... ITHE EARL AND COUNTS~ OF SEPTON AT- ThE LIVERPOOL SATURDAY EV.ENIKGI 'CONCERTS. sn-1 VOCER~iTh. it- The succes which has attended the Saturday evening fo oriecratinsfor the working classes, since the preslentfo - lyr ?? refused to allow his name to heused is- as one of the patrons, has been greater than could hare 1 ~sr benanticipated by the meast sanguine expcctations of 8ani he those who ...


... LIT ERAT U R E. ,T SHIP OF GLASS, AND ATCHERLEY. By IJARGRAVE JENNINGS, Esq. Newby, Mortimer- street. The first of these tales is a romance, the second a fiction, whose ground-work is the Rye House Plot. It is obvious from the preface that the author's favourite is his romance, and such it ought to be with hose who concur with himself in the impression that the world is growving too ...

Published: Sunday 27 September 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2182 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... are amc'ngst the necessaries of life. They have ad. 13 o rapl l1v and as universally as tea in public estima. I ie that refreshing and long-abused herb, once de- tion a the svmbol for every thing the contrary of man. nce bat at last esfablished as the temperate drink of crack har .coarchmen, and very probably now in vogue even with the st8e1. tr e g1ritto successor to the Jehu of the common ...

Published: Sunday 19 April 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4968 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Her Majesty and Prince Albert visited the exhibition of the Royal Academy on Monday. The royal suite consisted of the Countess of Desart, Lady Caroline Cocks, Bon. Miss Devereux, the Lord Steward, the Master of the Horse, the Groom of the Stole to his Royal Highness, the Vice.Chamberlain, the Master of the Hoousehold, ron. Colonel BerkeleyDrommond, Colonel Arbutbnot, and Lieutenant-Colonel ...

Published: Sunday 02 August 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1252 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... J-F E INTELLIGiENCE. I pePRTURE OF THE COURT FOR CLAREMONT.- TVVaDAY Evs;u.qv -Her Mujesty and the Prince 35.ort, accompamied by their Royal Highuesses the Prince of Ies and the Princess Royal, left the Castle this afternoon, at at two ogclocl, in a close travelling carriage and four, ,srted by a detachment of the Sd Life Guards, for Claremont. 1jrGeneral Wemyss and Colonel Bouverie, equerries ...


... FASHIIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. The Marquis and Marchieness of Dowwnhirs intend to leave East flempstead Park early in the ensuing month for Hillsborough Castle. Viscount Melbourne leaves London the week after next, for Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire, and then goes to Bishop's Close, his seat in Nottinghamshire, to take up his residence at that ancient family seat. There is not the slightest truth that ...


... iASUivONBLB INTELLIGENCE. t vill remain quiet, it is expected, until after The C turt of her ?? event which is drawlng thelaebo, cc r that thet weeks, or even the days, are affected to 0clentlYe' but the middle of next month seems to be the be at prcsent.CnELT0NUAM splendid-hal f hlavoer power to state that a splendid bal Wae it in o ur0 ingscale of magniflcence as the Wa. on t be termed the ...


... THEATRE ROTAL? I After the lively petite comedy, The Lady of Munster, the Viennoise Dancers appeared in a pds de ballet or Dance of Flowers, which they performed with astonishing grace and elegance of movement, like the winding myste- ries of harmony, link within link involved. The beauty of their performances was only equalled by the extraordi- nary expertness with which they accomplished ...


... -a=~TITERd TURE. I NEW QUARTERLY REVIEW. a In this number, ?? more than in ally other ab 0 tchrole of the times we are enabled to descry 5ha-b dows of ?? reforms in the Church and State, likely in subst5nce to produce greater and more permanent, beoause more bloodless, revolutions than any which occurred in the annals of the last fifty years. The 8th article 1 Ire . Ibud, of this able ...


... I TAIT'S MAGAZINE. Tait usually combines the original and selected in agreest. ' ble variety; but, in the present number, the ?? B the almost exclusively predominates. The lively and versatile oa Mrs. Gore, who has just turned out from her intellectual tifis smithy a new work with a catching title, Men of Capi. unt tal, entertains us in Tait with sundry chapters in conti geat nuation of ...


... The committee met for the transaction of business, as usual, on Tuesday evening, at their office, No. 13, Angle- sea-street. Mr. LANGLEY in the chair. The Honorary Secretary reported that he continued to receive from editors of the provincial press letters express- ing the utmost willingness to promote the interests of the society, and agreeing to insert the prospectusin their papers without ...


... I =TELLIGRn | ,:;:-pFalmerstonh have arrived in at Do VllsuV rompleted his 77th Year on .2fr) of X~day. 1769. beea' hii erribed at Lansaowne ,iebeef 51,asdoWne ?? ri! ,gVrA s lwis soD far reoovered from bis @fgt Mlurry teeblied to take occasional carriage D G AL SIB HOW.ARD ELPHIN- ra oF l' veble and much respected baronet Of C.'ili veer a seillnes, at his residence, Eve- s' far3r , Ill thle ...