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Advertisements & Notices

... o-11it with wit' oW two hiorsus, Piint 101 11)111 im -Also :I set 61 good T)l!fl hL NESS6 to uln(VIt~. ( III ickj ot abovc cotoplete, £25 (Ii Cdl. U Al'.)o tlh (;I 00(0 t) ith J I 221[itv odr, I 8 15. s 1CVN Appl;- to Mr f3tC, Il'i.-i 1 F p i. v ?? tII T I3' t ocl Il ~iiCT I ill mi Co ;Ifl,, i or 2 ?? lot1 z1o11 ' r IN, I t it tL 111 (0 J I U it t t!I o~L illtwo O 0ltiJi.t ;! d 1)Pl o IW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,vLorrnrnae PUBLT('ATION S. -0- ',NLARGEM!ENT of ihe AnTIINEUM.- E On and fronm Januarv 8, thlo ATHEN21E3M %vill bo Ipwrnla- l-ntly ENLARGED to Tlienty-four large Qaarro Pages. Price DUNN OltRELON' iERIT()RY. Oa the It of January will be publishtd, price 7i. l., bhondi in cloth nn(d taltered. Second editior, Mlil a large Map, ISTORY of the OREGON rElaIyI'ORy, a nnd ?? NORTIT-AMERICAN FUR TRADE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F~ijll Annujal BALL it, aid of the Funds of _Ithis Clanarity, Nwill take ?? Lit thle RlOYAL tidV ll o it110 1150 TIota, 11OL.YWELL, Oil WED- :asAithe 21st1 daly Of JAN.TUARY, 1816. LADY 1'AfrnoNESS, Tilt' LADY MOS3TYN STE WARiDl, Sin JOHNN HAY WVILLIAM1S, BAUTY. ?? to conaaaenci ait nine o'cloick. c,'j 6tubbs's Quadrille land is eng-aged. Ladic5 Tickets ?? 7s. Gd. Ijentleniens ?? ?? 10s. 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I)IB3BONS and LACE.-SELLING OFF, ourI 3.1STOCK from Harrogate, i,o00 pieces of rtbibons, gauze and atnralps, 3'sd. to fsi/d. the yard ; satin and lutestring bonnet fribbns Ad ;, ?? and 12Od. the yard- these last are reduced rm arestly vrorth 16d. and 18d, the yard; 500 richly embroi- diered muslin collars, Os. ll~dd. each, worth 4s. adl. and 5s.; a quantity of the richest worked ditto, lace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14. Broad Close - - * Ditto 8 2 5 a 15. Sampson Meadow - - Ditto 4 2 1, 16. Leigh Gore * - - - Arabic 17 8roounY I;e73Oura } now in one 1 astu t } 19. Dyehe Ynrd * - Meadow I 0 13 20. OldErick - - - Arable 4 3 2521. Ditto Meadow - - - Aleadow 3 3 27 t TheDsrelling lIouse, which ;9 substantially built, is situated upon an cmineuee commanding an exteu6ivc E Yiesr over the Yalley of the Blithe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION. IE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO. am~ 01ATI9N OFP IRELANIE will meet on THIS t 2 t December instant, at ONE o'Clock, at the CoLIATIO1N /NHALL.. gB ~~CORN-EXCHA~NGI R~O lS z THE LIBERATOR WILL ATG 7 E- The principal door in front to theb nV or is free for AssocIATEs enrolled withy IM v ontbs; they will occupy the floor of the H oe bet - under the end gallery, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THTATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. rth Night of the Grand Christmas Pantomime,, with 1ilusfrations by the celebrated Artistes, the BOLLNo FAITlYiIS EVENING (Tuesday), Dec. 30th, 0 will be performed the Dramatic Drama of THlE OTAID OF OIILAN. The Duke Vivaldi, Mr. King; Rolamo, Mr. H. Qgoke; irin. lrs, Ternan, in which she will sing .! sweet wrw.ehich, for the fourth time, a= entirely aginal Grand Fairy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'niATE.rE ROYAI, A'LR TH, IIE BEN7PIfT OF MR. WATRTN3. Owil UESDYErVENLNG, 'flceeber SoQ I'lTH'IRD; -. ~ >. oi T~f M-!NQUE BALL. ; rita-i. ?? M rtw, t-1rnz .oscenrilm Box ,*N1 - 5 L toi !O'Neill ci, CrisiVai I t2 LI:IASIN I I T catre n A711 Th ?? \j 11L\IMiT'.iN ftisosf -d 1N~NI\ EV~'1~''Nl~N O PENr~ tlt th -NVW G LE~ ?? !!I ah n ;i ottrie, to a Cheque for the, NV- N' do~ ~ ~ ?? - m Vi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THE WEST RIDING OF VORI ?? Castle Howard, Dec. °e, 1545. GVNcTLFUaaxNw I Am defeply 1enetrated by the gratifying import ot tbo i Mitatlo w which ht is just been conveyed to me. Matre than ens reasiin :ight' ace Induced me not te remine a parrieome- tary life at pre -it, bitt I thc lectors of the Wedt 1R1ili shall do- leimine to perse ere in tle peompt and generones raloy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'LAXSEED AND CLOVERSEED TIE SUBSCRIBEIS have received, Cx thJltfl T Cunnigaglali, from RICA, 2 j~ 750i Barrels RIGA FLAXSEED, Of very best quality; and daily expect, per thle Eliiabetih, a further supplt. Also, per thOBeXt, from BoirRDLA5X. 20bgs Choice CLOVERSEED. 101-IN PRAEST1ON &k Co. 12, Caleudar-street. Belfast, December 24th, 1845. (244 G HEIN daily expects to arrive, and f'srs for G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14RMATRE R O YA L, D UBLIN. d Njrht of the Grand Christmas Pantomime, with 1rution l by the celebrated Artistes, the BOLENO EH E VENING (Monday), Dec. 29th , Jill be performed the Tragedy of JANE SHORE. Aord stings Mr. Caleraft; Duke of Glo'ster, Mr. ; Dimont, Mr. H. Cooke; Catesby, Mr. Duff; ta e I rs. Tcrnan.nan whicb, for the third time, an entirely origin5G rarn d Fairy rantom itte, ...