... COUrlT OF SESSION-SECOND DWvISIoN. l is N. llousr N~O~ioo~oo, V. JsOHN an Intil J aoSS, E &ih55 W : ot o :z o ,fnmn of thefr suer and crtaio other Partieo fur a elight, itt a honk otsf or, ,,ih we avr,0, , cloring thu period of the Rons-slsiro ercetei- le net 'it slstrie erh following unste w000 triett isy a juitry hit ht oteosmer I,!t It- 11Whether, oil or hou~ti the 4tb or 5th dlays of ...

Police Intelligence

... Veolta ?? . ?? . ?? lianslip, clerk in the serviee of Mescr6. Caish and Co., of Woued-street, worehoteseme , vwa brought up for final ei~anmihatioli, chargedwith stealing a quantity of silk ivaiiteoathigs, and other goods. Iis mother, Olivi:i, was also charged with receivimg a part of the goods, which she had caused her laudlady to pledge. The prisoners were committed for trial. WORSHIP-STREET ...


... I ?? _ .F2idai.-Before Ald. Nichol and Edward James, Lsq.- Peter Cunningham appeared in custody on a warrant charged with an assault upon Thomas Dunn, a post boy at the Quoen's Head, on the ?? October last, The prisoner is blind, and is well known in the town, as he was accus- tomed to stand in the streets, grinding a wretched organ and soliciting alms. The prosecutor stated, that on the night ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY-TUESDAY. [Before Mr. Commissioner FonbIanque.] IN RE JOHN HILL. The bankrupt was described as the proprietor of the Six Bells public house, Hammersmith, and to-day came up for his certificate He was opposed by Mr. Lucas on the grounds of his ex- pending the property of his creditors, of vexatiously 0P- posing the proof of a second will of Mrs. Leader, which was ultimately ...


... A iSIZ f? JA FI,. 1 G IgN( ?? NO I T! H' I iN Cl P I(C IT- -I 11r ProoL, No. V.D. r F}vl';rrv Mr. linrou) 1).87tri, 1 C/roi' 11,'I ' ?? I t itidetol for tile Ialal- e pi lt i t litJ li iI,-iTi', . t Ir II' II. tr-1 tlr'(ltl hlld St:0l lit of tb litni .sft fter the - i f'''ltin llt thllit('vvl~l9-l I':mi fiolilml'' rcid> :It Ul Il!I,w]x,l:l it) tili. ...


... (Front George Ci'sriks s Toblo Book.) 1 Any peoson narrating a story, or anything h1o imnaghils to be o0, and bemssing prosy, or parenthetical, or forgotting vwhore hso wisi. shall he desiretd by tile polico oil duty to m ov ol, by 11. Any porson guilty of disturbing the penee of his neigchtour, y vaunling ni alleged friendship witth the Duke of Welhingtol, the Rtatilway King, the Editor of ...


... SECOND CROWN COURT, THJURSDAY, December 11. (Before Mr. BarOn PLATT.) tO D., MURDER AT 8ELBY. erin - . . ~~of Jo GEORGE WATtON (40) vas c1 arged for that Ila, n0 the pariso Lives Qff SeIby, on the 1st of Alupst last, felisously and of malice nfore- San thought, assaulted Elizabeth Watson, and with a knife, whicii n,, held in his right hand, did strike, cut, and stab her in the lower part of ...


... HIGH C OUFT OF JUSTICIAIRY. fIMPORTANiT DEttISOON ONt THE 350000 OF anOTiCEs. t'Nttti. WTttT. he This was a polition brough't befaro thle High Court of Jos- &lsicley, by a bill of sosyarsiro owl libaroalioi, sli slit iStttincO ad 0f Pomonaa, a collior at Ildstyarils, oear Airdrie, ia. cite pa- m0 ridsl of' Now Mabklandl, niageast lis emoplayor, Air Joltn Watt, lie real masctr cThrie, aaile ...

Assize Intelligence

... gooflt 11t*elolltt. ~ThERNCJRCUIT. fo LtVEE5'OOL, M .t5DA NC .Tb witer assize fal ushe aoutiiers5 ?? of the coonty Of I.Micflter comn anence here o-daybefore Mr. Baron pal-ke, and Mr. fi justic Williams. The calender containsthnmeof, - ea raoIe. Of these four stand chorg-ed with Man-t llaugltter, ten with makliciously cutting and wolusding, I fouir with attempts to murder, four With Cape, two ...


... THE MURDER OF AN AGED FEMALE iN WESTMINSTER. Monday being the day appointed for the examina- tion of Martha Brownrigg, a girl twenty-four years I of age, who stands charged with the wilful murder of f Elizabeth Mundell, an aged female with whom she D resided, the approaches to the Queen-square police- e court were at an early hour crowded with persons of all classes, anxious to hear the ...


... C(-4-RT .01! BANKRUP-ZCY-Ta~ua8JwAY.-I [Before Mr. Commissioner Fonblanique.] IN ED WAKSPIRLD. The bankrupt in thig case, %,hQ i the well known jockey at 'ewmarket, and who had kept the White Hart Tavern at hampton Wick, applied to-day for his certificate. His debts were about £1, I0, and there were no assets. lie was supported by Mr. Lawrance, solicitor, and o0- posed by Mr. Guy, on the ...


... SPURDAY'S FOLICF. ?? c~haracter, woo brought up in custodly of a city cvlo esetbo isrert w its the foellosving daringrber John lfoloir, a diet Coslor (Ier the s-mell c~large of rut gossny) ?? s in daliefcaci a. 'd~ept liaam-satad w.iises. stated that as' the pmeviteos ?? e hod bean .15i sirl-ete at tlr -an in lth~oa',to sell his articles, 0i I AoTi; e-i aeft when it wae over, lit went to the ...