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Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIVZRPOOL MERCURY GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, 44, LORD-STREUzT, where Brokers' Weekly Ciroulam and Sale Catalogues, Bills of Lading- Auctioneens, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Cards, Ciroulars Posting Bills, and every other description of PRIN TING, fI Neatly and ExpeditiouslIy Execudsied bg SMITH, ROGERSON, & CO. I BOKBINDINGO NEATLY EXBCUTED ON THE PREMISES, AND ACCOUNT BOOKS MADZ TO oRDa1H. The ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAbVEPT1SE 3l MANCHESTER AND SOUTHAMPTON RAILWAY.| if . o the EDIT6B. of the SWW. Sir :-The directors of this mpany have read with. great surprise a statement in your per of yesterday, to the following effs'ct:- Y One of the most e etical god projects of the late railway mania season, me o rting to be from . Manchester to Southampton. ive an ix pounds'premias L- were freely given; and when . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By Mr. GOODW~IN, at his RlOOMS, 8. Oa-s et an- chae. on Moay the 8th day of vlcr FORFEITED PLEDGES, cipi oe cloths, leve and verge watces, u parl agc. &C., pledged with iessrs. JacobsadS ian 'o , Oldbaiu Road, Maucostr, and p orti m 844.- .Sale to commence bttn loknte fo no. Forfeited Pledges 3By Mr. GEORiGE GOOD II N, Of ?? Oakstreet, M~ces. tor, on Thorsady. Deceniber 11th, 184, th ~nises, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ARCHITECTS. B tILDI3 RS, AND OTFIRR9. SALE THIS DAY OF HANDSOWNEI MARBLO CHISINEY. PIRCHS. SEVERAL SUPERIOR STONE DITTO. ?? I M R. WhSTALL has received instructions from i Mesqrs. Edward anid William Hunter, of ituyton ,urrry, and Crown-street, Liverpos-l, in consequence of their dissoving Partnership, to SVLL. by AUCTION, withoout the Slightest reserve, This Day, (Fridy,) the 12th, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -o ` e W S61d,' i Vivae 1freaZy, A LL those COTTON JI!ILLS, situate at Chorloy, In A the county of Lancastor, called Tnc WATataLoo .MTLts8, inl the occupation of the Etexoutors of She late alepjrniin Doiison, Esq. ; together with the Steame Engines, Zloilers, Millgoering, IachIinery, amd utensils tieuroin, the 'Whole being now in full operation, and is first-rate working conditiv~n, Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T) APTIST CHAPEL, ~GRSVNRTET J~.EAST, COLTNUO-ELcK (lt 3Cn the o~ccupaltion fteEaglde~? dl 'h~alc are respecifolty infre htte ?? STEPHEN, Of Newpot, otanr1aea0ptdt unauinmous~ ?? o0.f, ~the-ne ?? assenmblinlg .4-thde above-place' rhp'adi~.6~~ The Mtv. W6fOWEO ,lof radt~, s nae to prekh'TC0QRO ,De1 br7. 8.evaecmmne at lwaf-pt ten a~.; n afps ?? pt. 1,ANCHESTER ATHENAUX-~_On Tiiesday- IVJ. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE. 44, LORD-STRE.T, where Brokers' Weekly Cireularitand Sale Catalogues, Bilisof Lading- Auctioneers, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Cards, CiLMisti Posting Bills, and every other description of PRI N TING, ,r Neatly and Rrxpeditfouely Executed bt SMITH, ROGERSON, & ?? B00tMItNODIN NZAT&Y 1112CUTED ON T5rKi2a8, AND ACCOUNT BOOKS MADI To 0OIDL The Job ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ESTABLISHED FOrul THE Lh5T FIFTEEN 'Z EARS. ROP 0SO SWEDOUII' I BHALK P HRBFILSdr.-The celeb~rated CORDIAl.PAI OFl MECCA. %* iti eah bx of professorlwedour's Itygeain Herb ?RIN1 3pries ?? 4a. Od,. !er ?? ?? frmtefeS Adviser containing ?? d hin2ta ofimportsan ,~tO those suh'rink from the injudiclaus use of Mercury, &c., &c. The celebrated UCORDIAL BPALK, 0F. MECCA Is15 O1 thnulalnt and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,T lt,# pottat *t nd.r e BRLTIhh ATIr4 T AMERICAN O4 ii A fiVEMAIL STEAM SHIPS- A / .4 of 10 tons, and 440-h0rO0 P0W5 C ?? AS.H.B. JutiatNe. c AMLEDA * ?? ..C i bnwnDIADG. Lorr. BBH ?? HZW I- ACADIA ?? Captain WILLIAM AaRSO- eL are theb ?? 4h anary, ING1 a1 -~t~a~sB D og chabareged £5 oach. ApI vtD allft xgto S. ?? i t nosn ton S.S.Lsvwrza In lcnmont in J.B. Fo 2 B ; in Glaow, to Q. anldJ. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B EAT BRITAA IN UTUAL LIFE G~ASSURANCE SocISTY. 14, WATERLOO PEACH, LONDON- RTO. . -, The Chisholnm, Chafrs. William Morley, Req., Deputylhaflt7fiatin E Henry Strould Barber, eq. James John Kiol00eb, Eest. JohnBri~tmiI. Isq. Henri Lawson, Eat. F aog. Eenr or -,MD Francis dflroigi Esq. Hen Peonny. Fa5i*M Aleandr Rber Irin, Eq. he ev.F~w.Jh5eMom John lgoiiJurdei, Eoff ?? Audtd/erI-Ci~. B.Rle,Eoq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROOM PAP9813. By MR. WALKER, on Tuesday next, t1.e 9 n lest,,r,. at t-weven o'cloek precisely, at hisq Rooms, 115. 0Can1ah-sit, see, . A ?? and varied Assortmient of PAPER 'IiNOB. ?? Flock, Fluock and Gold, btlstill, -O~k, (atbilo. Had other j,,illr.a, Of tilet mlots splenditl and recel.t designs, suitable for sevey description of Rooms, Haill, Stah- saws, &O. May be viewed en the dany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ntie MO ro ?? ant ph: COARI5TY 1BALLS -One of the Peopepi hopes that no corotrivance rtea or bigotry will be permitted to interfere wit), the festivities I at the Towe-bali, but that all haste will be mrade In the clean- the tog anod re-deenrst !en of the rooms, now In proem, Hie sug- we geests that eno refusal should prevail, but postpontmentfl. for afa few weekq only; b'eftio,1e a verat ...