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Advertisements & Notices

... M R1VIBIONALLY REOI~TRXD MANCHESTER~ AND MILFORD HAVEN ILAIL W AY. Capital, £l1,SO00,0D, in Shame of £:25 each. VI Deposit £2 12L 60. per Share,. ye lip PRO VISION5AL DIREMtRS, fit Ottaimnan-Sir John Owen, bMA., Lord Lieutenant of tea Pemabrokeshire, Vice-Admiral or the Coast, Governor es. of Milford Haliven, nnd M.P. for Pemnbroklb C' Deputy.Chaifman-T'he lion. Howe Browne, Chester- street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 40Si-Uetantou0, LIFFE WALLS END COLLIERY C OFFICE, 5, HUMBER.PLACE. Best House Coals delivered in any part of Hull, at 17s. 6d. per Chaldron, for CASH, when Ordered or on Delivery. Mr. R. RAINSBURY, Agent, Residence, 16, BAT-e.PLACE. PLASTER MILL, WALrHAM.STREET, HULL. HT AND J. WVAUDBY beg most respect- oe fully to inform Plasterers, Builders, Masons, and others, that they have erected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MOON First Quarter, Thursday, 6th Nov., 50 min. past 5 even. Full Moon, Friday, 14t1h Nov., 31 miui. past 12, morn. BELFAST, FRIDAY, 31st OCTOBER, 1845. Printed and Published, for the Representatives of the late ALEXANDER MACKAY, by JAMES ALEXANDER HENDERSON, every Tuesday and Friday morning, at the General Printing Establishment, No. 10, Bridge-st., BelfW, where, and to whom, all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ?VMRTX hA- =VVBZiSS P.AX1WAY. _XQtTIbCE IS HEREBY GIVEZ2, That application~ie intended abVs ads to Parlianisnt, in the next iSession, for leave to 'uring in a Bill or Bills formsalking and maintaining a Railwiy or Railways, and all properlWorks and Co'veniences mi connec- tion therewiti'. leading from the City of Perth to tile Tow of 'freres whiiit Railwa~y is intended to commence Xta point ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WVOOI1,EN CLOT1 IIAI,,, s, IARKET 111EA ), DER13Y, lIEPWOITHIi and C'IIALIIAN, Proprietors. rq~ltE Rl'OPRIETORS of the above Establishment 1,11inlt alloi the lre111 t opportunity to pass without 1 arilllig their sincere acknowledgments to tilc Clergy, ?,>Att. SlId Iniliabitants of Derby and its Neighbourhood ir t .lliinLNed and increasedl supl)pnrt aitfrded them, al I a Salil time to informii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVISIONALLY REGISTERED. 9- LAMORGAN CENTRAL MINERAL %X RAILWAY COMPANY Formed for converting the Railway called the Duffryn, Llynvi, and Porth Cawl Railway, belonging to the com- pany of that name, incorporated by act of Parliament in 1825, into a LOCOMOTIVE RAILWAY, and adding Branthes thereto, for carrying the minerals and manu- factures of the surrounding district, which abounds in coal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DECREES. CHANCERY. In the Matter of Piercel LURSUANT to the Morton,andhisminorso, I x Order of the Lord Pierce Edward Morton, High Chancellor of Ireland, by the said Pierce, his bearing date the 15th day of Father and Guardian, April last, made under the Petitioners. Iauthority of said Act, I will _ on SATURDAY, the 28th And the Act of the 7th and day of June next, at the hour 8th Victoria, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BR.ITISH AND NORTH ?? OA MAIL S'T EAM SH I PS. of 1200 tonS an 440.brtUpower elath. Admi7alty to still between Ap;0I v OBF6 L and BOSTON, Calling at HALIFATL to land and receive e FsetgeDres and her Miajestty' Malls. b ?? iluwere. he CAMBRIIA ?? ?? CHAt. Ri. E. JtUotttO'5 board ?? WUI~AN HARISON.u. ?? BDAtcrIOSR Ltyil CALEfDONIA ?? WiOG oe The Vecwnt atlpointed to tail from LIVERPtJOL are the ...

A D IT1ALY.-TI'he So

... ttth-western (jrtnrarrY' splendid and powerful steam Ships .~ sUTH ESTEN, GRAND) TUREK, LADY DiE SAU. NIT ALPlE. will altvrnately leare the South- ~ srkn WrOi srl rolther permitting) lttr Guernsey, Jersey, (with her 31ajeely's malta), Tu,,.day, mlStrdYeetirl, at Am'e.n o'c'lock, returnim,.r on 7lt~iW.ytire~)5 an Sndays. Reducied Fares-Mlaha Cabin, 49;arriage'i, C3; 14nores, 3; Donge, 39. SemI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DANISH THREE PER CENT. LOAN.- DANNO I125.-NotIce is hereby given, that In conformuity with the terms of the Contract for the above Loan, 217 Special Bonds, amounting to the sear of £16,000 sterling, the particeilars w hereof are at folot, have beeon purchased by Mossrs. N. M. Rothe- child and Sons, being the forty-lirst half yearly puorchase of Bonds on account of the Sinking Pond appropriated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TVRECT SHEFI Ay~r ACCLESFIELD 1NN The ALOTMENTjt A, ES has been Cold a JPLETED.H owing to the immense number of Applications, it is (3 impossible for the Commsittee to ?? ~ch. It is, M therefore, requested that partie ?? of SI Allotment will onider ths c as aanwr to theii srq Application, which the uaittee regret they were notW able to Comply WI Byodr GEORGE -F. HIRE, Secretary. Gresham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17.IDELITY GUARANTEE SOCIETY, 6-2, .3?L Cheapsitde, London.-iProvioloonally registered.).- Capital £9100,000, In 2,000 Shares of £20 each. DeposIt 2a. per share, being the laroest deposit allowed tiy the act of Parliament regolatiiig Joint block Cotripanica previously to complete registratlon. TonuS-Tan. -,Aldermnan Thomas Fa n00mbe EdadOefrsq Rtichard Ltlwall, Esq.' IdadOenfrE DIRaECTORS. ...