... The food riots which have occurred in several dis. tricts of Ireland, are a melancholy indication of the extent and severity of the calamity which afflicts that unhappy country. It is creditable to the Go- vernment, that, according to the means placed _at their disposal by Parliament, they are ?? themselves vigorously for its alleviation. The land- lords, too, appear to be loused into aOtivity ...


... Rtbfto. TAIT'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE - MARCn. Edinburgh: W. Tait, Princes-street; London: Simpkiin, Marshall and Co. BuRTo.'i's Life and Correspondence of David IHume is the subject of the opening article in this month's number of Tait's MIagazine. Judging by the extracts given in this article, the philosopher does not appear to great advantage in this work. We gather from this review that Mr. ...

Literary Notices

... I I t14- I ?, 1,? ?? T J1.0ticro. 'viie C IIAITcF AND)'rt renaot :vim err. IiII' t that oldil 1,1tlier 'rhady turning do~wn the road ? 'ter wa a time when, he said ?? woldd h~iv t breit atirali to have finet tni-bnt as thet old tallow was ?? rwt worth powder and shot, thle ?? ?? llever renewod, and it is out of (iiitCe ths otur yre.rs Who knows but I'll ktiork. a ?? 011 ci i Iiii, ...


... P 0 EL 1 iC \ . LOVED TOO L O:.G. Sj~tpOlUmlI quorumII tit')idait r-tis Claudt-rlustiumn. They say there is z-guivh in lovilng ia Nalo- (.II ! tis a deeper alld ?? 'C p it 'Io be ardenttly loved by thil uonid auil true-hcarted, ft Ilea tbe power ol kvtulo inlg thilt Iive has (departedt 1:lle our fvelkigs wince f.di d revive nc:t at Avill e ipbraid out' owni eulidiicss. Net culd tire uvs still ...


... ?botrpI ?? BEAUTIES OF BYRON. me. xXXIx. tKAWRD. l.ow cometo BYRo1's dramatic poems, the first 0 stlbeing that tatcnfe wild, wondrous, beau- ,estionganfrtd. This. poem, has won the h iprsise ofsuch princes of criticism as JZPPRET, IIytr WILsoN, and GOaCTn. S Psse'hax and jtor- rot matched, are at least nearly ap- fibeda in many parts of this composition. GONTrS 10N Manfred was to me a ...


... Iloarp+ o lE Thy ANNEXATION OF CRACOW TO AUSTRIA. eave much pleasure in giving insertien to the ollng spirited lines and also to the author's pre. fol.inar5 remarks, with every word of which we licttiljy concurkd. N. S.1 iwth IeanrilY pinion, the annexation of Cracow is, with- nt txeption, he most barefaced combination of l ence and tyranny, recorded in modern history. ins. is a question of ...


... HOLIDA Y' A MUtWSE TS. DRURY-LA.~TL TH!EATIIE. (ii ristrn'ili 1A come again, and the genijui of pantomnsie J ogain at work. At Oid Drury Hecr Majesry,, Flervaotfi Carrie out oil Sliturday night w~ih IHoi~helliii ?? S;- George ctod th~e Dragon, a subject~ which hue, .lready bee-, fnre~quently dramatiIed, but Which Vet seemed to afford ionpIL nmiterials for II showY ?? : 4d indeed nothinqg ...


... |I _ _ A few days ago there vdis formed at Glasgow The Glasgow Commercial Travellers' Total Astlinence Society. There is au arintocracy olf rags, as there in ad atthtocracy of stars and ?? Jerrold. Let your recreations be manly,, moderate, seasonable, and lawful: tih use of recreation is to strengthen your labour, and sweeten your rest.-Sfeele. . Goethe on Shahspears._HIs chlgractera!are ...


... I A SIGH. o let me quit the close Town, The noisome ah; the crushing throngs o lot me seek the free Down, To wander wild its dells among I Thi flowers pale, Do Spring hail; The throstle wakes the budding grove; The soft shower, The green bower, Arc wooing all who Nature love. Then let me leave the busy crowd, With Nature's self awhile to dwell, And change Man's challenge, harsh and loud, For ...


... BE QUIESCAT. I BY F5RDINAND FREuLlICRA7H, an CTranslalted by Mary Ho fut Whoe'er the pondfoie hammer by lhoe'eL compels the earth to Ps Or reaps the goksen harvest-flelilp A vvife and little ones to nourish, Whoever guides the laden bark,- br Or, where the mazy whleels are tu ip Toils at the loom, till after dark, T Food for his white-haired children earin g, th To him be honuur and renowin bu ...


... MADRIGAL SOCIETY, TUFESDAY, FEB. 10, 1846. F RIOGRAIIMME. 8( - i'ART I p 1.-Motet ?? . 0 be jofuT' . ?? . Pailestriia. 1' - 2.-Madrigal ?? Adieu, sweet Ainarillis . .. Wibye. al 3.-Madrigal .. Hearken to thy faithful swain . 3orales a, 4.-Four part song .. ?? Where the bee sucks ?? Dr .?noe. b 5.-*IvMotet .. Forth from the dark ?? . .i (i-Madrigal . . . Come again, sweet love ?? L1. Este. ...


... MR. DAWSON ON THE STUDY OF GERMAN . ' .LITERATURE. 55 On Monday evening, at tbeMechlamicsInstitaation, GEORGE exI DAwsox, Esq. Of Birmingham, delivered the first of two lec. PO tures, on The Study of German Literature by Englishmealn. tra ?? at the Psreviouas course of lectures delivered at this institui- 'wo letion byltfr. DAWSONc, there was a very large and respectable thi as attendance, ...