... I =TELLIGRn | ,:;:-pFalmerstonh have arrived in at Do VllsuV rompleted his 77th Year on .2fr) of X~day. 1769. beea' hii erribed at Lansaowne ,iebeef 51,asdoWne ?? ri! ,gVrA s lwis soD far reoovered from bis @fgt Mlurry teeblied to take occasional carriage D G AL SIB HOW.ARD ELPHIN- ra oF l' veble and much respected baronet Of C.'ili veer a seillnes, at his residence, Eve- s' far3r , Ill thle ...


... Orqissaol Letters, illsistrative of Euji isle History; iso- leeding nseueroseus Royal Letters. With Notes and Illustrations, by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. &c. Prin- cipal Librarian of the British Museum. Third Series. Bentley. Sir Henry Ellis's Collections of Letters are well known to the antiquary and historian. We need not enlarge upon their value, or on the knowledge, diligence, and fidelity of ...


... a TTIE, LITERkRY EXAMJINEi1- Luria; and a Soul's 'Tragedy. By Robert Browning, Author of Paracelsus. MoXamfl. Luria is a tragedy of one day: its acts being the five different periods of morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. But into the day which consum- mates a life may be crowded a life's experiences and passions; and this is aimed at in Laria. It has Mr. Browning's defects. Too much ...


... HER MAJEstY'S VISITs.-TIte Queen anid Prince Al- bert, attended by their suite, left the Castle for Cashio- bury park, oel Iolniday last, oel a visit to her Majesty the Queen Dowager. Onl Thursday her Majesty closed her visit to Queen Adelaide at Cashioltury park, and de- parted for Hatfield hounc. 1aNttiRtUa IN Mfinjl Lisa-The marriage of Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Herbert, second daughter of ...

Selected Poetry

... sclectal vocirp. THE VOICES AT TIlE THRONE. A little child, A little tneeh-faced, quiet, village child Fat singing, Iy her cottlge door, at eve, A low, sweet, Snblatls song. No btunian ear Caughbt the fitint Inulody-nuo htteatil eye llt,eid th,, upturne, d asrect, or tie smite That wreathed her itnoetnt lips the whlile they bresthed The oft-repeated burden of the hyfmn, 'Pitaise God ! praise ...


... nittrature. SELECTED POETRY. THE GOLDSMITH'S DAUGHTER. FaOX THE GERMAN OF UHLAWD, A goldsmith stood within his stall With pearls and gems around, Mr gems are precious one asid all, Yet art thou, my Helena, The best I ever found. A gallant knight came blithely in, Good morrow, maiden fair, And you, my goldsmith there within, mako me a costly crownlet To deck my sweet bride's hair. The crown ...

Selected Poetry

... ,stiectro vortrij. FAlIVilELL TO DECEMBE R. Hail to thee! bail to thee ! summer day sun I Brilliant and long is the course that VO a run Lightning thc rose on the straw-covered hut, Storing the hedges with berry and nut. Flash on in the strength of your glorious pride, Scorching the green-sod and gilding the tide. But my welcome is ncithlr so long nor so loud As it is vhen you pcep from a dark ...

GERMANY.—Vienna, Dec. 1. —Lord Ponsonby, the new English Ambassador at Court of Austria, since the notification ..

... incorporation of Cracow, has lived retired, and appears nowhere, lie is said to have received, on the 29th, a note from Lord l'almi nton this subject, which he immediately communicated to Prince Mettemich. The recent accounts from Leinberg, say those person* of the array who have been condemned to hard labour in fortresses were removed to Kufstein. All of them, thirteen in number, belong to ...


... CANADITAN SKETCHES. (From S~ir Francis fhead's 1En-riqrani.) IMajE T HE1! S A S oys. N'orf Tin the sumnrner. the excessive heat-the violent paroxsrens of fl Xed thunidir-the parching droughlt-the occasional deluges of rain- L aj e The sight of bright red, bright blue, and ether gaudy plumaged agair birds-nt theO brilliranrt humiming-bird, and of inunmerabledire-flres some tiliac -at ?? ...


... LITERAT UR'.E. The Silkhs and 4glhians. By SHi A1MAT At.r. X I I Iu r ay Shahamat Ali is one of the imost proini-iiig off- shoots of that rysteul of E nrop.'an Cli ueatimti .a- blished in India by tile genirotrS phllila tilropa of t Lord Anmierst's governt nt, tile benctits of se ibtelt to the natives of that country have subse(lulently been extended and lollowt'l up by tihe ('eliltlitellf Ila ...


... PRE'NGH PLAYS. 5 The season of French plays at the St. Jamtes's Theafre V will be commenced on Wednesday, November 11. Mr. if MITCHEsLL has resolved to open ibis campaign at this early eperiod, following the example of lact year, although such .an undertaking, before the large body of his fashionable i' supporters have returned to tow n, requires no ordinary con- rats on the part of a manager. ...


... HAY MJARKET 'I'THEAT'RL'. Our stage is fallen on stllugo timaes indeed, when the opera. of Guy M1oimorring is revived for the purpose of ex- hibiting' the tulents ofae young lady ns lleg dIerir'ilies, for upon no other grounds, surely, could the light comedy com- plny of the ?? Theatre bave launched on such a venture. The pursuit of opera under difiviulties may be imagined when we' look at a ...