Advertisements & Notices

... WrAEST LANCASHIRE RAILWAY. L X xII s UBREBY GIVEN. That application is in- Ci % tdi,be made to Parliamnent ino the ensuing Session, for leave, to bring in a Bill or Bills for making and maintaining u a R1AILWAY'. to commence either at or near the Exchange, P in the borough of Liverpool, to the parish of Liverpo, . Lor a by a juntijon or Junctions with the, Liverpool and Bury Buil- ' vay in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eatI, 714U ; neDIE, 4,5CM I UIE-te,. oms ?? L TOST, r ON Thursday last, the 30th October, a BROWN SETT1R - t.Y BITCH, answering to the name of BEss. Whoever brings it to Mr. Martin's, 18, Exchange Square, vrill be Rtewarded.&e 5 r FOUND, JN the Neighhourhood of Dalry, Ayrshire, a Light-Coloisred e a DOG, which will be delivered to the Owner (he paying ex- t penses) on application at No. 6P( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RPHAN WORKING SCHOOL, City-rpad, e 0 for the Reoeptton of Children of Both Sexes, and of all De- nominatioss, from every Part o0 the Kingdom.-Inetituted in the rr eir 175S President'HENRY WAYHOUTH Esq. Tfeasurer- JoRN REMINGTON Hi4LLS, Esq. tt The Govereors of this Isstitution are respectfully informed that a GENERAL COURT will be hollen at the Hall of Commerce, Threadneedle-street, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMEN'S. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- A LECTURE on tire PREVALENT DISEASE in, POTATOES, and the Alemis of extracting the Starch as an Article of Food, will be de- liver ,d by Dr. Ryan daily, at Hotlf-past Three, aind err tier evening, of Mondays, WVednesdays, and Firidays, at Nine. Professor Bach- hiioffei's varied Lectures, isilti expo~imcnentli, ia oen of Whitch tip clearly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AAIUSEMBN'IRS. The late Miss LINWOOD'S EXHIBITION, ?? ti shortly intended to CLOSE this EXHilii- TION. In ine meanthme tc obili. centry, and the public are reopectflelY tisfe ed thlat: thet Collection is on salr by private con- ?? boy be mnade to the Executors, or to Messrs. Chriolie antd Maceon, l'ng-strsee,-e St . -lteee TH-EATRE ROYAL. DRURY-LANE.-- In consequence of r general ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. AND1REW'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL, LEYLAND. I muE Catholic Poblie are respectfully informed that tbis VJ'hap'el 'was Opened for Divine Service Oil Sunday last ; bat, tile Chapel bcing sasall, no Public Subscription was made. it~ therefuor, proposed that the Iucumbent, the Rev. Thtelsas Shepherd, personally solicit the charitable assistance ,fas marry of the Catholic Community as bie can visit. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEEVON & EXETER ROYAL SUBSCRIPTION ROOMS, j o N GI) 0 N respectfully anuouilces that the t , Sl.t ON I) \7I 1\1T I , it 1 B A L 1. talt t lace l ilr laU l-:Sl)AY, NGVo it I . It 11, 181i, i10 ho1r of tlre I'tYNCEI (OF WALE S'S BIRTH -DAY. and randor ?? rstirrgrrihrlr Vwtronrar of )NIRs. DREWYC. Inra arC the Iligth Sheriff of tho Ca0rrrntv. STEW ARSli' RittlitHrorablo L.ORDI (COH iiRT'ENAY, mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T S EY IEN, That atp- N 'O I icaltiosiai is' inten`ded to 'be madue to Parlima Iiat in tile cleiuiltg Sessioii foir leave to briin, fit a Bill or Bills for imaking aiid cnn'inta~iiliig at lailwvay, with the( several branches lherein- I after woulnd(, that is to say, thle miainl linec of' Railway to corn. laience aIt Svdiiey wharf, tiiitIlie parish1 of' Batlnicik, ill the coinuty ol' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOB H 1ItTSTMITIIS. opplycctlessgeo' I~orI in. At~s~ili1t't1~,lN' l'I CE, VA NTE D ANTHD, arCspC(ittible YOUTH, as an W I7N.Dt0OR1AltIIsIENTICG'. tort Grocer and rfeeiowr Chcanderli- Apply to Mr. 1I. WOODALL, Grocer, 'Tallow- Chandler, &e., Ahcrgavennfy. Anioilidte: t e Pe'seiltIe will b! requlire yA NTED, a FEIMALE to Assist inl a i mll Grocery trade. Shte will be required to do ties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sfler 7 I - . . also S 1OUTUHSEA & PQ11T.S tVU7T.1H uoch ' WI'T:IF1.l ANSlKIM~bBLliIJSi. tOv* PATRONAGE; at Hon. Lady Pakentiam. Hon. Lady Alorris. IDS, Adm. Sir Chas: Ogle. -Ladp Ximenes. OV Adm. Siir J. Omnmanney. .trs.-Col. Jones. yet Alrs. Hyde Parker. Ill re. Capt. Chads. t of HE FIRST A.6SEMBLYV for this season, will - take place on'Alonday, Novenmbsr 24th, 1845, at mid tne Assemibly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR PUBLIC SALE AT THE THREE. INDIAN KINGS. INN, QUAYSIDE, NEWCASTLE.ON-TYNE, ON THURSDA.Y, 4,ss. OF DECEMBER, l84i AT. ONZ O'CLOCK, ALlj that fine Barque MAJEST'IC of Newcastle, Thomas Tilloch, Comr maRder, Barthen per Register 344 57.94 Tons ?? This Vessel was built at l berdeea in lil29, under particular In- spection, had ?? Repairs last Spring, sails re- markably fast, and is a desirable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0TijTXIUBALAND AND LAWCASUIRS I0 JUNCTION RAILWAY. ..a t t tCE irherebytgien, I ?? is iiitend- ed t bemad 10Parliament in the wor ma gaedsing Session fora Bill, or Bills, witn all pmr aking and enaintaiting a '11-.Pf, ilt sl popr and covnetstations, l~ii'ra Workss and Communioations connected there- - ?? Works, and tlret~d - -r- dges'mmencing from and out of the Newcastle and tlb.e0 ailvvay in ...