Advertisements & Notices

... GOB H 1ItTSTMITIIS. opplycctlessgeo' I~orI in. At~s~ili1t't1~,lN' l'I CE, VA NTE D ANTHD, ?? YOUTH, as an W I7N.Dt0OR1AltIIsIENTICG'. tort Grocer and rfeeiowr Chcanderli- Apply to Mr. 1I. WOODALL, Grocer, 'Tallow- Chandler, &e., Ahcrgavennfy. Anioilidte: t e Pe'seiltIe will b! requlire yA NTED, a FEIMALE to Assist inl a i mll Grocery trade. Shte will be required to do ties u1oceeeteoldl Noric ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sfler 7 I - . . also S 1OUTUHSEA & PQ11T.S tVU7T.1H uoch ' WI'T:IF1.l ANSlKIM~bBLliIJSi. tOv* PATRONAGE; at Hon. Lady Pakentiam. Hon. Lady Alorris. IDS, Adm. Sir Chas: Ogle. -Ladp Ximenes. OV Adm. Siir J. Omnmanney. .trs.-Col. Jones. yet Alrs. Hyde Parker. Ill re. Capt. Chads. t of HE FIRST A.6SEMBLYV for this season, will - take place on'Alonday, Novenmbsr 24th, 1845, at mid tne Assemibly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR PUBLIC SALE AT THE THREE. INDIAN KINGS. INN, QUAYSIDE, NEWCASTLE.ON-TYNE, ON THURSDA.Y, 4,ss. OF DECEMBER, l84i AT. ONZ O'CLOCK, ALlj that fine Barque MAJEST'IC of Newcastle, Thomas Tilloch, Comr maRder, Barthen per Register 344 57.94 Tons ?? This Vessel was built at l berdeea in lil29, under particular In- spection, had ?? Repairs last Spring, sails re- markably fast, and is a desirable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l, LO IS UM NCWF S. nt 0 ME IlCI'E for t~e CURE o` A'SiINIA wad Cu NSETJc IPTI0,N, COUGHS, .i was ev er ttended by sud'setdy and rfailing Bewes us Dr. LOCUC1d bsTJLMONIC WAFER&S In every S.d, pblihmt.on throughouti the kingdom ' t 11ouirsn of. tbeir wuderftil powers. nias bo ec. ltv tcet cures in. 'Maxclester:- - B~exltle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE is hereby GIVEN, that Application is N intcnded to be nuide to Pariiutlellt in the next Session for a Bill or Bills for making and mnaintailting one or more Railway or Railways, with all proper and convenient stations, wlharfl, erections, works, bridges, communicatioits, approaches, and conveietices con- nected therewith, to conitmence in the parish of Saint Alkmiund, in or near the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &P~41LOYAL NATIONAL ; REPEAL ASSOCIATION. THE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO- T CIATION OF IRELA.ND will meet on THIS DAY, the 24th November inttant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CONCILIATION HALL, CORN-EXCHANGE ROOMS. THIE LIBERATOR WILL ATTEND. qua The principal door in front to the ground loor is 'free for ASSOCIATES enrolled within Twelve Months; they will occupy the floor of the Hall, the benches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHEFFIELD, ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE, AND MANCHESTER RAILWAY. (BARNSLEY BRANCH.) TOTICE is hereby GIVEN, thn .ipplisation is in. IN tended to be made to parliament, in the next ensu- ing session, for an act or acts to alter, amend, extend, and enlarge, or to repeal the powers and provisions of the several acts relating to the Sheffield, Ashton-under- Lyne, and Manchester Railway, passed respectively ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LE~S0N IN MILLINERY AND DRESS- LESSONSAKINN ' ,ADAMPE GALLIOS, 44, No,, Bood5t't. continues h er superiorr nethed]'ott~eahliigthe art-of Dress- ?? t stike mersn of the smallest capcit prficentinCutliiFttig, ndExeesttliig,Jllt. til mot fnised tyl, i 8i.L5500, orne: Pound. 11cr supom~t' m1etyl idrcan-e fully ?? by re- ferences to pupils, anf has never been equalled by any csompetitor. W practice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,/[ARYLAND STATE LOANS.-The DIVI- .LVk IEND WARRANTS, which became due on the Ist of July, 1842, eon the Sterling Bonds of the State of Maryland, will be PAID onl the lat December next, or any succeeding day (Tuesday and Fri- day exeepteli), between the honrs of Ten and Two, at the counting- house of BARING (BROTHifRS) and CO., No. 8, Bisloptsgale- rtreet Within, where lists mny be obtained. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ยข>#73i6$TIMONItL.-Su scriptions iS l teA dB ii* balae followrlng Eankeert hcc: ialf Co., 54, Lombard-tezet r n fJ c)b4,ms~d t Wbitehall ei d Co., 48, Charing Cross ^ _ nlffll~dX b~w~trar ' ] m' .U ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE'S BELMOiT WAX AND E SPERM CANDLES, is. lb., burn more bril- liantly than the finest Wax or Sperm at double the price, and are superior in appearance. - PRICE'S PATENT CANDLE8,1ld. it b,- arc greatly improved in quality, and are factred by a new paetent process, intr ced PATENT BELMONT CO l VAUXHALL COPT give a brilliant end steadyi , 0 nuffing The Public are utioned ni PRICE'S CANDLES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEAD B3ODIES IN CARs.-An Observer says, IIPleasepermit me through the medium of your paper, to call attention to a prac- tice now obtaining ground in thia town-I allude to the habit of conveying bodies for interment, in our public cars. and, which is, at once, highly dangerous and offensive. Ought not the proper authority to interfere ? Certainly the by-law ought to forbid the practice. VITAL ...