Advertisements & Notices

... .LOAKS.-GEORGE SMITH, 32, Ludgate- 7 hill, announces the arrival of semp very elegant CLOAKS- Ifrom Paris, making altogether twenty-eight different models for the RI ?? season. This departmenft being under the managemnent of (I exp 'rlenced women, ladies are fitted In the best style. India, Britishl, PI and French shawls, silks5, sntinle, and velvets, Scotch plaids and In prinied dresses, furl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oft PORI' ADELAIDE, South Australia,- Drtla. t shipping doy 15th December, under engageen E n CuflO1 Comtaoerbb depthd5ae 1t ecember, tbe Splendid nirew ehlp PIHtEBE, 1, ro let tons WILLIAM DALTE, Commntotder, lying in the C A t r15101 'Ihlt~prelid ship baa a full poop, with very flret- a, j~onDo~k~i00 rorpassenenrs, and wilil carry au experienced d rateaccmm trmaol reigterpasage ppl tothe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALED ONMAN RA1ILWAY. cons ?It~CASE OF GLASGOW, GAateKttcs AND COATitAIDE railN RAILWNAY, AND) JUCrsTIONS WITH CASTLECARY BRANCH titan AND WtIT5 AILRDIZE, &C. and Mar. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, moan HVAT aplcto ~nete obemarieto Parliament, in next Ant IL. Sessitin. for leave to bring inl a Bill or Bills to alter, amend or; and enlarge thle powvers anti provisions of the Caletonian Railway hot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~OGUARDIANS of NERVOUS INVALIDS, riL ad sucti as are aftlected with Epilepsy, Varalys's, Gout, Rheu- matisur, Dlyspepsia, Deafness, or Imperfect Vision, orc.-A Gentle- man occ ?? a quiet resisdsnce, cheerfully and salubriously situ.- ated, trueing had much practice, acoompasted by thle lisped-for resulte, =uig stile treatment of the above, or kindred diseases,, through th ?? agency of VITAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ANOBANDITALY.-The South-western Er ~ aket Copany's splendid and powerfull Steam SOvi WESTERN, LADY DE SAU31AREZ, sot P ~ OAI'Ewil alternately leave thle Rtoyal Pier, ,&td 5d eatr perceittinr), as follows ?? OGCEIINSEY ?? mails), Tuesday, lraoraeenings at SeVen 0'elock, returning on 5adSundays. Reduced Fares-Main Cabin, rueslsys Thas ~ Oarriages, £3; Rourses, £3; Dogs, Os. secod yls n. ~itEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T7#HEA TRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. rne ViST'rRIS begs respectfully to announce that her arr and Last Appearance of herself and Mr. C. Mi 1 FSEWS. will take place bN THIS EVENING (Saturday), Nov. 15, u o which occasion the performances will commence Lpe New Comic Opera of CAPTAIN OF THE WATCH. V.Couilt de Ligny, Mr. C. Mathews; Baron Van- Mir. Barrett; Adolphe de Courtney, Mr. B. Ia ! riit ina. Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LESSONS IN MILLINERY AND DRESS- MAKING. . M RS. SNELLING, No. 2, King-street, Pari-street, 1 Grosrenor-square, with great success continues to TEACH the'ART of DRESSMAKING by her improved method. Mrs. Snelling undertakes to instruct persons of the smallest capacity, who are desirous of acquiring so useful an art, in Cutting, Fitting, and Executing, in a first-rate style, in Six Lessons, for Be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHPOR~T IMPULOVkEMkNT.- , 4OTIOE IS 1HEREBY GIVlEN, That application. is Intended se be Adsti to ariliament. in the next ensuing session, for an act ,e iseasto foe better paving, flagging, cleansing, draining seeig, w4 ligbthsg, (with oil or gas, or otherwise.) watching, widening. lHE Au otherwise regulating andi Improving the streets, lanes, rosads, &i paitci ways. cosine, gassge, bridges, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :Egy DESIRABLE DAIRY FARM. to be LT, by 1Proposal for a Term of Years, and pcatered In at Lady-day, 1846, that Excellent 1Ct 1.W'l, called BA N TrOP, in the Parish of enlsac~rTLY tw uiles from the M~arket'lTown of il f 15- ACRES or thereabouts, of t&lioanh Gracing and Meadow Land, exclusive of encouragement in Draining and other ,iv be given by the Proprietors to an Cendlitieof Lotltting lmay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURNISHED HOUSE TO BE LET, Tp HE whole or part of a well-furnished .l HOUSE, in one of the Terraces, near the North Reoad. Apply to the Printers for a Reference. TO BE LET, And entered on 2nd February next. A N excellent DWELLING HOUSE, situate in King Street. South Shields, containing 7 Rooms, with a larks Piece of Ground behind, now in the Occupation of Mr Wilson. For further Particulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Pubslished, price Is. serwed, 4.[LWAY u1tESU1LTS; or, The GAUGE DF.LIVF.IIANCE.: a Drmatic Sl .By Sir FORTUNATUS DIvATtIS. London: Chapmuan tnd Hall, Id Strand. .a Now ready, Square limo, Is. 61 . cloth. N SECOND SERIES Of MY KNITTING r A BOOIC. By Miss LAImncRT, Of New Ilarlingtsn street. John 1 urray, Albemarle street. '1HE PHILOSOPHY of ATL'; an Oration on the Relation cf the Plastic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1) E33ULAkR UANF e'f. PACKETS to CAL- ?? iret. da r made arrangements to despateh I,,t port~ 311tb Ix' tcacti month a firat-edans hitp otI fr3 alarzso, wee respectful~ly beg leave t0 aipprime sb1:peri ?? o:OlIOB~ to despatch the ship ott tie name~id dole, E~WLAR INE of ACKETSbetween 1)~ tdCA LCUTTA.-The utrdormenttioned Ships teail liON I i: s vnameI fot CALCU1TA direct gal I~ 'k 7 lOn, 0.- NI ...