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Market Intelligence

... ;Mfarket InteUiltW . LONDON COiN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, MABOU 2.- The result of the debate in the House of Commons having been pretty generally anticipated, had no marked effect upon our trade, this MOrno;sm weeks must yet elapse before the measure can become law, and until then active business is scarcely to be looked for. Supplies of every description of grain were short last week, and there was ...

Market Intelligence

... Barkat lattcliagelre. CORN EXCHIANGE, JULY 20. The supply of wheat from Essex, Rent, and Suffolk this morning itas much larger titan we have received for some monthw pest, asid before anyprgesoudh mode with, the sale, a reduction of leprq.wesb mitted to, at which decline the whoewsptt vl cleared. In Foreign ,businees was exceilyimtd holders not being inclined to take more hni o2 e qr. lees ...


... RECEIPTS OF TLE OHARTIST CO-OFER&TIVB LAND SOCIRTY. PER MR. O'CONNOR. SECTION No. 1. SHARES. Northampton, per W. Munday Geurgie Mills, per B. Meecham . Bacup, per J. Mawson.. Tavistock, per R. Hole.. Cheltenhamn, per T. Milett Nornich, per J. Hurry.. Nottingham, per J. Sweet Sutton.ia.Ash'fiold,per C. Meakin Limehoute, per E. Ford City of London, per E. Nobbs.. Northampton, per W. Munday.. ...

Trades' Movements

... (rabZ' j.roepant0, .ET BOTLE : , MER, ANMiVE RSARy. i The twelfth aiversry of ?? Patriet of Lodge of, the United Friendly;Boiler Makers ol IManchester'as held on Monlday, August 1th 18& of at the, house of 6r., Dixon, the, Golden Eagte In' he B rinmithm Street, Manchester, when upwards of !n. 130 of'the 9hardyons of toil at down to a surptuous re dinner 'provided for theoeoasion. The viands ...

Bankrupts, &c

... Zaniuupto, &r. BANKRUPTS. (Fyres Tuesday's qaee, t r 17, 1848.) Thomas Blackman, Biddenden, Kent, heuse-agent_ George Langford, Southampton, ?? Day ?? Hempeted, Hertfordshire, money scrivene-,' Thomas Streeter, High-street, Camdnr-Town, draper_ Thoawas Cooper, New Boud.street, umbrella manuf ?? Poile, Bye, SuI ex, ?? Edward Burman, High-street, Whitechapel, hat-dealer Richard Goodridge, Bxeter ...

Trades' Movements

... trabte? lMoUeintnto. to UNITEn TiAmmS ASSOCIATION, SCOTLAND.-Mr. at Jacob's, the Missionary of this Association, has been id very Successfully engaged in explaining the objects of the Association to the Trades of Edinburgh. .- He has addressed meetings of the Joiners, Masons, Cabinet-makers, and a meeting of Trades' Det gates. The principles and plan of the Association are very favorably ...

Trades' Movements

... vr~raber' jI obeincntt. of~ ed NATIONAL UNITED TRADES ASSOCIATION ay GLAsaow, Tuesday Evening. September 29th.-A ror meeting of officers of Trades, duly convened, was held at the Don Quixote Taveru, Troigate, to hear Mr. Jacobs propound the principles and objects of owthe National Association, when arrangements were st made for the missionary to address the several trades )ur separately, that ...


... RECEIlTS OF THE CHARTIST CO-OPERATIVE LAND COMPANY. PER MR. O'COtNOR. SECTION No. 1. SHArES. Leicester, per H. Barrow Wakefield, per W. Farrand Dalston, per T. Snwerhy Shrewsbury, per J. Powell Todmorden, per J. Mitchbil. Halifax, per lV. Smith Newark, per William Walton Norvicb, per J. Ilurry Lirniingliarn, per W. Thorn Trowbridge, per J. Eames Nottinghiarm, per J. F v-et Cheltenham, per J. ...


... uyrF'llE.D T DADFS ASSOCINTION. A n~nic o'ispll c ll atiA ng of to 'I ra 5es of Ed in- b . leiti 1 w ,s ?? in Adam-srimirc Ial on ?? he 1(1tii pirio oi la. ilg : ' -d s' { l .h. S. Jbe(ll., fin ierlaV fro the U T-ln;;i A A -eiaiiO 01' drU Protcetifn of L i' I ioo , ' th i, ObheitA t tile StajiIt be pfi t ;IWeih it nay *ixumo he i 1) Yset W: :Sii' iis!L 'lrie i4 j!, ?? mny *; to tli !sj ( . ...

Market Intelligence

... ;Marktt lottIlignitt. CORN BXCHANGE, SErTEacsEc 7. The supplics of grain during last week were small both ?? andforeign growth, and of flour also the quan. tity reported wnse inoisiderable. There was a good grain traide transacted it the course of the week, anid the de- presslon noticed on Monday last in the principal article was fn'ly amended in the busissess transacted on Friday, and not ...


... AINOIPT3 0 THI OtkRTliT CO.OBERATIYE LAND COMpANy. All district Secretaries and Treasurers to the Chartist Co-operative Laud Company, are hereby strictly enjoined to attend to the following regula. *ions in all transactions with the Directors. No circumstances will be admitted as a reason for de- pawiting from these rules in any case where they apply. First.-. scrutineer shall be appointed by ...

Market Intelligence

... *[arktet Intltigenue. CORN EXCHANGE, JuNB 22. The supply was again a short one this morning of all grain. Fresh up to market there was rather more spring corn than last week, but still only a very limited arrival. The trade opened firm for wheat, factors demanding higher rates than those paid last week; and business close4 with better prices to the extent of from ls. to 2s. per quarter from ...