... I - R FOR AN C, I ! RElCE.1l'T F(1R AN' E.XCEI,1T.I;N-T P'Lt'M-PUDDIN'G, tahe the feot of i kine r. Aint chop vera- fine, i of lnd M-henl 'tis will gVlould, Ile 1Add of cillrrantc at pound Eight olinces (it' biead Thlironeil :i eullender shred, :Its Six ouilaes of suet- s. ?? lidd to it, rid E ighit eggs beaten thin, I would have you put inl lie To this add some salt, be 'Twill be without ...


... ?? ;P-~ l (FOR THE EXETER F'LYING-POST.] - (A SONG.) DEQICATyD (WITHOUT PERMISSION) TO Till LADIES OV DITONt AND NxUTRel . cols fiil un your giasses, I'll give you a towat. Let's drink it with seven times seven; Wit, Women, and Wine ia tbe West rule the teast, Here's a hoalth to the Beautios Of DcvonY You may talk of this fair-haired Circassian mnad, of Sultanas, the pride of the East ; A ...


... LITERARY NOTiCES. I T11e Urlioie 21faqzioasv.-No. ?? 1y Madden 'e and Maslcolm, Loudoun-Thia is the first number of is now soar Magazine. and certainly it augurs wrell for its future success. unasb The greater pert or she writtoigs ore evidently fromt the pell of mien ansateurs, but, neverthelese, they exhibit a boldnoaseoud vigour ever Vith in ile longestablihed snt! Of exp~resinon seldom to ...


... THEEtTRE ROYALL EDINBURGH. EE-E2NGAGEflEYT FOR SEVEN NIGQETS i op MADAME V ESTRIS & MIR CHARLES MIA THEWS. This present Evening, THURSDAY, January 15, will be produced Planehe's celebrated Classical Extravaganza, in Two Parts, entitled THE GOLDEN FLEECE! On. JASON IS CoLCnos A.N'D M1EDEA INA CORINT11. ARGUMEN- T.-As the facts apon which the First Part of this Classical Extravaganza is founded ...


... MEETING OF THIE ANTI-CORN- LA NV LrEAGUlE AT COVENT-GARDEN THIEATRE. 'rie sceouil gr.loat mneeting' for the suasoi iof' tlie Andi ICorn- hi;r Leag~ue wiis hieli hst evening, at Coveint -Gai rdcii 1licftye, aiid alithough manliy persons ihad ex pressed tlieii. !kin iJI i plS ions at, iii tle libsente of Messrs. ('obdcn and thigh:, atld aftor tle. :Istolldiiihtt 0OispI1:ly sio late-,ly made ill ...

The Brival Day

... late usual mail. (Dv THSa I ION. bIRS. NORTON.) Go forth, young Bride! The future licn bofuro thee; Hidden tn clouds, are all the comiing hours None can tell Wehat lot Is broodiqg o'or thee, How much thy path contains of thorns ind ilowers. Thy childhood's home, whoro thou wert late reposing In happy slumbers. Inuocent nud free, This pight excludes thee. when its doors are closing, Only a ...


... MUSICAL INTIE.LLIGENCE. t THlE HIUMDRED AND SIXTHI ANNIV~ERiSARY' OF '1l MADRIIGA L SOCI ElY. The Itiluivieisar I''festivid of'thet Madtrigal Society-I le most ancient oif tilie ?? societies in, tile nietropults--wxas celebr-ated ,lust nipilit fin Freeiniisoiis' Iliall, WI nicli wae opened icr tlt, fi rt litaoe si te it has been redecorated, oiml( is seen noW to great advantagwe siines the ...


... I A - .oetfl. I WAS T TIEM IN VNFANCY. . 31?tcclf's Mis eitaseny for JanvartV.) ,in infanry, I well remembe'r now, iitb edii t'ln nsotfher'sknee-,ith grave andthoughfful brow, a to 5 sce t3le Of betv'so, and spirits far away, 'I p y ittle bands in htea, andbotll kneltdown to pray I tjoyly get taught my lip;o to move in acctntO mild! 140. fltiylshe breathld thoe hope that Eewoeuld bless her ...


... jMettivild. THE SEA-BREEZE. BY J. L CARPBNT]IL (prom Ainsweorth' Magazine.) Shout for the sea-breeze and echo his roar, Weigh the huge anchor-adieu to the shore; See bow he scatters the idst from the mast, We shall be far when the daylight is past I Hark I how he whistles his song to the sea, I Up, boys, we sure can be busy as he; II)ash through the billows, they flash as we fly; Now nothing's ...


... ADEL PI 7 7 lEATRP. Itwould be iulitu , is, well ats unograce ifij, to say that I'l P'hantomi Breah/fiist was not devoured most greedily laj crowded house tit the Adeiphi last night. The pliece Iaurpsirts to be, 1a new farce fiti one act, by Cieixtiots see,(never actedl)' but bears most irrefragaible evidence (fbet ig entitled to bear the inscription which ?? have been plaiced on ninny ofour ...

Selected Poetry

... *icctrcz vortro. I1,l.T NEVl:, Ij:i 1; ilTY DI'S110\-l' 1i',EAUTY. 'lie %lords *bosI., 1t hSI I I j-tot t II eutof)ilg s II lis r, ?? IlIc iiift lil' or ll :11ii'illfted solig, of folilfill' hi.'ll Uriil rr sel'lflS not to h11e ?? ?? Mlr. Da)iiiy s 's As ejcnt Scottish 31elwlies, p. 2A27. Let never Criielty dishoinour Bf-inty- Ih ni such wear hetwcen thy fare andLiAiiln. ylca~uvc wvith ...


... P F4SHIIONARLE RINTBLLIGENCE. Wr1enSoR TUESDA Y.-Thie Queen and Prince Albert, ac. Iompainied by the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, the Princess S, Royal, and the Princess Alice, arrived at the castle at lialf-ast four o'clock this afternoon, from Claremont. The Hon. Ma- n tilda Paget has succeeded the Hon. Miss Devereaux as one of the Maids of Honourin waiting to the Queen, The Marquis of ...