Advertisements & Notices

... 'HEltA l'ltRE B O YAL, D UBLIN. yosrth Appearance of Mr. HAMILTON, the popular Irish Conedian, from the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, who is engaged for six ?? only. Last Appearanie but Two of Mrs. TERNA.N. T lS PRESENT FRIDAY, December 19, t the performances will commence with the Comic Prar of THE IRISH ATTORNEY; OB, GALWAY PRACTICE IN 1770. pierce 0'Hara, Mr. Hamilton; Jacob Wylie, Bar- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F~ijll Annujal BALL it, aid of the Funds of _Ithis Clanarity, Nwill take ?? Lit thle RlOYAL tidV ll o it110 1150 TIota, 11OL.YWELL, Oil WED- :asAithe 21st1 daly Of JAN.TUARY, 1816. LADY 1'AfrnoNESS, Tilt' LADY MOS3TYN STE WARiDl, Sin JOHNN HAY WVILLIAM1S, BAUTY. ?? to conaaaenci ait nine o'cloick. c,'j 6tubbs's Quadrille land is eng-aged. Ladic5 Tickets ?? 7s. Gd. Ijentleniens ?? ?? 10s. 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RECTORY HOUSE, THROWLEIGH.-DRVOr. Olt SALE, by Mr. Ifl oir.oRE, for, and on the behalf J .,rMr. Johu Honpor, Jun., oa TUESDAr, tbe 23rd dae DrcBItl5a5 lust.. tile Noat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Books, arid other Effects, T'lo Property of the Rev. W. H. Schwabo, who is goiug abroad, particulars of which are describod in handbills. The Sale will co.uallsac punctually at 11 o'elock in the forenoon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHI IPSLTON-\ON-STo U R. oR0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, L- EBy WIra. BULL, On Tuesday the 16th day of Dlecember, 1845,-A quantity of JIOUSUTHOLD FUiURNIfURE and other Effects, tho property of Mr. John Gardiner, who is changing his residence. Sale to commence precisely at Twolve o'clock. | Oak and Ash TIMBER, ASH POLES, aS FIREWVOOD. I T BDE SOLD BY AUC-TION, 3By WM. B U L L, At Paxford, Blal emore, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I)IB3BONS and LACE.-SELLING OFF, ourI 3.1STOCK from Harrogate, i,o00 pieces of rtbibons, gauze and atnralps, 3'sd. to fsi/d. the yard ; satin and lutestring bonnet fribbns Ad ;, ?? and 12Od. the yard- these last are reduced rm arestly vrorth 16d. and 18d, the yard; 500 richly embroi- diered muslin collars, Os. ll~dd. each, worth 4s. adl. and 5s.; a quantity of the richest worked ditto, lace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HwL joHlN OLDHAM, Captain C&kNNFY, for j OBXYm, is una, Idably DETAINED tilt SAIURIDAY ?? I eclo ligiht goods and liquids, In the West India I ks' 1U t Ur o'clock on Friday, and nat ?? to Miller, ~ MADRASand CALCUTTA, tolsail from ~ GriC5t~ 0thJanary, and will embark passengers at Pornt- ~~ttth 5l~2idd at.'nlig ivr-uilt Ship TARTAR, 700 tons, o~n~~ t RiBis.OreoofI~lekal, WILLIAM (.tiOMIONe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mi LIE CORN and PROVISION TRADES.- T he defleicnev ot tho harvest, the failsre of the Potato Crop, arrli thle ?? serio us eflects upon ccjraxercial and monetatay aliairs, excite greet aOpprehension. Under such circumstOnces, co!- rect informntion at to the produce of the harvest, the extent of the failure of the potato crolj, the state of th - markets, tbe stock of grain on hard, on thc ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANISH TITRLFE PER CENT. BONDS.- S Tue TNTHi ItAf FI-.'EARLY lDVlDEND, dec on the 3llt ilatuint, will be PAID froin that date to tile 29th June next, incli- slKc, by Messrs. rEID, IRVIING, andf CO., London, and Meoars. PILLElT, WILL, and CO., hit Paris. Lists may bo olitained as usual froam Plassa. Reid, Irving, and Co., No. 16, Tolenhouse-yard, by i hose the Couatmns will be received every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TOTICE ti) SHIPPERS,-For MADRAS and CALC~UTTA.-The~ M ALACCA will receive Goods in the r ' 14a ~tok'sttlelate21 ?? to F.Grean a i, 4, corr.111i. RI 71iAbirS and CILCUTTAt iifo oittnonte24th rebruary, anor will erbar pasietnvera, ~t roisnolff (as s ippn day 21at Feb~ruary), the spenoid fsi-I rrgrisr~hi~ IN MADAGArICAR, 1,0u0 torns, belonging to ?? Oen ofBitkall, IowAniii fl11011, Commander, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -(T0'fCE to SIIIPP'ERS.-For MADRAS antii C.ALO ?? MALACCA will receiv'e Goode IIn thle ?? Det-19itTuvedoy, the 23d Intnt. -Apply to F.GOre it WmIM 1RAS Itild CALCUTTA, to sial front (Jria-ee d o'a flii 2141l Felariiry, and wil[ eirmbark paaaongers- ~i ist ipproag is t F,'ln wiry), the splend~id frans- ciSr-hidtCip! INADA)\fASCAR..1,00'' totns, Ieloniting to ar -r- ~ , Ililtrntalt, EnovAtLn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UM WAY I SADcl:}IO;MTm!s BOX, MD),KL SOW LE S -m.t JIT}I LO ZfDS PE]NNKY SVNDAY TINES, 1Of Doz tb, . CIL FUB]CATIONS - t1 rewt icloent, 1iy YojOwI Woitero,']1 utted by ?? Alr Art-nts _ ,be ! TO J. F., e S0Rex5Y0E00, AI4s) TEE ETswoR,-PEnTr Si '3 ?? C.asrn cvi 7sE SEIRcrsS- 8 I1,-in ansu to Met startiisg and itnd questions put iy 3. ?? in patriotic a spirit, Peter Simpson tones leave to make ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By Mr. GOODW~IN, at his RlOOMS, 8. Oa-s et an- chae. on Moay the 8th day of vlcr FORFEITED PLEDGES, cipi oe cloths, leve and verge watces, u parl agc. &C., pledged with iessrs. JacobsadS ian 'o , Oldbaiu Road, Maucostr, and p orti m 844.- .Sale to commence bttn loknte fo no. Forfeited Pledges 3By Mr. GEORiGE GOOD II N, Of ?? Oakstreet, M~ces. tor, on Thorsady. Deceniber 11th, 184, th ~nises, ...