... metropolis, which circumstance indicates approaching frost. Several of these birds have been shot ia Battersea fie.ds and Wandsworth common. Extraordinary Avowal by a Marrikd Woman. —At the Thames Police Court, on Thursday, Mrs. Baker, a genteel looking woman ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1846
Newspaper: Bell's New Weekly Messenger
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1380 | Page: 5 | Tags: none


... which circumstance indicates the approaching frost. Several of these birds have been slO in Battersea Fields and on Wandsworth Common. Partridoks RcosTixo.-Mr Editor : As a letter appeared a few w eKs ugo Hell's Lift mentioning t‘.e fa t of covey ...


... metropolis, which circumstance indicates approaching frost. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea fields aud on Wandsworth common. The Censeur of Lyons relates the following asa terrible @ene which passed a short time ago near Bourgoin, Three sisters ...

Published: Wednesday 07 January 1846
Newspaper: The Pilot
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1095 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... metropolis, which circumstance indicates approaching frost. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea fields and Wandsworth common. . , The Censeur of Lyons relates the following as a terrible which slu.rl time near Butirgoin. Three sislerJ of from ...

Published: Saturday 10 January 1846
Newspaper: Dublin Weekly Register
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1095 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... of snipes have visited the outskirts of the metropolis. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea Fields and Wandsworth Common. Her Majesty fixed Saturday to receive the corporation address, at inilsor. It was an untoward day, as the common councilment ...

Published: Saturday 10 January 1846
Newspaper: Kendal Mercury
County: Westmorland, England
Type: Article | Words: 5921 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Local Intelligence

... which circumstance indicates approach- ing frost. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea Fields and on Wandsworth Common. Aw Horse.—Mr. Jessee Hill, of Chedder, the steward of the Marquis of Bath, has a mare he is She is daily ready to prove ...

Published: Saturday 10 January 1846
Newspaper: Manchester Courier
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7419 | Page: 5 | Tags: none


... of snipes have visited the outskirts of the metropolis. Several of these birds have been shot iu Battersea Fields and Wandsworth Common. At the end of last week there was a most extraordinary scarcity of fish in the metropolis, few ships having arrived ...

Published: Saturday 10 January 1846
Newspaper: Liverpool Mail
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3833 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... metropolis, which circumstance indicates approaching frost. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea Fields and on Wandsworth Common. THE FRENCH ROYAL MARINE. The French admiralty have demanded from the Chambers a vote of 4,655,000/. for the construction ...

Published: Saturday 10 January 1846
Newspaper: Pictorial Times
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4059 | Page: 7 | Tags: none

Ifafffleet, Yorkshire, March 17—beaten W. Jcssop, of Burton, Southam, Samurl, of Leanrnpton; beat W. Heritaee ..

... side, on Aintree Race Course, Oct 20. Waiter, The, from the West-end; beat Robert Inwood of Tooting, yards, side, on Wandsworth Common, May 12. Walker, John ; beat Hugh M‘Stravick, 100 yard , backward?, on the Green, Glasgow, j£s a side. May 26. Waller ...


... Berry of Lambeth ; beat Judd of Wes-minster, yards, €lO a side. Aden Bottom, Fen 2—beat a stranger, 80 yards, side, on Wandsworth Common, Berry gave 2 yards start, Feb 17—beaten by Janus Pattison(the F - ing Tailor), March 24—b at the Walworth Novic?, yards ...

Hasporrperava Election.-Mr. Malacy, a Promaly, N ,T m Lord Grimston, now Earl of pe ? tfa realm. i^oS*, ---Mr. ..

... of snipes have visited the outskirts of the metropolis. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea Fields and Wandsworth Common. , There are living at Chesterfield, in one street, and just opposite to each other, three old ladies, whose united ages ...

Some men are like musical glasses : to produce the fiuesl ton6s you must keep them wet .—Coleridge. A staid

... of snipes have visited the outskirts of the metropolis. Several of these birds have been shot in Battersea Fields and Wandsworth Common. There are living at Chesterfield, in one street, and just opposite each other, three old ladies, whose united ages amounted ...

Published: Saturday 17 January 1846
Newspaper: Berkshire Chronicle
County: Berkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5494 | Page: 4 | Tags: none