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... I I The Christmas Harlequinades have had formid- able rivals for this last week or two, but it is to be hoped the public will now quietly subside into the real thing. We are sorry that it is not a better thing ; but it is at any rate a comfort to see earnest, hardworking, zealous people, in the characters of Clown and Pantaloon. The Cricket is announced to chirp on the hearths of all the ...


... LITERARY NOTIOrIS. THE CIHICKET ON THE HEARTHI, A FAIRY TALE OF QOME, BY t llARLDS DICOKFNS. London: &iadbutry yii Enema. This neat little Christn'ss hoOh. is She best'd the present I year's annual. whieh we have seen; b-Iut, liko most of the productions of tile same nuthor, It has someiwhat di-appointed, oveo while it plessed us. Dieketis's endings are always incon- sguous, strained, and ...


... lurbitim DOUGLAS JERROLD'S SHILLING( MAGA- ZINE. DUCXcasra. London: P-anchi Office, 'J2, Fleet-street. We must apologise for not noticing the December number of this excellent magazine earlier iln the month. Unfortunately, too, we are now prevented giving it more than a cursory notice; but this is not of much importance, seeing that we have so often, and at considerable length, devoted our ...


... YE PE].SANTIIY OF ENGLAN D. -Fitom Puxcii. CDEDICA~rED TO TUE DUCKE OF NORFOGR.] Y-T peasantry of England, Who till our fertile leas, flow little do you think a iman May live on, if lie please? Your weekly crages, it is plain, As far again wouald go, And keep you so cheap- For Norfolk's Dlukc says so- If, when hanger rages fierec and strong, To currey you would go. This powder, hungry fathers, ...


... L ITERA T URE. THE SPEECHES OF CURRAN, EDITED, WITH NOTES AND A MEMOIR, d BY THOMAS OssonNE DAVIS, (Dublin; Published by James Duffy, Anglesea stveet.) Whenever Ireland sets about estimating the wealth and a fame which the continuance of the Union has deprived her of for the last forty years, she will not forget to olon-b late the declension of the legal spirit, and the descent of her ...


... 3Rebit21o a DOUGLAS JERROLD'S SIlILLING MAGA- S ZINE. DEcesmBER. London: Pancn Office, 02, vy Fleet-street. It, We muot apologise for not noticing the December a number of this excellent magazine earlier in the ag month. Unfortunately, too, we are now prevented ad giving it more than a cursory notice; but this is not is Of much importance, seeing that we have so often, v. and at considerable ...


... CIIRISTNIAS SHOW OD AMEAT. The Christma how of meat on baturday last fully proves that the botcebr-s attending our market have this year catered for the festive season inl a mnanncr that maintains their reputation', for a finer divplay of' meat could nut lbe sOCI inl any market iii Clio P kingdomn. W eniay remarerk that the rageo for prorlucing that ovrfattress, which we have formerly observed ...


... LITERARY EXIRACTS. l, , .. ?? I., (From tile Athenaurm). THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTII, A FAIRY TALE OT HOME. By Charles Dickens. (Bradbury and Evans). Many surmises have been indulged in by the admirers of Mr. Dickens touching the character of his annual tale for the present seasqn; whether he would again read a social or political lesson, and risk a new controversy on matters of opinion or ...


... II ; I ?-p (p, ah. Up M 'X 0 . , . . I P- r0oo0% GOD IIPLP THEM. M nARY 8. HEAlIT.) 'l01d Winter bath tnae. with a stealthy tread, O'er the fatlen Autumni leaves, And shrill he whistiotb overhead, And pipeth beneoth tboe eaveS. t-e-hintx como I We eare not amid our mirth, For the driving snowv or rain; For little we rock of the cold dull hearth, O the broken window pane. 'Tir a 8torvay nrighl ...


... THE THEATRES. DRURY-LANE. )ears AWtrT's narrative of the great voyagees of Gul- ?? endinig entertainment to matter-of- iw' children, ann of intinito relish to the adults who enter irrto the spirit of its admirable satire-has surggestod to NMr MOaIO: the subject for the Christmas pantomime of Old Drury. The history of the imrmortal Quinbexs FRestri', tht Non Meouertails-tfle Yar)da of the ...


... WWW4 - -- - ?? aDOUGLAS JERROLD'S SHILLING MAGA-' ;er's ZINE. DeECESBER. London-, Punch Office, 92, anwy Fleet-street. last, We nust apologise for not noticing the December 'to a number of this excellent magazine earlier in the clog month. Unfortunately, too, we are now pruvented ided giving it more than a cursory notice; but this is not his of' much ireportance, seeing that we Itave so often, ...


... Riterature. RusWi7 Records ; or GliMnpses of Village Life. Py Jw=neo Stndth. Longman & Co., Paternoster-row, London. A series of sketches descriptive of rural scenery and village life. Alost of the papers have already appeared in a popular periodical, and one or two of them have, we believe, been trats- ferred to our columns. The sketches are pleasantly drawn, but the author has evidently read ...