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Advertisements & Notices

... i~hET LNCON ad HULL, and ~ YOK It.ILAY C MPAY.-(Praa'8lsonally to0,00 are of £e2o uanb. Tlw n tile Earl of Slorniegtou l'i ' h Ls f Aboyne, Orton Hall, Huntlngdon ttitb VilIt~ Wtetlesley, Draycot House, Chippeulom, In Lord Step hen Chicbnstar C 'htO*~bas liidirector of the East India Company ~. e, IJetn~fRu, ?? *t ~tltal irRoertBaiotK.C.H., Mroniago-piace, Moo- Ctdeot iq.Uiper Clisplte, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THESHEWSBRY aind LEICESTER DI- ]Direct London and Hillytrad tine, aend forrilr'.g tire nearest route frm ottingham, Derby, Leices--r, Lri'hfie!d, anid iho Midland COUn~tIes. to Ireland.-(Pravisieirsty' registered, pursuant to 7 and 8 Victoria, c. 10.)-Capital £450,00D, ins 22,5'0i) shares of XLaO each. Deposit £2 29. Gdl. per etiare. PROVtItoiNAL Coaxmtrar'alt. Sir Richard Jenkins, GOCB., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUBLIN CITY REGISTRY. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A LL Persons professing Ropeak Princi andI Al who may be entitled to be admitted to th Frdom of the City of Dublin, are requested to send in fort ih the particulars of their blai ms to the Committee Ro HJ Corn Exchange, when the necessary steps will be tae o faci. ltate their Admission and Registry as 'arliam ei4 Eleo- tors. T. M. RAY, Secretary. JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING. BELFAST TOWN= MISS4O1V,( . I NTENDED to Combine the Exertions! of VA GELICAL CHRISTIANS OF AL L. DENOMI- NATIONS. The Eighteenth Annual Meeting will be held in the INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, DONEGALL. STREET, on TUESDAY evening next, the 28th inst. at SEVEN o'clock. J. BLAKELY, Secretary. October 24th, 1845. (992 SOCIETY FOR THE Ame Ielioration of M he COntltitirn t te crkbiag u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WetIndia Royal ?? sta P ce ~ Coin ~hoti fo adeira and thle West IndIts, earr ig pts~tivi tietouItI tle mnails, palseslgers. &c., are conveyed Li tl '1vtd~gIavaulsat, Hoaduras, had Mexico; and on OttMartbin, Carithageonri Citagres, and St. Juan di'\iii ?? is also talkei on mtoderate freight ii t-'i ~ W D'nerilra Greinada, Trisilda'l, Jamaica, (nue~r) ur lunsoa;and (ho-o'trward) from Jamaica. St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B RISTOL aud ENGLISH CHANNELS Bay, to Bridport and Lymne RegIs, using the lines of the Brldgeseater and Taunton, and thle Chard Clanals.-.(ProvIslonally reglstered.)-- Capital £1,600,000, In sharen of £020 each. Iseposlt £2 per share. No further call will be mude until the acst Is obtained. PutovtnOP(4. COMMesurrraa. The Rilght Rion. Lord Brielport, Crlcket St. Thonnae, near Chard Tie Hon Capt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ti-T BOTANI1C WAX CA1 flLE, T HESE beautiful C A. N D L E ESsu. pa every other invention, 'in tlrir pc Prott ('iS aied gaining daily in estimation, are now of eed t it Ie Publjo in ths North of Ireladd, as the most ofganti d econo- mical Lights, hitherto known n. / A large consignment, direct from he Manu cturers, CHARLES OGLEBY & CO., La rfth, London, has been forwarded to C CAARLES& WILLIALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? :, Peo at ly EgAStSUd)RANCE MOM- 'xax:(ro%~1`11Y egiterd.)No. a, St. Jamles's- .~yofl~odonT~ tblised b Actof Paritamlnit, for the evei sat sr.4 1As.~g effetin allothr Contracts depenading firm ftX td b~ Sadalto f riganing Loans upon a ?? torni dh ~ ap~tl £liM0000, in 100,090 shares for o o th at o Palimea~ Ia.per Ocnt. only T'll (or s w berecevedunti th Comanyobtains a cer- Oita S~ct f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1Il, MISSES PAlIYRY, V/4. 2IAREIYV SIlIEElT, ?? reslpectuillv to anilonici to the ladies of tbC Nobilitya :and ( ntrY of' Cailtiir-voli- T *ire, and An gIcscy, thia:t tiev ilave junt vetoiii- i I'om Loi i;On, 'i tli 11n etganit sstsi (Ic Cit of, 'Ii l l'.l t S I'1 )t.K, ill Millinery 1'loneirs,])resses &c, seleetcdl 1er>-4!udlv with the greatest --1o Irutl the Ilalot roijnloilt oue ans; a111( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~~no ~ ~ ~ L so zt C1I soi;ll-,,- \.N ?? hi the scjg lic fatsaln i ous EVAN~ El)MS *A1D~ MT st'r on To sail o n or about thec th] dla) of oenr Won ath f of FoilINCATTN~ It enl ' ?? IIOLVW iklg., l' & Or\ IIJI '1 uiit Teat-saln acte NiOTICE IS JIII ]!I3Y GI\ rhso ?? the Ol TUs ;CjJi antes b me triets ?? lSoads, ll EIIc ?? (; I C iI) lilt. 5,et Ey .Etuteti at*. ear to tile siget o idder, ab t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER1 SAWN?'GS 641'if-Dif go Hwaqi-rgh t~telifilieI. ?? ?? icln Pcke Company ~r~SlC~tt~b giv otie tha, o find after 31 ONDAN, 3TII CTOBE, ?? aned under:- F1102! Clarence Dock, LivOT001,l Weetail'5Nda, Oct. 15th, at U) o'clock, Morning. Satiti-dalt 18th, at 11 I Afenon. Wednesdav, 22d, atI1 Atron S~iti r~i 2,5thi, at 7 A' 3orai log. IsatilrdaNv No V. st, at I10do \Vcit's'i , .5th, Lit 1 2 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUBLIN ANl ANTuIRII RI&&L A. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that no PPLI. 1 CATIONS for SHARES can be receited after tbe FIRST DAY of NOVEMBER next, and Ihat im. mediately afterwards the ALLOCATION will take place. (9(6 PROSPECTUS OF THE Dublin and Antrlin Junsction Railway. PROVISIONALLY REGISTERED. Capital £200,000. in 8,000 Shares of £25 each. Deposit, £2, 12s. 6d. per Share. COMMIITTEE OF ...