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October 1845
6 25



Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... lr~mtoe to beIc t TOBE LET, ia WAREHOUSE, Tsituate at BL&CK-FitIAltS, back of Merchant-stretet, conitlining two lofts. about 27 feet by 45, and subdivideid onl the 4Ground-floor.-Apply to RICHARD HOWE. at the friends' liteeting-flouse, Blroad-weir.--lth Mo. 125th, 1845. T BE LET, a BEER and EATIN G- ThOUSE, with a good Skcittle-alley, in one of the greatest tlioroughifares in Bristol, doing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itailwag tloticco- T IVERPOOL AND BURY RAILWAY. J CONTRACT FOR SLEEPERS. The Directors aire ready io RECEIVE TENDERS for the Supply of RAILWAY SLEEPERS. conformable to Specitica- tlons to he seen ait the Company's Ollices, 03.Dale-street, Liver- pool; or at ithe Office of Sir John Macneill and James Thomson, 9, Whitehiall-place, London. Olfers to he forwarded to the Secretary, uip to the lot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1Id11STOL AND EXETER RAILWAY 1) COMPANY. NulCis hereby given that a SPECIAL GE NERAL MEET- r-,( of the Prmpr tors oftile BRISTOL and EXETER RAIL- WAY w ~ill be hield at the WHITE LION HOTEL, Broad-street, un-t1.00 In7FRIDAY, the 7th of November, 1845, at One o'clock, for tile pstfpsse of considering an Agreement entered into be- to ,%ecnI the, Directors of thle said Bristol end Exeter Rtailway ...

1815ato bp auction

... yALUABLE LIFE INTERESTS IN A FREEHOLD ESTATE AT PATORWAY, NrAR BRISTOL. 3 2'0 BDE SOLD BR7 AVCTION, B~y Mr. HARRIL, At the CommERCrALLROOMS, CORN-STREET, Bristol, ] on THURSDAY, the 6th day bf November, 184*,eat Two o'clock in the Afternoon, in One Lot, THE LIFE INTERESTS of Mrs. Frances 4 T Patty White, now aged ,8, and of the next Tenant for Life, Mr. John William White, now aged 33; and, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' JANTiED, a YOUJNG M N Of re-PcectbilitY, who11 is Iliorseiclly.11 acquainited teilli the Llidied and Geirtlemen's Boot mild Shote makheg, ((ti who hals sceried inl i Shal wilb e eret. JllcI'erIenC will Ile requ~ired. _ Apply to Mr.'r D..III~IS, Currier, P'ithily, Bristol. ANTDan ctve an aoodPLOUGH1- W MAN andcapabe ofconduting arfom; will be reqire tomak hisel geeraly escul.Audress JAIIES P1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UXTON,, MACCLESFIELD BJP STOCI;PORT, & WARRINGTON RAILWAY, tPro isionaliy Rlegistcred.] Capital £7150,000, in 37,500 Shares of £20 each, Deposit £2 28. per Share. PROVISIONAL 100513MITTEE. The Worshipfal the Mayor of Liverpool Thle Worshipful the Mayor of Stockport The Worshipful the Mayor of Nottingham The Worshipful the Mayor of Grantham The Worshipful the Mayor of Hull The Worshipful the ...