
... ilitcraturr. SELECTED 1POLETRTY. TIll ,11)WI)S O.F REAI VY. FIIOti AIANIGAN'S CER-MAN ANTIIOIiCy. I name you Tlhrce Words whilh ought to reuo l III thunder from zone to. zlle; Inut tile world ulindirstands thenm nut-they are found TI tihe depthl of the beart alone. That man must Nideed le uttedl lasc In whose heart the Tlnee Words no lotigeor find place. F ?? Is FiEtl, IS CliVA'TI I? FIIEE, ...


... TFEATBICALS &c. t DRnRY-iXNE.-On Monday night was produced a aew burlesque spectacle, entitled The Princess tedo Ba's Chaeyed into a Deer: it is founded on the one bearing the title of La Boche aus B,!e, which has run a career of above two hundred nights at the Port St. Martin, at Padis, and was now dished up for an English audience, by Mr. Morton, who In this Instance has not exercised the ...


... 3Atbife)-+ I e- - ?? ?? THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES. A PRISON RHYmE IX TEN Boo-s. By Tuaw0XX COOPER, the Chartist. London: J. How, 132, Fleet-street. (Continued from the Star of Nov. Ist.) The Ninth Book is brief, consisting of but some fifty stanzas. The characters who figure therein aie exclusively female,-PORCIA, ARRIA, the wife of ASDRVBAL, the Carthaginian, SorHnoNiA, and BARux.t, the ...


... AMATEUR PERFORMANCES AT ST. JAMES'S THE ATRE. ua' There was an imimense house, and hundreds of disappointed nav who could not get tickhets at this theatre, on Saturday, to witness ~ th~e repetition of Ben Johnson's Every Alan in h'is Humnour, by the gentlemen amateurs who performedl the same play a short tim Sinc atmiss Kelly's Theatre. ThelPeformances werefo W the benefit of. a nes ...

Literary Notices

... Riterarp AlFlotirro. THE OLD BROWN COArN.V NV B.,1 Gatptsd,;ilfarr yet, R. N. I I reckon you see nothing very particu ti lar in this, do you?' said an American ac- d, qtaintance of mine, briniging out the cuff of u all old coat, and holding it up before me, h dangling it between his finger and thumb. Il I can't say that I do,' replied 1, I but I I presume it has some merit that remains to wv ...

Literary Notices

... Utterarp a I ,f rMIGiHT i' 01TILM Mt'ttitollrXtsS lBIlNyILLIEIlS FROtM It PAIIIS To ILUli. The Marchsioness is escapnig frlem -ieC pursuit C of Degrais the Excmlpt, who is ciiargcd to arrent ther as a prisoner.. ior two ?? aml nights sile has Rept in advance of her puIsuers, arid she is at s length wvithill sight of ?? A- t last they eniteredl Liege, anld the pursnit now became doubly exciting ...


... . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE VILLAGE SCHOOLMASTER. By Alexander Wilson, the A erica= Orrnitlwlogist. Of all professions that this world has known, From clowns and cobblers upward to the throne- From the grave architect of Greece and Rome. Down to the framer of a farthing broom- The worst for care and undeserved abuse, The first in real dignity ...


... | ' Ti r 4RY NO'TICE S. I it Ta -rrrn : f l--- TH1E QUEEN OF DENMARK (Sister of GEORGE ?? Ax HISTORICAL NOVEL (Edited by Mrs. GoRE).-Con- siderable interest has been excited by the announcement of the above tale of royal life, edited by the most popular of our female novelists. We understand that the work pos- seeses stirling claims to public attention, not only as a well. told and interesting ...


... TE MINIS PER AND THE LETTER. ist Aiir-The Adairal.' rs- How merrily, how jollily we're speeding through the year S, The wheat is up at sixty-six, the oats, my boys, are dear; tr- The people are halt-starving, the potatoes rot and fail; IY Oh proud must be our Minister of such a Sliding Scale ! ad Oh proud must be our Minister of such a Sliding W, Scale ! Oh proud must be our Minister, though ...


... FASHIONABLE INTLLICENCt. Sir J'ames and Lady Graham left London on Th ursday morning on a visit to her Majesty at Windsor Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Leinstcrareentertaining Vis- count Chabot and 3dlle. Chabot, and a distinguished circle, at Carton House. The Alarqais of Clanricarde, Lord Dunkellin, and Lord Robert lie Burgh, liave closed their visit to the Earl and Couintess of HIarewoud, ...


... LINES ON THE DEATIJ OF MR. JOHN EDWARDS. Oh! Edwards is thy ransomi spirit fled, unfl ?? io toy i -i~ i --ioi ?? Airdait thou numbleril with thle SiLen la is thy melodious hrail by death unstrutng, O'e~r whbich the 'nip! or'ti ear delighted hlung?2 And soul thy pen (10 inre to rsionvert y, Tin'l birigh t instrluctins of thy pleasing lay The sacred Fanc no more employ thy Ve1se, Al ajeetie pile ...


... MotbitwO4 THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES. A Paxsox RaysIA IN TzN BoouS. By TomAS COl'E;t, so E Chartist. London: J, HOw, 132, Fleetstret, (Continued from the Star of Nov. 8th.) We now come to the Tenth and last Book of the Poem, which opens with the following line addrei* to Liberty Hall, holiest Liberty! who hast thy shrine Deep in the faithful patriot's soul Gecess'd,- Diffusing from thy ...