new Season, presents a favourable opportueoety to ?? of becoming Subscribers, who are requested to apply at 'E ?? onl Tuesday Evening oeit, from Eight till Ten o'clock. The 5scrigtrid is One Guinea, or for Reserved Seats, Two ...