... would resider them liable to transportathon. They Were then Ti ordered to be imprisoned for tise apace of one month. i Thomas Hardy, aged 211, cistrged with having oil tue 4th b July, at Ileanor, broken atid entered a building within thle curtilage of ...

Law Intelligence

... Ground is now in prison at the suit of the opposing creditor, and having, with Hardy, filed a petition in this Court, his hearing is appoin ted for Thursday next, to whic' day Hardy's case was ultilmately adjourned. MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. These sessions commenced ...


... Carrell ; also threo brushes and It ti is knife, trout the samie- x :nionithe' hard tlsbout. n to Thomas Lane. for stealing an tidze, thc property of b harry Hardy-S ...


... deputation consisted of Messrs. Hurlstone, Pyne, Hassell, Stevens, Clinit, Anthony, and Holmes, and were aecompanied by Mr. Thomas Wyse, M.P.; Colonel Rawdon, M.P.; Mr. Monckton, Milnes, M.P.; the Ron. Captain Keppel, R.N.; Mr. J. S. Gaskoin, Mr. John Britton ...


... cap from a little girl, but for the present he was remanded, in order to give the officer an opportunity to make further ?? Hardy and Ralph Blackett, two lads, were charged with annoying passengers going to and coming from the North Shields railway station ...


... but ultimately the c prisoner they had in~custody consented to go quietly, andl they succeeded in .getting him to Bridewell. Thomas Gore, a young man who saw the whole of the affair, said the conduct of the officer was perfectly justifiable, and whoever ...

Law Intelligence

... tle late Sir T'homas Champneys agaitnst the defendants t'ail ansd Flight, fbr the specific perfloranince of a contract a, Itich in 1838 the assignees entered into for the sale to WAall tLa Flight's agent of the life interest of Sir Thomas, its right cif ...


... Wednesday.-Before Thomas Fenwick, John Cookson, and W. Featherstonhaugh, Esqrs.-John Blackburn, a railway labourer, was brought up in custody of Sergeant Thompson, charged with steal- ing on Saturday last a turkey, the property of Thomas 'Fenwick, Esq., ...


... a police constable ill the ti'hago of his Iduty, and in tie- sault of Piyno ent IWta i lag quan to prison fr one month. -Thomas herowner sbasinarged with f tealing a cart ltal of potatoem, ant afterwards selling tiei the proporty oe ?? .Binks Of loughtonie ...


... Bennison, was convicted of baying smuggled two pints of Brandy. Fined 20s., in default 14 days imprisonmcnt..-.A seamaln nansed T/homas Russell was fined 15s. for having in ?? possession Illbs. of smuggled tobacco; in default tobe imprisoned for 14 days. AN ...


... occasioned by the death of Major Griffith, pur- suant to requisition to the Clerk of the Peace, signed by the Rev. T. Anderson, Thomas Hallifax, Esq., Henry Wilson, Esq., Capt. IV. Parker, Edward Bridgman, Ese., and R. N. Cartwright, Esq. Ten o'clock was a ...

Law Intelligence

... (2), part heard; Andrews v. Walton, by order; Gurney v.! Sippings; Blenkenthorp v. Blenkenthorp; Heining v. Ding-wald; Hardy v. Hardy; Rigby v. Great Western Railway. VoCx-CIIAscELIoas'CouRals,Westminster, atten.-BEforegirL. Shad- well:-Petitions, &e. ...