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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... . 4ottrp. UTIIHTARIAN SONNET. WuAT are vain verses, flil of war Sitd love, Ble skies, and misty Idlls, said gentle g des, Anld dovwbeasprllkled elowers, ad grassy vales, And swaiis, love.wounded, phiing in a grove? T'ley are not poetry: tho fools, that rove In lilton's limbo, ract their shalalow brains To rave to ovory wind souh pullng strains; Not so those bards whos1e song is heard above. ...


... Vv9tQ--.-- V1101.; F tOi THIP, ClHOWD)-trilOM rill1 DAIMY NOWvS,.} AWAIT~ A ltATT1lli ,15 WN0010', 'I'llpuiI' 1i1 good thuh confl u bul y, A1 flilotil jthile 1ahl1Ill lIIi hlwohlh .111011(4 l tulY lilt til 11111 1111t ulhl H *4 IIll 1 u1111 III 14lia ruy 1(I 411 tioll I 11110 111 u ,ulil~y4 lIIUI* (Illl lllll' lA l l li1 )itl t gruth V{ity 11 vinI oI~r liattlo I)Y Its itld It Ilt (I Illtle f ...


... ~~~~~~~~~~ ; It It l I ) At, A Is tIII IilI IIIlas MRWH I I, ZIFlIII IIRh RfI E I. Nil It 4, II ~i l II ,, , I PI~l I lt IVI It I~ltk t~~~~lig~~~~~~~ll~~~lipa 1111 uf I llil I I J IIIi, A ~ Rt~I O HIPH111 T110 +Wcst^82tffltllls /!lrslle 7 1 -%1#ipt1)l l+',.tw I '18D |stlitgalp iA ,1 1111i/4 l~ii, Clff I' I~~ Ii ~ I Ill~~~~~Pl itljjwl~lli~ ~'t oni o ;t ll iilt,2''tlwj,0 ',1'~ i V~li Jl ~Ifhlllt ...


... LITERARY VAIUETIHS. Mml 'THOOMAI Mol01i'S DLIATII.-411 (1101101 woio Of 1& PIUOo lolthIll ife lIi thereoa vnoIothing Inl It nowv, forotid, (II' ulfeotod. Ito (11(1 not look oit the sovorlog of Ils11010 1 fo Ill de( Uol. olI0l-olIitallloo whiel~l ought to (('IroIUm ally oh floll tiofl (if hIt f111101 and Ito flu 110d In it 1I1oId oIiill K 1101d 0 of' Immnortality, Iho tllought miy naiuld(oUII ...


... 14,1'1118A UY V4A I4P1NitI f . I .. C ix-.ali Iv~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 011 IIIIPI1~4 1 ~1 111 ii; 4j1 ii ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ls I II ,TV, Id~' ti l i ' ' ...


... LITERARY VARIETIES, PRIN01PLES oF ACTiol.-To return good for evil is God-like0 to return good f'or good is mlsn-1iketoI return evil for evil hc boust-like; to return evil tor good is dovil1ilko, Limn.-Thr ilife, wort then thle 11pitifuicot of ail thle eono of eair~th i10 nlsio Idle drearm, but at folomnn rlIty, It is thy owni itI I'l houhot to front eternity with, I crk, then, oven nOH hie ...


... -- q! T.1'1113 IJfIIU#Vh J#11) f I Jle 1311101 AIIII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uhIt I ( 1' { M I le Ii ;fiip I t A Ill~li$I 4fP H l* uhItaliin i~~~ '1!/J1 :8I Y /a~tlii f I I I fail, I IIjDani ' ili PI f1111 li n o 1IH 11111T00 141141411F 11111flml l tillj, I Ui J ,ts H i i I neJ; ilt o IiIroti III j10 fito ho id iiuif Ii A t livti it I I Vi 11 il 41 I 1 iII itit J~~lO 111141 114 ~ I~~t ;~i ,~~iIJ aiw 1 ...

The Drama

... --rDe lDaa. n orIt ulallb 0 l to tIlfitly tsvec.Iatein tle 5lj dny to o0ffr thuo mnea d o' llraisiiinsl o tiprolqyior c proa 80 humbe all ours-to tilh I iaenilus ci 81 akeore1 i t It howover, dlullt towltnusa tIY lpro- auotlitn ol' tho Inunortal llard with~ut Ihlig congtrained to do homnage to that tra(sJcnslasit t onlsca , l he power or wito-as Tlots been et woll reuarked by I `tller oo ...


... LITE RARY VARIETIES. WAlR-JUStiCe Is ae strictly duo between neighbour nations, as between neigIbour citizens, A highwayman Is as muoh a robber when lho plunders in a gat g as whon single Isaid a na- tion that makes aUll Unjut war eonly a 6reat grogu-tlin TuIE ENGLISH IIInLrL.-'Tle greet Seilen thus exp)ressed him. solf upon thb morit and acouraecy of our Bible:-* 'ie Inglish translattion of ...


... Iiti'!llt~tI :i l 1 ll-1 11~1 1h~114d 1 i1 t |1 1 1 I 11 ...