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Advertisements & Notices

... lr~mtoe to ?? t TOBE LET, ia WAREHOUSE, Tsituate at BL&CK-FitIAltS, back of Merchant-stretet, conitlining two lofts. about 27 feet by 45, and subdivideid onl the 4Ground-floor.-Apply to RICHARD HOWE. at the friends' liteeting-flouse, Blroad-weir.--lth Mo. 125th, 1845. T BE LET, a BEER and EATIN G- ThOUSE, with a good Skcittle-alley, in one of the greatest tlioroughifares in Bristol, doing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON, 1hASTINGS, aind ST. LEONARD'S LDIREOT RAILWVAY.--NOTICE-Thal Committee dloeem it necessary to draw the attention of Itre putelic to the distinction he- tween this line aned (,ns or more adver~ised schemees, strder scine- what Of tire swine title,. They beg to ~tatc that thin i; then only line propasing to connect tee'- an uibohcrih communiicatiorr Hitstings and Ledon. The other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHEFFIELD AND L[NCOLNSIIIRE JUNCTION RAILWAY. lIT IIEREAS, Notices were duly published in the W month of November last, in the Landon Ua- zetct the S/,eJleld aed Rotherham Indpendmiit, the A'teie ghsaz Journel, the Derbyshire Coir-er, tboe Lin- cota, lutiland, and Stalnford Mercury, and the Li.n- roln Standard Newspapers, that application was in- tended to be made in tile then next ensuing ...


... ALLEY, AND / U hIDLAND COUNTIES JUNCTION, AND 4AACCLESFIELD, WARRINGTON, AND LIVERPOOL DIRECT lRAILWAY COMPANY. pnovVtflaSMALLY R .EGIS5TERED. Capitat 400,000, in 20,000 Shar-c of 20 each,-Deposit, 2 2s. per Share. pnROVISIONAL DIttECTORB. Charles Mann, Esq., Manchester, and Laurel Villa, Lea. mington, Director of the Oxford and Birmingham Junletion, the East and West of England, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT XDS SUBSCRIPTION CONCERTS.- IA ?? Otder to render the I &rsae CON gtr$.s hI' fature, as ?? and interesting no the in 5asdinsitalt Taste and .Inptxanre of the Town requires, it is proportsed to gv nhlee ' P~our GRtAND I) SIISCRIPTION CO NCEttTS, I&W12 Season, upon thle ?? Plan I. Vie most eminent A -listii. (Vocal1 and In~strumen~tatli fromt the Lendon and other Conicerts, to) be clngaged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMOJTH _ IEAT WESTERN DOCK ?? _(provjioi0alty registered.) Capital L250,000, RIg,, i ros act. Drpsmeit £2 per shiare. Liability in lN'00 wshroest Of subscriptionl. liooised to the a 5uiiust rwLCMIThS Caries gRissell, Esq.' M.P*. chairman or the Great Western Balal- IT$ c~soII. a Esii.r a director of the Great Western Rell- ldsli i~qebarranof the Bristol and Exeter Ralw~at y ?? of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLoSSEUMf. ATROS-ED and visited by her Most GraciOr.s P MA-ESTY and his Royal highness Prince ALBEIII. O'PEN DAILY from Teis till Six. Pro- seinced by tie Prets, riand cosifirmed by every visiter so be the most perfect triumph of Art in itS varioas erasnce'5 both by Doly aol Ni6ht, thut hns orer been achieved. Equell to six exhibitions. Tltn Glyptotheca, Containinrg s0o0ls of tire first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? -tga a Xotfrs0 ~,UF~ L),WEST.RIDING,& MIDLAN\DS ~J CET - RAIWAY-urfmsher Application for shares i em afer Mosutnda, f/he Tscenty-srveotb in~lstect crsat interested. JOBEN RY5ALES, A- CL'ARK BitnANSON,JonSlitrs StU.KNIGHT, -mbt. i845e. 1,,RzETSHIRE MIDLAND RAIL sncting Yrome,. Shestoni Maller, WVeils, GIic -s. I web tass i-htaoqinn from Glastonbsac jj,!,orn with the liris~toi and 1Exeter, ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is published, by IT. Baillfeu, bookseller and yublisher, No. 219, 11egert-street, price 2s. 6d in c oth, -oB. D.E PitATI onl CiEONIC DISEASES of the ,jj BKIN, their CAUSES and CUPt8. The above work may be had, I ostage f'ree, In any part t~f ?? by remitting theC amount in istamps to Dr. dce Prati, 4, M~ortinier-strCt, Casendish.square. IIEALTII, LONG .I E, AND EIAPPINESS, SECURED BY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. Mfessrs. E. EArILY and WV. J. CLINCH, Sharebrokers, BLA-NKPT l-ALL, WITNEY. Mrs. TIhZBERL;tMAE, 33, NEW INN HAL4,L STREET, EGS to inform the Ladies of Oxfordl and its vicinity B her SllOW ROOAM of WINTERt FASIIONS will bo realy for inspection on Wednesday next the 29th of October. M1R. SHARP AS the Honour to announce that his ANhNUAL O CONCERT will take place (by permission of the Rev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMI~N liR' AND) bRIES ROOIIS, 1 9!3 Port oioetq/e corncr of 4C/jhrec Lane. I , S AlAL U1l, begs to ?? t the Ladies of Al p~t'lifl'teil tindL its ncigleheuriored, sbe is. 1ose cI 'ct leg hjer Paris Fashions. , I if t popsi s te the ottau. log week ivill anlnoo ljne wilen they j will b ryf tinspeeneen. C il erayt' 4 1MILIdNLR~Y lN DfRESX RO-Oll, EATs' STriEL'r, (.j~C:IcC'ixaaEi. jj , ih AIl E R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1)9ARIS arid LYONS RAILWAY ~Coinpagnie fleconl). -Entire capital 200,000,0001 franc ?? tr Ilint ,to be crbed by the bosut of 400,000 sharce c ofrl006francstearh i) ; of which suin l1000,000,o frances (£6,000,000) 1s already aulb'crlbeti is, France, and b0,U00vU00 franca (12,000,000) is to be sal-oribet& in Rnglacd. Depect £3 each share, to providn the ls9u..l caution money required by the ...