... MUSICAL INTELLI GENCE. SACRED HlARMONIC SOCIETY. ?? lnis e en the uisiom of this society, for several soea50fl, to elevoto rne evenin.-.' to the l'trfortnieince Of ?? rn'i.Last ceight Exeokr-icail wee crowded for, the orerett01l n1inny amateurs comoing' front the euuntry expre'syt - to tendlie hr rmet' ug. Thes chrl' body was accrnricl.It'd o-n 10' the ithai nuoniors orgatn by Mr. TuRtLFc, Of ...


... MUSICAL INTELLIGEINTCE. liant Carter of' this distinpi ihlld vocalist, from thc period lt Px that sliu lade ltir ?? as MiSS I'OSTANS i1P to the tinie 1, t when site electrified the audienres of Coy ent-gardeit Theatre tie vi tdi A DEIAtI DE ?? ILt, is fi tiliatr to the musical public. fill Airs. A. SIIA\ WIts regarltdt ins OitI of our greatust slngers Su The beauty of' her voice, her splendid ...


... I LYCEUM T'HEAT'RE. Mr. DicxENs, aecceording to his custom ?? Christmas, 115s presented the world with a smell homily in red cloth gilt, Price five sbillings, and the managers of the Lyceum Co Theatre, inl order to forestall their neighbours, have caused Of. it to be adapted to the stags,, 1 by express permission of the author, from the proof sheets, whilst yet the work was jec in course of' ...


... jZI S F1O R2 TIlE 3IONIll. I bliihis new number, with an lin- t l~:Ile article ?? the 1 Comtmercial Ile- JI , A elt algo. lhe~r.eaders of the iilfr&'q aelt (IpportoUIttIVs Of IICTOm in g I the vilst field that lies open for pro- omngthe 1 thougind isles'' by Itelion rosin ~~~is studdeiid. Endowed e'hlitte 'Wh~oe exubtrun t ?? al- tilt' Cold ilaO'iiations, of thle diveilers of a''nice: ...


... l MUSICAL iNTELLIGENCE. VlllDI'S I DUE FOSCARI. I'Anlls.- [PriViite CorresponlenCet.-T'h ?? represen- tidon ?? thel 'J'iatr'ti le lit it, on Thursday last, of VE1RDI's opera, in three acts, 1 _Dtie Foseari, the libretto by Siguor F. ?? PIAVt, did not create the sensation that had been predicted by the admirers of the comtposer. For the three artists, Gnisi, MARIO, sln4 COLFITTI, it was n1o ...


... MR. LUCAS'S CLASSICAL EVENINc;S. No epoch in musical art has been attended with more important results than the introduction of classical chamber concerts in this country. Nothing has tended to improve public taste more than the meetings of amateurs of culti- vated and refited taste with practical and intellectual professors. Dreary was the period, in former days, between the close of the ...


... LITERA TUR E. A History of 0.eere. L. Legendarn Greece. 2. Grecian Histo)fly t/, the. 'enivn of Peisistrutus at Athens. By GEOnrisn GROTri, Esq. Vol. 2. [Londou: John Murray, Albemnarle-stree-t. 1slCON(D NOTICE.] Me Mr. Grote, in this volumDe, CommenceS with tlle ;- closing events in the legendary history of Gret cc- Th'liese are the re turn of the IHerakicids to Pelopon- eness: thie origin ...


... A1USICAL INTELLJGEN CE. TlhE BEETHIOVEN QUARTETT SoCtIrTY,-Thle fifth meeting took place yesterday evening in Harley-street, in the presence of a niutmerous lied intelligent auditory, in- cluding the mnost distiniguishied prolessors, native and foreign, sueh ls ONSLOW, the celebrat d French composer, COSTA, MOSCIIELES, NEATE, Sir G. SMART, GUY- n~EIEII, JULLIEN, PUzzI, STEIUNDALE BENNETT, I ...


... TIHE P OLITIC AL B ID)S-- OT 0 T lER I A .ANIMA LS. (NOT OF ABRTSTOVttIANEs.) ?? THE IlEhiSE. Quirl;! quirlk! quirk! qllirk quirk' C obble! gobille! gobl)le! Here 's a pretty piece of work We're in t hobble. To feed on the land Our species wItS born Bet our ruin is plaun'd Throughi Free-Trade in corn. What a ?? shle me Let us hiss Peel and Graliin. Oh !cani' they the slid lug-scale Inatiape to ...


... JLf? ,M1AJESTY'S TIJIEATJE. RETROSPECT OF TIIE SEASON. Last night, the curtain droppsed mid the scene closed for tile sensonl of tbe Italilhn Opera. The twentieth long Tlhursday has terminated the campaign, the reduced sub- scription nighlits from the original enumber of sixty having beet completed on Tuesday evening. It is now our duty to take aretrospective view of the maunagerial system ...


... LITERA TUlRE. The Poeticae 1l orksjol HorAcr SMcITHn. [London: Colburn. 1846. All our duty with regard to these delightful little volumes is to give them a word of welcome. Mr. Smith lhas long been known by every reader of English verse. Those udmirable 1 Rejected Ad- dresses first, which parodied the styles of tine poets of five-and-thirty years ago with such feli- city and good hiumour-and ...


... Itsi- DEATH OP MR. W. H. KPARNS.-This distintguihbed srs. viola performer and orchestral composer expired on Mon- e-t- day, at h.t resideute in Princes-place, hennilton. Ile t re- Was a member, and rth' of the brincipals of the 1'hilbar. tbe mnonic Soeiety, first viola 'it the Ancient Concerts, of bong nay standing in the band it her Matjesty's Theatre, and one of e in those engaged by Mr. ...