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Advertisements & Notices

... ST. AND1REW'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL, LEYLAND. I muE Catholic Poblie are respectfully informed that tbis VJ'hap'el 'was Opened for Divine Service Oil Sunday last ; bat, tile Chapel bcing sasall, no Public Subscription was made. it~ therefuor, proposed that the Iucumbent, the Rev. Thtelsas Shepherd, personally solicit the charitable assistance ,fas marry of the Catholic Community as bie can visit. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEEVON & EXETER ROYAL SUBSCRIPTION ROOMS, j o N GI) 0 N respectfully anuouilces that the t , Sl.t ON I) \7I 1\1T I , it 1 B A L 1. talt t lace l ilr laU l-:Sl)AY, NGVo it I . It 11, 181i, i10 ho1r of tlre I'tYNCEI (OF WALE S'S BIRTH -DAY. and randor ?? rstirrgrrihrlr Vwtronrar of )NIRs. DREWYC. Inra arC the Iligth Sheriff of tho Ca0rrrntv. STEW ARSli' RittlitHrorablo L.ORDI (COH iiRT'ENAY, mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RPHAN WORKING SCHOOL, City-rpad, e 0 for the Reoeptton of Children of Both Sexes, and of all De- nominatioss, from every Part o0 the Kingdom.-Inetituted in the rr eir 175S President'HENRY WAYHOUTH Esq. Tfeasurer- JoRN REMINGTON Hi4LLS, Esq. tt The Govereors of this Isstitution are respectfully informed that a GENERAL COURT will be hollen at the Hall of Commerce, Threadneedle-street, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AAIUSEMBN'IRS. The late Miss LINWOOD'S EXHIBITION, ?? ti shortly intended to CLOSE this EXHilii- TION. In ine meanthme tc obili. centry, and the public are reopectflelY tisfe ed thlat: thet Collection is on salr by private con- ?? boy be mnade to the Executors, or to Messrs. Chriolie antd Maceon, l'ng-strsee,-e St . -lteee TH-EATRE ROYAL. DRURY-LANE.-- In consequence of r general ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eatI, 714U ; neDIE, 4,5CM I UIE-te,. oms ?? L TOST, r ON Thursday last, the 30th October, a BROWN SETT1R - t.Y BITCH, answering to the name of BEss. Whoever brings it to Mr. Martin's, 18, Exchange Square, vrill be Rtewarded.&e 5 r FOUND, JN the Neighhourhood of Dalry, Ayrshire, a Light-Coloisred e a DOG, which will be delivered to the Owner (he paying ex- t penses) on application at No. 6P( ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... no as VALUABLE BUSINESS PREMISJIES CHICBESTER. st To GnOCERS, BAKERS, AND WAREHOUSEMEN. n O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Air; WHITE, lb. at the Unicorn inn, Chichester, on Wednesday, November the 12th, 1845, at twelve o'clock precisely, 5r (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of n which due notice will be given),-A VALUABLE das FREEHOLD ESTATE, land tax redeemed, m ost rsdesirably ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r = TlH SCHOOL of EIltNBiURGFT.- Hl Tee iird Precast, llaeisteotets, and Council, the Patrons'fthe qcbl the day eeo'lced to Of~LAY till this dayc four rweeks the 25th r/+ Nocemher, the rEL*CT tION of a GE'NTLEM AlN to fill the OFFICE of H SCr llO. eacanthev the recirusener f Ie Crt~arson. C'ite chuonhers. P~Edutboegh. YIhb October, 1815. RIYA L HIBERtNIA^N ACADEMY.- It ANNU \T EXH8~l 10 V, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j;Qj~~jTA','TVROM 5IARLE.STON AND BIJNGAY. To be SOLD by AUCTION, B Y1OWLE'TT & LUN NY, On Mjonday, November 3rd, 1845, Byorder of the Executors of the late Mr. WILLIAM FELMINGHAM, dec., E D- of S prime Mitch Cows, 2 band some heifers, A TII mare, breeding sow, 7 shoats, fat pig, &c.; 5er al tile neat and useful dairy vessels, and various in. ioreffects, full particulars of which are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMBERGATE, NOTTINGIh-AM, AND BOSTON AND EASTERN JUNCTION RAILWAY. NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, that Application is in- 1tended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Ses- sion for leave to bring in a Bill or Blils to alter, aniend, and enlarge the powers and provisions of the following Acts, or to repeal the powers and provisions of the said Acts, and tograntother further and more effectual powers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMBNTS. MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION.- Magnificent and Unequalled Court Costurnes.-MadameTusuaud and Sons, anxious to give the Middle Classes an Idea of the splendour of Court Costume, have entirely re-dressed their female figures In a style usiver before attempted. They respectfully request an early vhlat, as the exposure to the air must soon tarnish their beauty. The graur of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OF LEEDIS.-SUMMER AND U3 WINTER FAIRS, ?? pTC is bereby viven, thatl at a special Mjeetingf of thei cauillTIC the ?? of Leedls, iii toe Counis of York. heldA ~aiite ?? of Uotesci`, irs:1, inl pursuance ofl an Alct of, Podia- ot c onl the 11th ?? OiJuly, 18T2. und in the Sixth yeor - feg (je. Vitra anitd c~an Act for ueiitisg,. or Inli rprovin6 the Wier1 I iteeds, ?? York, anlotue special ...